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With the release of Neovim 0.6 we were given the start of extensible core UI hooks ( and vim.ui.input). They exist to allow plugin authors to override them with improvements upon the default behavior, so that's exactly what we're going to do.

It is a goal to match and not extend the core Neovim API. All options that core respects will be respected, and we will not accept any custom parameters or options in the functions. Customization will be done entirely using a separate configuration method.


Neovim 0.8.0+ (for earlier versions, use the nvim-0.7 or nvim-0.5 branch)


vim.input replacement (handling a LSP rename)

Screenshot from 2021-12-09 17-36-16 (telescope)

Screenshot from 2021-12-02 19-46-01 (fzf)

Screenshot from 2021-12-02 19-46-54 (nui)

Screenshot from 2021-12-02 19-47-56 (built-in)

Screenshot from 2021-12-04 17-14-32


dressing.nvim supports all the usual plugin managers

  opts = {},
    use {'stevearc/dressing.nvim'}
require "paq" {
Plug 'stevearc/dressing.nvim'
call dein#add('stevearc/dressing.nvim')
git clone --depth=1 ~/.vim/bundle/
Neovim native package
git clone --depth=1 \


If you're fine with the defaults, you're good to go after installation. If you want to tweak, call this function:

  input = {
    -- Set to false to disable the vim.ui.input implementation
    enabled = true,

    -- Default prompt string
    default_prompt = "Input",

    -- Trim trailing `:` from prompt
    trim_prompt = true,

    -- Can be 'left', 'right', or 'center'
    title_pos = "left",

    -- When true, input will start in insert mode.
    start_in_insert = true,

    -- These are passed to nvim_open_win
    border = "rounded",
    -- 'editor' and 'win' will default to being centered
    relative = "cursor",

    -- These can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
    prefer_width = 40,
    width = nil,
    -- min_width and max_width can be a list of mixed types.
    -- min_width = {20, 0.2} means "the greater of 20 columns or 20% of total"
    max_width = { 140, 0.9 },
    min_width = { 20, 0.2 },

    buf_options = {},
    win_options = {
      -- Disable line wrapping
      wrap = false,
      -- Indicator for when text exceeds window
      list = true,
      listchars = "precedes:…,extends:…",
      -- Increase this for more context when text scrolls off the window
      sidescrolloff = 0,

    -- Set to `false` to disable
    mappings = {
      n = {
        ["<Esc>"] = "Close",
        ["<CR>"] = "Confirm",
      i = {
        ["<C-c>"] = "Close",
        ["<CR>"] = "Confirm",
        ["<Up>"] = "HistoryPrev",
        ["<Down>"] = "HistoryNext",

    override = function(conf)
      -- This is the config that will be passed to nvim_open_win.
      -- Change values here to customize the layout
      return conf

    -- see :help dressing_get_config
    get_config = nil,
  select = {
    -- Set to false to disable the implementation
    enabled = true,

    -- Priority list of preferred implementations
    backend = { "telescope", "fzf_lua", "fzf", "builtin", "nui" },

    -- Trim trailing `:` from prompt
    trim_prompt = true,

    -- Options for telescope selector
    -- These are passed into the telescope picker directly. Can be used like:
    -- telescope = require('telescope.themes').get_ivy({...})
    telescope = nil,

    -- Options for fzf selector
    fzf = {
      window = {
        width = 0.5,
        height = 0.4,

    -- Options for fzf-lua
    fzf_lua = {
      -- winopts = {
      --   height = 0.5,
      --   width = 0.5,
      -- },

    -- Options for nui Menu
    nui = {
      position = "50%",
      size = nil,
      relative = "editor",
      border = {
        style = "rounded",
      buf_options = {
        swapfile = false,
        filetype = "DressingSelect",
      win_options = {
        winblend = 0,
      max_width = 80,
      max_height = 40,
      min_width = 40,
      min_height = 10,

    -- Options for built-in selector
    builtin = {
      -- Display numbers for options and set up keymaps
      show_numbers = true,
      -- These are passed to nvim_open_win
      border = "rounded",
      -- 'editor' and 'win' will default to being centered
      relative = "editor",

      buf_options = {},
      win_options = {
        cursorline = true,
        cursorlineopt = "both",

      -- These can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
      -- the min_ and max_ options can be a list of mixed types.
      -- max_width = {140, 0.8} means "the lesser of 140 columns or 80% of total"
      width = nil,
      max_width = { 140, 0.8 },
      min_width = { 40, 0.2 },
      height = nil,
      max_height = 0.9,
      min_height = { 10, 0.2 },

      -- Set to `false` to disable
      mappings = {
        ["<Esc>"] = "Close",
        ["<C-c>"] = "Close",
        ["<CR>"] = "Confirm",

      override = function(conf)
        -- This is the config that will be passed to nvim_open_win.
        -- Change values here to customize the layout
        return conf

    -- Used to override format_item. See :help dressing-format
    format_item_override = {},

    -- see :help dressing_get_config
    get_config = nil,


A common way to adjust the highlighting of just the dressing windows is by providing a winhighlight option in the config. See :help winhighlight for more details. Example:

  input = {
    win_options = {
      winhighlight = 'NormalFloat:DiagnosticError'

Advanced configuration

For each of the input and select configs, there is an option get_config. This can be a function that accepts the opts parameter that is passed in to or vim.input. It must return either nil (to no-op) or config values to use in place of the global config values for that module.

For example, if you want to use a specific configuration for code actions:

  select = {
    get_config = function(opts)
      if opts.kind == 'codeaction' then
        return {
          backend = 'nui',
          nui = {
            relative = 'cursor',
            max_width = 40,

Notes for plugin authors

TL;DR: you can customize the telescope implementation by passing telescope into opts.

The vim.ui hooks are a great boon for us because we can now assume that users will have a reasonable UI available for simple input operations. We no longer have to build separate implementations for each of fzf, telescope, ctrlp, etc. The tradeoff is that is less customizable than any of these options, so if you wanted to have a preview window (like telescope supports), it is no longer an option.

My solution to this is extending the opts that are passed to You can add a telescope field that will be passed directly into the picker, allowing you to customize any part of the UI. If a user has both dressing and telescope installed, they will get your custom picker UI. If either of those are not true, the selection UI will gracefully degrade to whatever the user has configured for

An example of usage:{'apple', 'banana', 'mango'}, {
  prompt = "Title",
  telescope = require("telescope.themes").get_cursor(),
}, function(selected) end)

For now this is available only for the telescope backend, but feel free to request additions.

Alternative and related projects

  • telescope-ui-select - provides a implementation for telescope
  • fzf-lua - provides a implementation for fzf
  • nvim-fzy - fzf alternative that also provides a implementation (#13)
  • guihua.lua - multipurpose GUI library that provides and vim.ui.input implementations
  • nvim-notify - doing pretty much the same thing but for vim.notify
  • nui.nvim - provides common UI components for plugin authors. The wiki has examples of how to build your own vim.ui interfaces.