A site for your seiyuu needs!
SeiyuuBase is a site focused on Japanese voice actors and actresses (声優 seiyuu)
It starts as a random talk with my fellow weeaboo friends about best voice actresses and where they're topped and I think "why not write an app for that?". And the discussion ends with I saying "Gonna create an seiyuu app soon". Added by my urge to find other anime where both Kana Hanazawa and Inori Minase starred after A Place Further Than the Universe ended, thus SeiyuuBase born after 3 hours of fiddling with AniList's GraphQL API
- Get anime and character list that features your favorite voice actor
- Get your favorite voice actor's discography data
- Compare 2 voice actors and find what anime they share
- Nothing at the moment
Inputs and helps are welcome!
- Latest LTS version of NodeJS
- Latest NPM
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
- VueJS for the great frontend framework
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- graphql-request for GraphQL requests
- nodebrainz for querying MusicBrainz API
- AniList for their great anime database & API