Connect ESP8266 directly to Remeha CV/Boiler to read data using PHP.
The current PHP code uses an Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266 to connect to and read data from a Remeha Calenta 40C boiler. The Huzzah ESP8266 was chosen as it is a 5VDC device and does not require any level shifter or additional circuits to deal with the higher voltage. It connect to the Remeha X13 connector using a 4P4C (RJ10) connector with the following pinouts:
- Remeha............>ESP8266
- Pin1 (GND)........>GND
- Pin2 (RX).........>TX
- Pin3 (TX).........>RX
- Pin4 (VDC)........>VCC+
The ESP8266 is running and has been tested with the ESP-Link firmware/software loaded (also on GitHub)
Currently this is a 'read only' script and provides the following functionality:
- Connects ESP to Calenta
- Sends Hex to Calenta and reads the responses (for "Sample Data" and "Counter Data")
- Maps response to more 'logical' variables
- Translates various 'bits' to provide correct messages
- Writes information received to Domoticz server using cURL
To do:
- Add code to collect other parameters from the Calenta (e.g. Identification, Parameters, etc.)
- Add code to adjust/change parameters (e.g. pump running time, control setpoint, etc.)
- ...basically provide similar/same functionality as the Remeha Recom software - but using a cheap ESP8266 and web interface.
- Tidy up and optimise code :)