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Andras Steger edited this page May 5, 2021 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Lawn-mower-robot wiki!

If somebody starting to be involved more seriously in robotic applications, quickly can end up with this scenario, which happened with me:

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A bunch of wires and after one day hardly remember, where the wire starting and ending. So I decided to make a multi-functional robot rover shield, with a lot of I/Os and software in C# for the base station.

I'm searching collaborators for 100% open source project.

Goal: create a general, affordable, computational platform, which can be used for small & medium size robots.

Application fields for example:

  • lawn mower
  • robot rover scouting on agricultural field
  • mission accomplishment with payload.
  • with additional equipment: soil sampling The mechanical size is not restricted, because the motor controllers are not part of the shield.

Development environment:

C++ (Arduino IDE for MEGA), C# (VS 2013 Ultimate Mission planner), Python (Jetson Nano object detection). If You are interested, kindly contact me:

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Full, initial working source codes are available here: