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Adds semantic tagging entity linking to Wikidata or DBpedia with spaCy NLP to alfresco-genai (Generative AI with LLMs providing summarization, categorization, image description, chat prompting about doc content for Alfresco).


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Alfresco integration with Generative AI and spaCy NLP

From alfresco-genai:

Generative AI with local or cloud LLMs for Alfresco. Provides: summarization, categorization, image description, chat prompting about doc content.

Added in alfresco-genai-semantic:

This adds NER / entity linking auto tagging of documents in Alfresco to Wikidata and DBpedia terms. The dbpedia and wikidata custom aspects have multivalue properties for the entity link labels, link urls, and super type lists. Tags are added using the labels of the entity links. Regular alfresco tags are used to work with existing Share and ACA clients. Currently, a hierarchy of categories with the type and super types are not created.

The spaCy NLP python library along with spaCy projects are used. The spaCy-entity-linker python library is used for getting Wikidata entity links without having to call a public serivce api. It was created before spaCy had its own entity linking system. It still has the advantage of not needing to do training. This project had used spaCyOpenTapioca for Wikidata entity linking, but the service it uses recently gives SSL certificate error. Setting up a local OpenTapioca is an involved process. Local is better anyway for security and performance.

DBpedia Spotlight for SpaCy is used for getting DBpedia entity links, The public service it was using by default, also recently has a SSL certificate issue. So a local dbpedia-spotlight docker container is now composed into alfresco-genai-semantic and the local url is passed to the spacy-dbpedia-spotlight python apis.

The spaCy-LLM python package integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) into spaCy pipelines. This project currently doesn't use spacy-llm.

Note alfresco community docker 23.2 is included instead of 23.1

Note: performance could be improved by changing things to send text renditions from alfresco instead of pdf renditions to the python genai and genai-semantic rest apis. These apis just turn around and get text of the pdfs. Although, with things like LlamaIndex LlamaParse and LLMSherpa, having pdf and their structure would help in how things are passed to LLMs.

To Use

  • To use, in Share UI client, add either a DBpedia Entity Links (genai:entitylinks-dbpedia) or a Wikidata Entity Links (genai:entitylinks-wikidata) aspect in Manage Aspects.
  • Tags on a doc are displayed below doc info in file lists in both Share and ACA. The entity link multi-value properties (labels, links, super type lists) can be seen in the in Share document details right side in the properties section. The best way to see the properties in the ACA Content App with View Details with the Expand Panel clicked.
  • Note the original genai aspects show up better in Share document details. ACA content app by default, only has a single line for single value properties.
  • To use the original alfresco-genai actions, in the Manage Aspects of Share add any of the following aspects:
  • genai:summarizable aspect is used to store summary and tags generated with AI. Note the tag terms come back from the summary prompt. By default, they are stored in the multivalue property genai:tags of genai:summarizable aspect. They can be configured to create tags instead (in of ai-applier and ai-listener)
  • genai:promptable aspect is used to store the question provided by the user and the answer generated with AI
  • genai:classifiable aspect is used to store the list of terms available for the AI to classify a document. It should be applied to a folder
  • genai:classified aspect is used to store the term selected by the AI. It should be applied to a document
  • genai:descriptable aspect is used to store the description generated with AI. It should be applied to a picture


To Build alfresco-genai-semantic, use the same steps as alfesco-genai but with some added steps:

  • sudo alfresco/ can be used to prepare for first time startup of alfresco on Linux, and I assume Mac. This creates log and data folders and sets their permissions. Not needed on Windows. See alfresco-docker-install project
  • Start with the top level compose.yaml intially with alfresco-ai-listener and dbpedia-spotlight commented out
  • Run docker compose up
  • In alfresco-ai-applier dir: mvn clean package
  • Now the alfresco-ai-applier jar can be tested with exsting alfresco content to apply the Wikidata aspect with -applier.root.folder --applier.action=ENTITYLINKWIKIDATA. Note the Wikidata code will the first time download a 595 MB model file that expands to to 1.2 GB? automatically. Sometimes you need to wait for pdf renditions to be created and run the applier jar again.
  • docker compose down
  • in top level compose.yaml, uncomment the line to include composing in dbpedia-spotlight/compose.yaml
  • Run docker volume create spotlight-models for storing models for multiple languages (the dbpedia-spotlight/compose.yaml is only configured for one english service).
  • Run docker compose up , can look inside dbpedia-spotlight.en container at files and see the 2.2 GB tar being downloaded and then extracted the first time to the spotlight-models volume. This can be as fast as 2.5 minutes or up to 30 minutes for me on Windows. (Just now on Ubuntu its taking me over hour but then speeded up) The english en folder in the spotlight-models' volume will be 4.3 GB.
  • Now the alfresco-ai-applier jar can be tested with exsting alfresco content to apply the DBpedia aspect with -applier.root.folder --applier.action=ENTITYLINKDBPEDIA
  • In alfresco-ai-listener dir: mvn clean package
  • In alfresco-ai-listener dir: docker build . -t alfresco-ai-listener
  • in top level compose.yaml, uncomment the line to include composing in alfresco-ai-listener
  • Run docker compose up , now can add dbpedia or wikidata aspects to new or existing content in share and see results in share and or dthe content app.

Note: After other changes sometimes can't go wrong with docker compose down, then docker compose build --no-cache, then docker compose up --force-recreate

Custom content model

  • The changes to alfresco-genai comtent-model.xml is already built in "alfresco-genai-semantic\alfresco\alfresco\modules\jars\genai-model-repo-1.0.0.jar" If changed again would need to mvn clean package in "alfresco-genai-semantic\alfresco-ai\alfresco-ai-model\genai-model-repo" and replace the jar in alfresco\alfresco and rebuild the project
  • The changes to alfresco-genai genai-model-share.xml is already built in "alfresco-genai-semantic\alfresco\share\modules\jars\genai-model-share-1.0.0.jar" If changed again, would need to mvn clean package in "alfresco-genai-semantic\alfresco-ai\alfresco-ai-model\genai-model-share" and replace the jar in alfresco\share and rebuild the project


alfresco-ai-applier jar can be used when ai-listener is not composed in, or you might be able to even if ai-listener is composed in to add aspects not thru the ui or from a rule, although ai-listener interaction may cause problems. Note you usally have to run it twice to get it when pdf renditions are ready.

$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-applier-0.8.0.jar \
  --applier.root.folder=/app:company_home/app:shared \
$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-applier-0.8.0.jar \
  --applier.root.folder=/app:company_home/app:shared \

GenAI Stack

The genai-stack folder / docker container has two new REST apis for entity linking

curl --location 'http://localhost:8506/entitylink-wikidata' --form 'file=@"./file.pdf"'
curl --location 'http://localhost:8506/entitylink-dbpedia' --form 'file=@"./file.pdf"'


Following tools can be used to build and deploy this project (same as alfresco-genai)

  • Docker 4.25 (with 20 GB of RAM allocated)
  • ollama
  • Java 17
  • Maven 3.9
  • Not required, but if you want to work separately with python used in previous genai and with spacy code added, setup a new python virtual env with a python 3.12 and activate it. Then use the requirements.txt file in alfresco-genai-semantic\genai-stack:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Note the document.DockerFile is now setup to use python 3.12 (FROM python:3.12) instead of the python 3.11 you got previously with docker by default with "FROM langchain/langchain" Now requirements.txt has versions of every package that works with python 3.12 and 3.12.x versions. Note docker when it builds gets versions of python on its own and is not impacted by what you have installed in your enviroment.


