a tool to manage clean generation of postgres row level security scripts basic usage and to view help:
npx pg-rls-util
should give you
pg-rls-util <command>
pg-rls-util init initialize the current draft or an entire project
[aliases: i]
pg-rls-util generate generate all policy scripts [aliases: g]
pg-rls-util release copy current-draft dir to a new release dir [aliases: r]
pg-rls-util diff examine differences between current draft assignments
and db introspection [aliases: d]
pg-rls-util merge merge current-diff into table and function assignments,
removing and adding entries as appropriate. [aliases: m]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
with the graphile-starter schema located here: https://github.com/graphile/starter/blob/main/data/schema.sql
perform intial db introspection and table assignment. the default configuration for graphile-starter should do this automatically
npx pg-rls-util init -x -c postgres://[USER]:[PWD]@[HOST]:[PORT]/[DB_NAME] -s app_hidden,app_private,app_public -p graphile-starter
- roles.json: not really meant to be edited, but it could be
- graphile_starter
- graphile_starter_authenticator
- graphile_starter_visitor
- script-templates.json: currently poorly formatted - json5? - later could be edited, but may remove??
- table-security-profiles.json: meant to be edited
- table-profile-assignments.json: meant to be edited
- function-security-profiles.json: meant to be edited
- function-profile-assignments.json: meant to be edited
creates the current-draft/artifacts directory
npx pg-rls-util generate
scripts created include:
- one-script-to-rule-them-all.sql
- all table and function policies across all schemata
- does NOT affect any existing rls policies
- all-table-policies---all-schemata.sql
- all-function-policies---all-schemata.sql
- create-roles.sql
- will create any missing roles that are needed
- ownership.sql
- ensure that all schemas/tables/functions are owned by the proper user
- remove-all-rls.sql
- optional script that will remove any existing rls policies across the entire database
- maybe useful if you are trying to apply a new security procedure to an old database
each schema will have rollup scripts as well as function and table scripts to quickly view the impact of a portion of the overall security policy on just one table.
for instance, pg-rls-util-gen/current-draft/artifacts/app_public/tableScripts/users.sql
-- to run this sql:
-- psql -h -U postgres -d graphile_starter -f /Users/buckfactor/tmp/pg-rls-util-gen/current-draft/artifacts/app_public/tableScripts/users.sql
-- this script is meant to used during development ----------------------
-- to give a quick view of the before and after state for table: app_public.users
\echo ........
\echo ........
\d+ app_public.users
\echo ........
\echo ........
\dp+ app_public.users
\echo ........
\echo ....this setting can be controlled by table-security-profiles.includeTableRlsRemoval settinc
\echo ........
\echo ........
\echo ....now executing actual table script
\echo ........
----****** BEGIN TABLE POLICY: app_public.users
----****** TABLE SECURITY PROFILE: graphile-starter:: app_public.users
revoke all privileges on table app_public.users
from public,
---------- ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY: app_public.users
alter table app_public.users enable row level security;
drop policy if exists select_all on app_public.users;
create policy select_all on app_public.users as PERMISSIVE for SELECT to graphile_starter_visitor using (true);
drop policy if exists update_self on app_public.users;
create policy update_self on app_public.users as PERMISSIVE for UPDATE to graphile_starter_visitor with check (id = app_public.current_user_id());
---------- CREATE NEW TABLE GRANTS: app_public.users
---------- graphile_starter_visitor
UPDATE (username, name, avatar_url)
-- excluded columns for UPDATE: id, created_at, is_admin, is_verified, updated_at
on table app_public.users to graphile_starter_visitor;
----******* END TABLE POLICY: app_public.users
\echo ........
\echo ........
\dp+ app_public.users;
copy the current draft over to a numbered release. really, you will also want to also copy one or more of the generated scripts over to your own db change management tool. but this is a way to snapshot your work as you go along and could be more tightly coupled via automation
npx pg-rls-util release
later, when you have added new tables and functions, diff freshly introspects the database to help identify and review differences.
npx pg-rls-util diff
this will create current-draft/current-diff.json
fold current-diff.json into table-profile-assignments.json and function-profile-assignments.json
npx pg-rls-util merge