A showcase news app with flutter and best practises I learned along the way. Of course this is not the perfect example of creating flutter app. so you are welcome to suggeset the better way to do things.
- Localization using flutter_localization
- Dynamic Theme
- Caching the api response
- Save Favorite Article Locally
- Clean Code Architecture
flutter pub get && flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs #fetch the packages and run build_runner to generate necessary files [localization, routing ]
flutter run -d device-name #run on specific device
flutter build apk #for android
flutter build ipa #for iOS
This app showcases following packages use in production app:
- AutoRoute
- cached_network_image
- connectivity_plus
- flutter_bloc
- flutter_localizations
- get_it
- google_fonts
- hive
- intl
- path_provider
- share_plus
- shared_preferences
- timeago
- webview_flutter