  • Note: when alfresco-genai-semantic is up and running correctly 12/14 images / sub-containers will continue. These can be seen in docker desktop, or with docker compose ps at the command line. The pull-model and pull-vision-model will do their jobs and exit.
  • In the alfresco-genai-semantic/test folder, upload space-station.txt to your folder in alfresco and apply the genai:entitylinks-dbpedia aspect
  • In the alfresco-genai-semantic/test folder, upload space-station.txt again to your folder in alfresco and apply the genai:entitylinks-wikidata aspect to the duplicate file. (Sometimes there is an issue doing both on the same doc and they would have huge lists of properties)
  • In the share client, the first doc with the dbpedia aspect should have property values matching test/dbpedia-expected.txt
  • In the share client, the second doc with the wikidata aspect, should have property values matching test/wikidata-expected.txt
  • When the view details of the ACA content app is expanded on the first doc, it should look like test/dbpedia-expected-aca.jpg
  • When the view details of the ACA content app is expanded on the second doc, it should like test/wikidata-expected-aca.jpg

Forked from aborroy/alfresco-genai :

This project provides a collection of resources to enable the utilization of Private Generative AI in conjunction with Alfresco. Each service within the project is designed to operate locally, offering flexibility for usage in a development environment.

The primary scenarios covered by this project are centered around a document:

  • Summarize a document in any language and recognize various tags
  • Select a term from a provided list that characterizes a document
  • Answer to a question related to the document

In addition, it includes a use case related to images:

  • Provide a description of a picture


Following tools can be used to build and deploy this project:

Deploying this project in a production environment could require additional steps to ensure minimal performance and successful execution of actions


The project includes following components:

  • genai-stack folder is using project to build a REST endpoint that provides AI services for a given document
  • alfresco folder includes a Docker Compose template to deploy Alfresco Community 23.1
  • alfresco-ai folder includes a set of projects
    • alfresco-ai-model defines a custom Alfresco content model to store summaries, terms and prompts to be deployed in Alfresco Repository and Share App
    • alfresco-ai-applier uses the Alfresco REST API to apply summaries or terms for a populated Alfresco Repository based on the application of the genai:summarizable aspect
    • alfresco-ai-listener listens to messages and generates summaries, apply terms and reply answers for create or updated nodes in Alfresco Repository
  • compose.yaml file describes a deployment for Alfresco and GenAI Stack services using include directive
│                                                                                                            │
│                        ┌─Compose────────────────────┐          ┌─Compose────────────────────┐              │
│                        │                            │          │                            │              │
│                        │       A L F R E S C O      │          │     G E N  A I  Stack      │              │
│                        │                            │          │                            │              │
│                        │ ┌──────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │          │ ┌───┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────────┐  │              │
│           ┌────────────┤ │model-repo│ │model-share│ │          │ │llm│ │neo4j│ │langchain│  │              │
│           │            │ └──────────┘ └───────────┘ │          │ └───┘ └─────┘ └─────────┘  │              │
│           │            │                            │          │  ollama                    │              │
│           │            └──────────────▲─────────────┘          └─────────────▲──────────────┘              │
│           │                           │                                      │                             │
│           │                           │ http://alfresco:8080                 │ http://genai:8506/summary   │
│           │            ┌─App──────────┴─────────────┐                        │ http://genai:8506/classify  │
│           │            │                            │                        │ http://genai:8506/prompt    │
│           │            │   alfresco-ai-applier      ├────────────────────────┤ http://genai:8506/describe  │
│           │            │                            │                        │                             │
│           │            └──────────────┬─────────────┘                        │                             │
│           │                           │                                      │                             │
│           │                           │                                      │                             │
│           │            ┌─Service──────┴─────────────┐                        │                             │
│           │            │                            │                        │                             │
│           └────────────►   alfresco-ai-listener     ├────────────────────────┘                             │
│   tcp://activemq:61616 │                            │                                                      │
│                        └────────────────────────────┘                                                      │
│                                                                                                            │
└────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────DOCKER NETWORK──────┘

GenAI Stack

This service, available in genai-stack folder, offers various REST endpoints for applying AI operations to a given document.

 │                            │              
 │     G E N  A I  Stack      │              
 │                            │              
 │ ┌───┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────────┐  │              
 │ │llm│ │neo4j│ │langchain│  │              
 │ └───┘ └─────┘ └─────────┘  │              
 │  ollama                    │              
               │ http://genai:8506/
  • Summarizing a document and extracting tags from it
curl --location 'http://localhost:8506/summary' --form 'file=@"./file.pdf"'

    "summary": " The text discusses...",
    "tags": " Golang, Merkle, Difficulty",
    "model": "mistral"
  • Selecting a term from a list that best matches the document
curl --location 'http://localhost:8506/classify?termList="Japanese,Spanish,Korean,English,Vietnamese"' --form 'file=./file.pdf"'

    "term": " English",
    "model": "mistral"
  • Responding to questions related to the document
curl --location 'http://localhost:8506/prompt?prompt="What is the name of the son?"' --form 'file=./file.pdf"'

    "answer": "The name of the son is Musuko.",
    "model": "mistral"
  • Describing a picture
curl --location 'http://localhost:8506/describe' --form 'image=@"file.jpg"'

    "description": " In the image, a man with a beard is standing in an indoor setting.",
    "model": "llava"


Modify .env file values:

# Choose any of the on premise models supported by ollama

 # Any language name supported by chosen LLM
# Number of words for the summary
# Number of tags to be identified with the summary

Note that LLM_VISION must be a LLM with vision encoder


Alfresco service, available in alfresco folder, includes custom content model definition and additional events configuration.

 │                            │
 │       A L F R E S C O      │
 │                            │
 │ ┌──────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │
 │ │model-repo│ │model-share│ │
 │ └──────────┘ └───────────┘ │
 │                            │
                │ http://alfresco:8080
  • Content Model for Repository is available in genai-model-repo

    • genai:summarizable aspect is used to store summary and tags generated with AI
    • genai:promptable aspect is used to store the question provided by the user and the answer generated with AI
    • genai:classifiable aspect is used to store the list of terms available for the AI to classify a document. It should be applied to a folder
    • genai:classified aspect is used to store the term selected by the AI. It should be applied to a document
    • genai:descriptable aspect is used to store the description generated with AI. It should be applied to a picture
  • Forms and configuration to handle custom Content Model from Share are available in genai-model-share

  • Additional configuration for Repository

    • Since alfresco-ai-listener is listening to renditions, default event2 filter should be modified. Following configuration has been added to alfresco service in compose.yaml
-Drepo.event2.filter.nodeTypes="sys:*, fm:*, cm:failedThumbnail, cm:rating, rma:rmsite include_subtypes, usr:user"

Alfresco AI Applier

This Spring Boot application utilizes the Alfresco REST API to fetch all documents from a given Alfresco folder and apply a single action:

  • The Summarizing action involves retrieving documents from a folder using the Alfresco Search API, checking for the availability of PDF renditions, and updating document nodes with summaries obtained from the GenAi service.
  • The Classifying action retrieves documents from a folder using the Alfresco Search API, checks for the availability of PDF renditions, and updates document nodes by selecting a term, from a list of terms using the GenAi service.
  • The Describing actions retrieves pictures from a folder using the Alfresco Search API and updates image nodes with descriptions obtained from the GenAi service.
 ┌─Compose────────────────────┐          ┌─Compose────────────────────┐          
 │                            │          │                            │          
 │       A L F R E S C O      │          │     G E N  A I  Stack      │          
 │                            │          │                            │          
 │ ┌──────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │          │ ┌───┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────────┐  │          
 │ │model-repo│ │model-share│ │          │ │llm│ │neo4j│ │langchain│  │          
 │ └──────────┘ └───────────┘ │          │ └───┘ └─────┘ └─────────┘  │          
 │                            │          │  ollama                    │          
 └──────────────▲─────────────┘          └─────────────▲──────────────┘          
                │                                      │                         
                │ http://alfresco:8080                 │ http://genai:8506/summary
 ┌─App──────────┴─────────────┐                        │ http://genai:8506/classify
 │                            │                        │ http://genai:8506/describe
 │   alfresco-ai-applier      ├────────────────────────┘
 │                            │                        


Modify property values in file:

# Spring Boot properties
# Disable Spring Boot banner

# Logging Configuration

# Alfresco Server Configuration
# Basic authentication credentials for Alfresco Server
# URL and path for Alfresco Server API

