Code for processing cut and tag data. Data can be bulk or single cell.
conda env create -f environment_cut_tag.yml
conda activate cut_tag
git clone
nohup bowtie2-build "path to genome fasta file" "path to output with index name" &
# example:
nohup bowtie2-build AmexG_v6.0-DD_axolotl-omics_dataset/AmexG_v6.0-DD.fa AmexG_v6.0-DD_axolotl-omics_dataset/bowtie2_index/AmexG_v6.0-DD &
samtools faidx "path to genome fasta file"
cut -f1,2 "path to genome fai file that was just created" > chromSize.txt
projPath = "top level directory where data will be processed"
Number_of_samples = "number of samples you have"
SAMPLE_1 = "each samples information. Copy and repeat for every sample"
fastq_PE1 = "where fastq read 1 is located relative to projPath"
fastq_PE2 = "where fastq read 2 is located relative to projPath"
histName = "name of histone mark analyzing"
rep = "replicate id- right now use a number, like 1 if it is rep 1"
runfastp = "if you want to run fastp (default), then true, else false"
ref = "path to bowtie2 index"
spikeInRef = "path to spike-in reference (ie. E-coli)"
spikeIn = "if you are using a spike-in like E.coli, then true (default), else false"
cores = "number of cpus to use"
chromSize = "path to chromSize.txt file"
seacr = "path to SEACR .sh file"
minQualityScore = "minimum quality score for filtering reads, typically 2"
binLen = "length of window for fragments, typically 500"
# from the src folder run:
python <your output directory>
Note that this script automatically nohups your bowtie run. You must wait for this to finish before you go on to step 2.
# from the src folder run:
python <your output dir (can be same as bowtie2 dir)> <your bowtie2 dir from step 1>
Note You may want to nohup this script, as this can take >10 hours to complete
- In alignment folder:
- Alignment_summary.txt file and pdf summarizing Bowtie2 alignment
- bam, bed, bedgraph, bigwig, and sam files. Bigiwg files can be uploaded to the genome browser for visualization of specific genes.
- scale_boxplot.pdf summarizing scaling factor and normalization to spike-in
- in sam/fragmentLen folder
- fragment_length.pdf summarizing lengths of mapped fragments
- In peakCalling folder:
- peak_plots.pdf summarizes peak results
- In SEACR folder:
- heatmaps centered around gene (_gene_cpm_smooth) and peak (_SEACR_heatmap) and their matrices and bed files
- log files from both bowtie run and peak run
- GO to:
- Follow installation instructions
NOTE SRA-toolkit is needed for this:
<sratoolkit bin folder/fasterq-dump SRR########>
# example:
~/programs/sratoolkit.3.0.5-centos_linux64/bin/fasterq-dump SRR23343778
- If you have human or mouse data, you can download cellranger's prebuilt reference genomes here:
- If you are building a reference, check
- Then modify the following template and run
# input ensemble genome and gtf files, as well as motif file in
source src/
# edit variables:
# cell_ref="" # location of cellranger reference genome
# fastq_dir="" # location of fastq files
# s="" # sample ID
source src/
conda env create -f cut_tag_sc_environment.yml
conda activate cut_tag_sc
projPath = "folder where count data is from cell ranger"
H5 = "name of H5 file" # if NA looks for matrix.mtx, barcodes.tsv, and peaks.bed files
metadata = "metadata file name"
fragments = "fragment file name"
genes = "genes to visualize for gene activity feature plots"
processed_sc_seurat_file = "processed scRNAseq object to help annotate cut&tag object"
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('process_scCutTag.rmd')"
- chromatin-assay_obj.rds --> object with processed peaks
- QC_plots.pdf --> plots for TSS enrichment, fragment length, blacklist ratio, nucleosome signal, pct reads in peaks
- depth_correlation.pdf --> Correlation between sequencing depth and reduced dimension components
- cluster_umap.pdf --> umap of clusters
- gene_feature_plots.pdf --> gene activity plots
- seurat_mapping_plot.pdf --> plot of scRNA annotations and their mapping for scCut&Tag annotations
- DEpeak_plot.pdf --> differentially expressed peaks between 2 celltypes
- GOterm_barplots.pdf --> Go enrichment plots for given celltype
- CoveragePlot.pdf --> For given genes, showing coverage for each cell type