Clone this repo:
git clone
cd deus-configs
Create persistent volumes:
docker volume create couchdb_data
docker volume create elasticsearch_data
Create .env file with environment variables. Use .env.example as template
It needs to be done once per docker host.
To start all services using images uploaded to (they are built automatically from GitHub master branches, but it takes about 10-15 minutes):
docker-compose up
Second command will use cloud/docker-compose.yml, which defines needed services and relations between them.
Ctrl+C can be used to stop instances. If there some error messages about duplicated mounts during 'docker-compose up', use 'docker-compose down -v' to completely bring down all containers from previous run and do 'docker-compose up' again.
As docker-compose is not installed and installation of new software is problematic, docker-compose needs to be run inside (!) docker by using corresponding image.
Use following command instead of docker-compose: