With this bundle you get an incredible powerful backend to parse any text and identify bible verses within it. It works with symphony but also with any other composer system. The bible verses are not only recognized, but intelligently seperated into book, chapter and vers-ranges.
I am using it in a big installation to store and index bible verses in the database and perform very quick and complex searches.
The library recognizes all kind of different texts as bible verses in german and in english. For example:
1Tim 3,16
1 Tim 3,16f (one following verse)
1 Tim 3,15-16 (multiple verses as range joined by "-")
1 Tim 3,16ff (following verses with "ff" until to the chapters end)
1 Timotheus 3,16 (long naming convention)
1 Tim 3,15.16 (multiple verses joined with ".")
1 Tim 3,15+16 (multiple verses joined with "+")
1. Timothy 3,16 (preceding "1." convention)
I Timothy 3,16 (preceding "I" convention / with or without ".")
First Timothy 3,16 (preceding "First" convention)
1st Timothy 3,16 (preceding "1st" convention)
1.Timotheusbrief 3,16 (german long naming convention)
1 Ti 3,16 (different short naming conventions)
1Tim 3,16-4,2 (ranges over multiple chapters)
1Tim 3 (whole Chapter)
The texts are recognized and parsed into valid integers. For 1Tim 3,16-17 this would be:
Parsed-Text | Book-Id | From Chapter | From Verse | To Chapter | To Verse |
1Tim 3,15-16 | 54 | 3 | 15 | 3 | 16 |
1Tim 3,15f | 54 | 3 | 15 | 3 | 16 |
1Tim 3,16-4,2 | 54 | 3 | 16 | 4 | 2 |
1Tim 3 | 54 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 16 |
1Tim 3-4 | 54 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 16 |
Internally the bible verses are stored as two numbers which describe a range (start - end). This makes it possible so index bible verses and search for intersecting bible verses super quickly.
START and END are set together as three-digit codes:
Book-ID | Chapter-Number | Verse-Number |
(three digits, zero padded) | (three digits, zero padded) | (three digits, zero padded) |
Which results in this indexing:
Parsed-Text | Book-Id | From Chapter | From Verse | To Chapter | To Verse | START | END |
1Tim 3,15-16 | 54 | 3 | 15 | 3 | 16 | 054003015 | 054003016 |
1Tim 3,15f | 54 | 3 | 15 | 3 | 16 | 054003015 | 054003016 |
1Tim 3,16-4,2 | 54 | 3 | 16 | 4 | 2 | 054003016 | 054004002 |
1Tim 3 | 54 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 16 | 054003001 | 054003016 |
1Tim 3-4 | 54 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 16 | 054003001 | 054004016 |
$service = new BibleVerseService();
$found = $service->stringToBibleVerse('1Tim 3,16');
Language German and English are supported by default
foreach($found as $bibleverse){
// long labels
echo $service->bibleVerseToString($bibleverse);
// or short labels
echo $service->bibleVerseToString($bibleverse, 'short');
$found = $service->stringToBibleVerse('Hello. I learned from 2Tim 3,16 that it differs from Gen 1,1');
// --> $found will be an array with two recognized bibleverses
$rest = $service->getLastRestString();
// --> $rest will be the remaining string, without the found bibleverses = "Hello. I learned from that it differs from "
// Join biblevereses
$found = $service->stringToBibleVerse('Hello. I learned from 2Tim 3,16 that it differs from 2Tim 3,17');
// --> $found will be an array with two recognized bibleverses
$merged = $service->mergeBibleverses($found);
// --> $merged will be an array with ONE bibleverse. Both verses where merged into 2Tim 3,16-17
* @return int
public function getStart() {
return $this->start;
* @return int
public function getEnd() {
return $this->end;
Bible verses are valid BibleVerseInterface
instances. Which means they can be extended and come with these default functions
* Set From and To bookId
* @param integer $bookId
public function setBookId($bookId);
* Get bookId
* @return int
public function getFromBookId();
* Get bookId
* @return int
public function getToBookId();
* Set $fromBookId
* @param integer $fromBookId
public function setFromBookId($fromBookId);
* Set $toBookId
* @param integer $toBookId
public function setToBookId($toBookId);
* Set fromChapter
* @param integer $fromChapter
public function setFromChapter($fromChapter);
* Get fromChapter
* @return int
public function getFromChapter();
* Set toChapter
* @param integer $toChapter
public function setToChapter($toChapter);
* Get toChapter
* @return int
public function getToChapter();
* Set fromVerse
* @param integer $fromVerse
public function setFromVerse($fromVerse);
* Get fromVerse
* @return int
public function getFromVerse();
* Set toVerse
* @param integer $toVerse
public function setToVerse($toVerse);
* Get toVerse
* @return int
public function getToVerse();
* @param int $bookId
* @param int $fromChapter
* @param int $fromVerse
* @param int|NULL $toChapter
* @param int|NULL $toVerse
public function setVerse($bookId, $fromChapter, $fromVerse, $toChapter = NULL, $toVerse = NULL);
There is also a JavaScript library for parsing bible verses and use it i.e. for markdown purposes.
The JavaScript library is generated with the command:
php ./js/Generator/cmd.php