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Spring Framework Workshop

These are my notes on the great course Spring Core - Learn Spring Framework 4 and Spring Boot on Udemy. This repository does not include everything mentioned in the course, so go ahead and have a look at the other great courses from the springframeworkguru John Thompson!

Also, the most part of this code is also published in Johns repository for the workshop.

History of Spring


  • 1998 EJB Specification, aimed for scalability, security, high availability, by Sun. Multiple problems in usage, for example tightly coupled to application server
  • 2004 first release Spring as OpenSource (Spring Source, today Pivotal). Better testability because parts of implementation easily interchangeable by mocks or other implementations
  • today: Spring greatest market share. However, EJB also developed further. However, a lot of debate on how EJB will be developed in the future.

Spring Core


  • = central part of Spring framework
  • Spring beans = simple Java Objects (POJO)
  • by design, Spring Beans are meant to be simple, not overly complex objects (Single Responsibility Principle)
  • Dependency Injection (DI)
    • = dependent objects are injected into class at hand
    • first largely absent in original EJB specification
  • Inversion of Control (IoC)
    • Spring Framework is in control and manages software components and injection of components into dependent objects
  • DI + IoC allow for loosely coupled classes: when testing a web controller, inject mock database or mock service instead of the real classes
  • Spring Context = "what all brings together". Knows beans and configuration and injects objects accordingly
  • a lot of projects around Spring Core, for example Data, MVC, Security, Boot


The main content of this workshop can be found in the submodules, in ascending order.



Workshop for basic concepts of the Spring framework







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