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Repository files navigation

See ./ for evaluation results.

Clone repository including submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Install dependencies:

npm install

Check how many known leaks value-searcher finds

Convert leaks.pkl to JSON:

# Optional venv
python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps ./venv/
. ./venv/bin/activate  # . ./venv/Scripts/activate for Windows

pip3 install --requirement ./requirements.txt
npm run pickle-to-json path/to/leaks.pkl

Check if value-searcher can find all leaks in the Pickle:

npm run check-known-leaks

Check also if value-searcher can find extra leaks in the requests from ./jsons.tar.lz4 (requires tar and lz4 packages):

npm run check-all-requests

Run comparison

Requires PowerShell Core


Now open ./benchmark_leak_detector/browser_tests.html to run LeakDetector.js browser speed benchmark.