The respository contains three distinct items.
- Face
- Type
- Functions
By default if you do not pass in a key file then the local public key will be used
$ puppet rsaenc encrypt --input=/root/test --output=/etc/puppet/modules/secret/templates/
You can specify a key file as follows
$ puppet rsaenc encrypt --input=/root/test --output=/etc/puppet/modules/secret/templates/ --key=/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys/host.pem
By default if you do not pass in a key file then the local private key will be used
$ puppet rsaenc decrypt --input=/etc/puppet/modules/secret/templates/ --output=/root/file
You can specify a key file as follows
$ puppet rsaenc decrypt --input=/etc/puppet/modules/secret/templates/ --output=/root/file --key=/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/host.pem
Once you have created an ecrypted file for a host you can use the provider on that host to decrypt it.
enc_file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
contents => template('secret/'),
file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0400,
Please note this will only work on the host that you have encrypted the file for using the hosts public key.
If you want to encrypt a file for multiple hosts and dont care able to be decrypted on the puppet master and it being in the catalog.
First encrypt the file on the puppet master.
$ puppet rsaenc encrypt --input=/root/test --output=/etc/puppet/modules/secret/templates/
file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
content => decrypt_rsa(template('secret/')),
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0400,
You can also add a filter if you wish to be paranoid and limit it to cerntain hosts
$ puppet rsaenc encrypt --input=/root/test --output=/etc/puppet/modules/secret/templates/,
file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
content => decrypt_rsa(template('secret/'),$fqdn),
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0400,
If the second argument to the decrypt function isn't in the filter the catalog will fail to compile. You could also encypt the data in the catalog by doing.
enc_file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
content => encrypt_rsa(decrypt_rsa(template('secret/'),$fqdn),nil,"${settings::publickeydir}/${clientcert}.pem")
file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0400,
You can also encrypt simple strings
enc_file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
content => encrypt_rsa("simplestring",nil,"${settings::publickeydir}/${clientcert}.pem")
file { 'supersecretfile':
path => '/etc/secrets',
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0400,
This is very beta so be careful as the encrypted file formate may change. If you have any changes fork and pull request.