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Summary)
# Aspect that triggers the summarization task
# Node property to store the summary obtained from GenAI Stack
# Node property to store tags obtained from GenAI Stack; use TAG as a value to use a tag instead of a property
# Node property to store the Large Language Model (LLM) used; use TAG as a value to use a tag instead of a property

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Classify)
# Node property that includes terms for classification
# Aspect that enables classification task
# Node property to fill with the term
# Node property to fill with the model

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Description)
# Aspect that triggers the description task
# Node property to store the description obtained from GenAI Stack
# Node property to store the Large Language Model (LLM) used; use TAG as a value to use a tag instead of a property

# GenAI Client Configuration
# Host URL for the Document GenAI service
# Request timeout in seconds for GenAI service requests

# Alfresco AI Applier Configuration
# Root folder in Alfresco Repository to apply GenAI action
# Choose one action: SUMMARY, CLASSIFY, DESCRIBE
# List of terms to be applied for CLASSIFY action (ignored when using SUMMARY action)
# Maximum number of items to be retrieved from Alfresco Repository in each iteration

Configuration parameters can be also used as command line arguments or Docker environment variables, like in the following sample:

$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-applier-0.8.0.jar \
--applier.root.folder=/app:company_home/app:shared/cm:picture \
--applier.action=DESCRIBE \

Alfresco AI Listener

This Spring Boot application is designed to capture summary, classification, or prompting aspect settings by listening to ActiveMQ events. The application then forwards the request to the GenAI Stack and subsequently updates the Alfresco Node using the REST API.

              ┌─Compose────────────────────┐          ┌─Compose────────────────────┐
              │                            │          │                            │
              │       A L F R E S C O      │          │     G E N  A I  Stack      │
              │                            │          │                            │
              │ ┌──────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │          │ ┌───┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────────┐  │
 ┌────────────┤ │model-repo│ │model-share│ │          │ │llm│ │neo4j│ │langchain│  │
 │            │ └──────────┘ └───────────┘ │          │ └───┘ └─────┘ └─────────┘  │
 │            │                            │          │  ollama                    │
 │            └──────────────▲─────────────┘          └─────────────▲──────────────┘
 │ tcp://activemq:61616      │                                      │               
 │                           │ http://alfresco:8080                 │ http://genai:8506/summary
 │            ┌─Service──────┴─────────────┐                        │ http://genai:8506/classify
 │            │                            │                        │ http://genai:8506/prompt
 └────────────►   alfresco-ai-listener     ├────────────────────────┘ http://genai:8506/describe                        
              │                            │                                                  


Modify property values in file or use Docker environment setings:

# Spring Boot properties

# Alfresco Server Configuration
# Basic authentication credentials for Alfresco Server
# URL and path for Alfresco Server API

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Summary)
# Aspect that triggers the summarization task
# Node property to store the summary obtained from GenAI Stack
# Node property to store tags obtained from GenAI Stack; use TAG as a value to use a tag instead of a property
# Node property to store the Large Language Model (LLM) used; use TAG as a value to use a tag instead of a property

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Prompt)
# Aspect that enables prompt task
# Node property that contains a question
# Node property to fill with the answer
# Node property to fill with the model

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Classify)
# Node property that includes terms for classification
# Aspect that enables classification task
# Node property to fill with the term
# Node property to fill with the model

# Alfresco Repository Content Model (Description)
# Aspect that triggers the description task
# Node property to store the description obtained from GenAI Stack
# Node property to store the Large Language Model (LLM) used; use TAG as a value to use a tag instead of a property

# ActiveMQ Server

# GenAI Client Configuration
# Host URL for the Document GenAI service
# Request timeout in seconds for GenAI service requests

Configuration parameters can be also used as command line arguments or Docker environment variables, like in the following sample:

