GBSmode is a pipeline for genotype calling using GBS data.
GBSmode starts with a folder with deplexed reads, called DEPLEX. Being as GBS barcode size varies, it trims the reads to a uniform length and the frequency of each unique sequence is counted. A series of ‘grep’ command filter the fastq file to retrieve the sequence data. The sequence data is then trimmed to a uniform length using the ‘cut’ command, in this case to a length of 75 bp. The output is then sent to the inputDirectory.
mkdir inputDirectory
for x in $(ls DEPLEX/); do grep -A1 "^@" DEPLEX/$x | grep -v "-" | grep -v "@" | cut -c-75 | sort | uniq -c > inputDirectory/$x;done
The sample read counts are summarised per population, generating a matrix of unique sequences (rows) with genotype counts (columns), using perl.
perl inputDirectory/ >
the sequence data is then converted back to fastq format.
perl > sequences.fastq
A genome reference is then prepared for read mapping
bowtie2-build genome.fasta genome.ref
then the reads are mapped to the genome
bowtie2 –x genome.ref –U sequences.fastq –S file.sam
the resulting ‘sam’ file is then filtered
grep “Chr” file.sam | grep –v “^@” | cut –f 1-6 | grep ‘Hap’ > filter.sam
the count data is then filtered for reads that align to the genome, its’ arguments are the filtered ‘sam’ file and the count data.
perl filter.sam >
Genotyping is made using the “GBSmode.R’ program which can be run interactively in R or via a terminal. The arguments are the filtered data (, filtered sam file (, a prefix for the output files (output.prefix), a common file identifier (fastq), the genome reference used (genome.fasta). For example:
R –vanilla –slave “—args filter.sam output fastq genome.fasta” < GBSmode.R
The data can then be converted into fastq data using the following command. It takes the two output files from GBSmode.R (output_genotype.txt output_genotype_coverage.txt), an output file name (GBSmode.vcf) and the number of cores to use (1 in this example).
R --vanilla --slave "--args output_genotype.txt output_genotype_coverage.txt GBSmode.vcf 1" < ModeToVCF.R
This example is designed for a quick check and uses only the dependencies needed for GBSmode
- Download the data
gunzip GCF_000242695.1_LepOcu1_genomic.fna.gz
- Prepare the genome for bowtie2-build
mkdir GENOME
- Extract the first two linkage groups, less time later
head -n 1600000 GCF_000242695.1_LepOcu1_genomic.fna | sed "s/>.*group />/g" > GENOME/genome.fasta
bowtie2-build GENOME/genome.fasta GENOME/genome
- Download the raw data
mkdir DEPLEX
for x in $(seq 1 20); do echo wget$x;done | sh
cd ..
- Trim the data to 70 base pairs and then sort and count the frequency of each sequence prepare and sort the data
mkdir inputDirectory
for x in $(ls DEPLEX/); do grep -A1 "^>" DEPLEX/$x | grep -v "-" | grep -v ">" | cut -c-70 | sort | uniq -c > inputDirectory/$x;done
- Download GBSmode
git clone
- Prepare data for GBSmode
perl GBSmode/ inputDirectory/ >
perl GBSmode/ > sequences.fastq
bowtie2 -x GENOME/genome -U sequences.fastq -S file.sam
grep "LG" file.sam | grep -v "^@" | cut -f 1-6 | grep 'Hap' > filter.sam
perl GBSmode/ filter.sam >
- Lower the minimum number of genotypes to 10
sed -i 's/NG <- 19/NG <- 9/' GBSmode/GBSmode.R
- Run GBSmode
R --vanilla --slave "--args filter.sam output progeny GENOME/genome.fasta" < GBSmode/GBSmode.R
- Convert the GBSmode data into vcf format
R --vanilla --slave "--args output_genotype.txt output_genotype_coverage.txt GBSmode.vcf 1" < GBSmode/ModeToVCF.R
- Voila, the output VCF is: "GBSmode.vcf"
This example was designed to work on Euler, a bsub system
First setup a directory to work in.
mkdir Example
cd Example
mkdir inputDirectory
Now install/download the GBSmode scripts from github.
module load git
git clone
Next download some data. In this case 100,000 reads from 101 cassava samples will be downloaded. This is a slight hack as the downloaded data is directly summarised for GBSmode.
for x in $(seq 1717931 1718031); do echo "$HOME/sratoolkit.2.11.0-centos_linux64/bin/fastq-dump --split-files -X 100000 -Z SRR$x |grep -A1 \"^@\" | grep -v "-" | grep -v "@" | cut -c-75 | sort | uniq -c > inputDirectory/$x.fastq";done
Now we need quite a bit of RAM. Because all the read numbers will be tabulated for the population. Being as this is a bsub system we need to clean up the ouptut. Please change the lsf job!
bsub -R "rusage[mem=4096]" -n 20 perl GBSmode/ inputDirectory/ >
grep ^Tag lsf.o175615454 >
sed '1,/^Tag/d' lsf.o175615454 >>
Install the genome reference.
module load git
git clone
sh SAYReadMappingDNA/ -f
Read map using bowtie2.
bowtie2 -x GENOME/genome -U sequences.fastq -S file.sam
Filter the data, by selecting only linkage groups ("LG") and get the first six columns. The other columns just cause problems...
grep "LG" file.sam | grep -v "^@" | cut -f 1-6 | grep 'Hap' > filter.sam
Now remove unmapped data.
perl GBSmode/ filter.sam >
Use the GBSmode script to find polymorphisms.
R --vanilla --slave "--args filter.sam output fastq GENOME/genome.fasta" < GBSmode/GBSmode.R
For ease of use we will convert the GBSmode output to vcf format, so it is portable with other analysis programs
R --vanilla --slave "--args output_genotype.txt output_genotype_coverage.txt GBSmode.vcf 1" < GBSmode/ModeToVCF.R
To finish off we will prune the data and get loci with at least fifty genotype calls
git clone
R --vanilla --slave "--args GBSmode.vcf bowtieclean.vcf 5 50" < filterVCF/filterVCF.R