Crypto building blocks.
$ npm i @stellar-fox/cryptops
- foreword
- documentation
- play in your browser
- use the package
- use the source
- namespace
- tests
- support
- license
Cryptography is hard. Cryptography is important. Cryptography should be more accessible.
This library aims to tackle the last of the above sencences - it provides coherent API to use in browser as well as in server environment.
All the "heavy lifting" was done by the authors of the following, magnificent projects:
cryptops just wraps and combines some of their parts without adding anything that might lessen the security level.
Go ahead, inspect the source and see for yourself.
encrypting text using a passphrase:
decrypting text using a passphrase:
$ mkdir playground
$ cd playground/
$ npm init
$ npm i @stellar-fox/cryptops
Three builds are provided:
$ node
cryptops = require("@stellar-fox/cryptops")
For utf8-string
<-> bytes
<-> hex-string
<-> b64-string
encoding and decoding @xcmats/js-toolbox can
be used.
import { passphraseEncrypt } from "@stellar-fox/cryptops"
import { newAddress } from "@stellar-fox/redshift"
import { codec } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox"
myPassphrase = "H0cus P0cus Open Sesam3 4brakadabra",
myPreciousSecret = newAddress().keypair.secret()
passphraseEncrypt(myPassphrase, codec.stringToBytes(myPreciousSecret))
.then((ciphertext) => {
console.log("Now I can sleep peacefully: ", ciphertext)
$ git clone
Cloning into 'cryptops'...
$ cd cryptops
$ npm i
$ npm start
Compiling for 'production' ...
Hash: b6a8d4e126caf6f893b8
Version: webpack 4.40.2
Time: 2988ms
Built at: 09/15/2019 5:14:14 PM
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
cryptops.js 24.9 KiB 0 [emitted] cryptops
Entrypoint cryptops = cryptops.js
[0] external "@xcmats/js-toolbox" 42 bytes {0} [built]
[1] external "sjcl" 42 bytes {0} [built]
[2] external "tweetnacl" 42 bytes {0} [built]
[3] external "@babel/runtime/regenerator" 42 bytes {0} [built]
[4] external "@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator" ...
[5] external "crypto-browserify" 42 bytes {0} [built]
[6] ./package.json 4.26 KiB {0} [built]
[7] external "scrypt-js" 42 bytes {0} [built]
[8] ./src/index.js 11.5 KiB {0} [built]
{ random: [Function], sha256: [Function], salt32: [Function: salt32], genKey: [Function: genKey], sha512: { [Function] hashLength: 64 }, salt64: [Function: salt64], deriveKey: [Function: deriveKey], timestamp: [Function: timestamp], genUUID: [Function: genUUID], decodeUUID: [Function: decodeUUID], salsaNonce: [Function: salsaNonce], salsaEncrypt: [Function: salsaEncrypt], salsaDecrypt: [Function: salsaDecrypt], aesNonce: [Function: aesNonce], aesEncrypt: [Function: aesEncrypt], aesDecrypt: [Function: aesDecrypt], encrypt: { [Function: encrypt] }, decrypt: { [Function: decrypt] }, passphraseEncrypt: [Function: passphraseEncrypt], passphraseDecrypt: [Function: passphraseDecrypt], version: '1.0.6' }
$ npm run test
uuid test
✓ should generate uuid
✓ should decode uuid
passphrase encrypt/decrypt test
✓ should generate content (5386ms)
✓ should encrypt (2407ms)
✓ should have different ciphertexts
✓ should decrypt (7258ms)
✓ should match content (67ms)
✓ should not decrypt with a wrong passphrase (2922ms)
8 passing (18s)
You can support this project via stellar network:
- Payment address: xcmats*
- Stellar account ID:
cryptops are released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE for more details.