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A ViT based image classification model that classifies chest x-ray images as lung opacity, normal, viral pneumonia or COVID-19 positive.

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A ViT based image classification model that classifies chest x-ray images as lung opacity, normal, viral pneumonia or COVID-19 positive.


The data is retrieved from kaggle, created by tawsifurrahman. The dataset used has 6012, 10192, 1345, 3616 number of images for lung opacity, normal, viral pneumonia, COVID-19 chest x-ray images respectively. This is a ViT based model which is pretrained on Imagenet dataset, with a specification of image size 224 and 16 patches. The model is transfer learn to match the dataset given by tawsifurrahman. The overall test accuracy is 95.8%, with a test loss of 0.1243.


Libraries Needed

import torch
import random
import os
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import pandas as pd
import math
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, confusion_matrix
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sn
from import DataLoader
from PIL import Image
import timm
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import glob

Load Data

The data is split into 3 dataset which includes training, validation and test data, it is split into 80%, 10%, 10% respectively.

Data Augmentation

transforms_train = transforms.Compose(
        transforms.Resize((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)),
        transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

transforms_test = transforms.Compose(
        transforms.Resize((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)),
        transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

Chest x-ray has no difference between left and right, as a result augmenting data, flipping horizontally would be an ideal augmentation. The result shows significant improvement. To make sure all images have the same size, the image is resized to a specific IMG_SIZE of 224. The Normalization method are just mean and std of imagenet data, since I have mentioned previously that the model is pretrained on imagenet and image net has a specific mean and std that needs to be follow.


The model used is a pretrained ViT 224-16 patches. The pretrained model is transfer learned to classify between lung opacity, normal, viral pneumonia, COVID-19 chest x-ray images. The model was loaded using PyTorch.

model = torch.hub.load('facebookresearch/deit:main', 'deit_base_patch16_224', pretrained=True)
### number of unique classes == 4
model.head = nn.Linear(768, 4)

Since this is a huge model, Tesla P100 GPU model is used from google colab.

Training Phase

The training specs used are shown below.

IMG_SIZE = 224
LR = 2e-05
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=LR)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, 0.995)
device = "cuda"

Optimizer used is AdamW with learning rate of 2e-05 and an exponential learning rate scheduler is used. The criterion is cross entropy loss, since this is a multiclass classification problem and batch size used is 32.

Training loop uses a self made early stopping callback and save best model based on validation loss. The results are shown below.

Epoch Training loss Validation loss Training Accuracy Validation Accuracy
1 0.443581 0.243350 0.8349 0.9111
2 0.294692 0.248474 0.8942 0.9059
3 0.245038 0.198003 0.9125 0.9291
4 0.219254 0.163702 0.9210 0.9390
5 0.204548 0.147377 0.9247 0.9461
6 0.191227 0.195680 0.9301 0.9338
7 0.181696 0.153259 0.9316 0.9385
8 0.170775 0.179045 0.9389 0.9395
9 0.167065 0.152284 0.9384 0.9414
10 0.159125 0.159929 0.9428 0.9414
11 0.153364 0.142869 0.9429 0.9461
12 0.148766 0.146074 0.9464 0.9485
13 0.141225 0.164212 0.9497 0.9409
14 0.140871 0.152537 0.9477 0.9447
15 0.131482 0.155155 0.9529 0.9499
16 0.131830 0.152081 0.9527 0.9466
17 0.122729 0.149717 0.9544 0.9532
18 0.120725 0.162608 0.9563 0.9442
19 0.114899 0.178846 0.9568 0.9447
20 0.115127 0.171766 0.9579 0.9414

The model that with the lowest validation loss is at epoch 11. Hence, the model at epoch 11, was saved. To import the model use torch.load function as shown below.

import torch
model = torch.load(PATH)

Click here to download model.

Result Analysis

Using the test dataset with 2117 images, the model achieve a test accuracy of 95.8%. The confusion matrix is as shown below.


Although I haven't tried using any of the ResNet models, ViT gives a pretty decent result compared to other models in kaggle such as ResNet and efficient-net.

Just in case you guys wanted to read more on Vision Transformer, click here to read the paper.


A ViT based image classification model that classifies chest x-ray images as lung opacity, normal, viral pneumonia or COVID-19 positive.




