Source code for Steve Hopkinson's personal website.
- Create a personal website containing information about myself, a development portfolio, a CV, and contact details.
- Make use of industry-standard technologies throughout the software stack, so that the website itself can serve as a portfolio piece.
- For the planning stages of the project, follow best practices of project management by gathering requirements, creating user stories, and creating prototypes using Balsamiq (for low-fidelity wireframes) and Photoshop (for high-fidelity wireframes).
- For hosting, set up an app on Heroku and configure DNS settings on GoDaddy.
- For the back end, create a Node.js server using Express, with modularised routes and handlers and server-side rendering through React.
- For the front end, create an accessible and responsive mobile-first design, using SASS and React to modularise components, and following BEM naming conventions for stylesheets.
- For testing and coverage, use Tape and Istanbul. Take a unit-tested approach towards development and aim for 100% code coverage.
- For continuous deployment, use Travis, with automated deployment to a Heroku server if a build is successful.
- For version control and source code management, use Git to manage local repositories and GitHub to manage remote repositories.
- To ensure that code syntax is consistent, use ESLint in the semistandard configuration.