$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-listener-0.8.0.jar

Use Case 1: Existing Content

  1. Before proceeding, ensure that Docker, ollama, Java, and Maven are up and working:
$ ollama -v
ollama version is 0.1.31
$ docker -v
Docker version 25.0.3, build 4debf41
$ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.5" 2022-10-18
$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.9.6
  1. Verify that compose-ai.yaml is commented in compose.yaml
$ cat compose.yaml
  - genai-stack/compose.yaml
  - alfresco/compose.yaml
#  - alfresco/compose-ai.yaml
  1. Start Docker containers for Alfresco and GenAI Stack
$ docker compose up
  1. Once Alfresco is up & running, upload a number of documents to a given folder, for instance /app:company_home/app:shared. You may use the Legacy UI with default credentials (admin/admin) available in http://localhost:8080/share

  2. Compile the Alfresco AI Applier (if required)

$ cd alfresco-ai/alfresco-ai-applier
$ mvn clean package
  1. Run the Alfresco AI Applier to summarize the documents in a given folder
$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-applier-0.8.0.jar \
  --applier.root.folder=/app:company_home/app:shared \

Once this command has finished, every document in the folder should include a populated Summary property (accessible in "view" mode)

  1. Run the Alfresco AI Applier to classify the documents based on a list of terms in a specific folder
$ cd alfresco-ai/alfresco-ai-applier
$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-applier-0.8.0.jar \
  --applier.root.folder=/app:company_home/app:shared \
  --applier.action=CLASSIFY \

Once this command has finished, every document in the folder should include a populated Term property selected from the Term List (accessible in "view" mode)

  1. Upload a number of pictures to an specific folder, for instance /app:company_home/app:shared/cm:pictures

  2. Run the Alfresco AI Applier to summarize the documents, note that applier.root.folder uses this folder already created

$ cd alfresco-ai/alfresco-ai-applier
$ java -jar target/alfresco-ai-applier-0.8.0.jar \
  --applier.root.folder=/app:company_home/app:shared/cm:pictures \

Once this command has finished, every picture in the folder should include a populated Description property (accessible in "view" mode)

Use Case 2: New Content

  1. Before proceeding, ensure that Docker, ollama, Java, and Maven are up and working:
$ ollama -v
ollama version is 0.1.31
$ docker -v
Docker version 25.0.3, build 4debf41
$ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.5" 2022-10-18
$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.9.6
  1. Build alfresco-ai-listener Docker Image if required
$ cd alfresco-ai/alfresco-ai-listener
$ mvn clean package
$ docker build . -t alfresco-ai-listener
  1. Verify that compose-ai.yaml is uncommented in compose.yaml
$ cat compose.yaml
  - genai-stack/compose.yaml
  - alfresco/compose.yaml
  - alfresco/compose-ai.yaml
  1. Start Docker containers for Alfresco and GenAI Stack
$ docker compose up
  1. Use Alfresco Legacy UI, available in http://localhost:8080/share, to get a summary for a document
  • Apply Summarizable with AI (genai:summarizable) aspect to a node
  • Wait until GenAI populates Summary property (accesible in "view" mode)
  1. Classify a document
  • Apply Classifiable with AI (genai:classifiable) aspect to a folder
  • Add a list of terms separated by comma in property Terms (genai:terms) of the folder
  • Add a document inside this folder
  • Apply the aspect Classified with AI (genai:classified) to the document
  • Wait until GenAI selects one term from the list and populates Term property of the document (accesible in "view" mode)
  1. Ask a question
  • Apply Promptable with AI (genai:promptable) aspect to a document
  • Type your question in the property Question
  • Wait until GenAI populates Answer property (accesible in "view" mode)
  1. Describe a picture
  • Apply Descriptable with AI (genai:descriptable) aspect to a picture
  • Wait until GenAI populates Description property (accesible in "view" mode)

These operations may be automated by creating folder rules that apply required aspects to documents uploaded to an specific folder


Adds semantic tagging entity linking to Wikidata or DBpedia with spaCy NLP to alfresco-genai (Generative AI with LLMs providing summarization, categorization, image description, chat prompting about doc content for Alfresco).







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  • Java 86.8%
  • Python 7.2%
  • Dockerfile 5.8%
  • Shell 0.2%