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PostgreSQL query inventory

Jorge Padilla edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 8 revisions

Inventory of Postgres queries used by search and their expected execution plan.

These can be used to validate the Postgres configuration to avoid regressions or introducing changes that cause a negative impact in certain queries.

Queries Description Expected execution plan 50k (default settings) 5Mil  (50 cluster * 100k)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT uid, data FROM search.resources WHERE cluster='locust-2' AND uid!='cluster__locust-2'; Resync: Get existing cluster resources. Bitmap Index Scan on data_cluster_idx 29 ms 38 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM search.resources WHERE cluster='locust-3' AND data->'_hubClusterResource' IS NOT NULL; Sync: Total cluster resources used to validate data. Bitmap Index Scan on data_cluster_idx 44 ms 51 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT sourceid, edgetype, destid FROM search.edges WHERE edgetype!='interCluster' AND cluster='locust-2'; Resync: Get existing edges Bitmap Index Scan on edges_cluster_idx 3.5 ms 5 ms
EXPLAIN DELETE from search.resources WHERE uid IN ('locust-2/130b8376-0496-4fa5-8bc2-897d8bbdaf26'); Resync: Delete resources Index Scan using resources_pkey on resources N/A N/A
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT data->'name' from search.resources; Autocomplete: Unsorted values for name. Should not use Disk 336 ms 2539 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT data->'name' as d from search.resources ORDER BY d ASC; Autocomplete: Sorted values for name. Parallel Seq Scan on resources 735 ms 3258 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT data->'status' from search.resources; Autocomplete: Unsorted values of 'status'. Should not use Disk 1395 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT data->'status' as d from search.resources ORDER BY d ASC; Autocomplete: Sorted values of 'status' Parallel Seq Scan on resources 175 ms 1160 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from search.resources WHERE data->'kind' ? 'Secret'; Search: by kind, no RBAC. Current syntax. Bitmap Index Scan on data_kind_idx 95 ms 1800ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from search.resources WHERE data->>'kind' = 'Secret'; Search: by kind, no RBAC. Same as above but faster, should we use this? Workers Planned: 6 70 ms 400ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from search.resources WHERE data->>'kind' ILIKE 'secret'; Search: by kind, lowercased Workers Planned: 6 125 ms 850ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from search.resources WHERE data->'kind' ?| ARRAY['Secret','Pod']; Search: by multiple kind values. No RBAC. Bitmap Index Scan on data_kind_idx 105 ms 2000 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from search.resources WHERE data->'status' ?| ARRAY['Running','Failed']; Search: by multiple status values. No RBAC.  Workers Planned: 6 42 ms 234 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from search.resources WHERE data->'label' @> '{"app":"search"}'; Search: by label, no RBAC. Workers Planned: 6  50 ms 300 ms
TODO: query for restarts > 5 Search: numeric condition
TODO: count queries Saved searches cards
TODO: Query used by Application backend Application
TODO: Queries with RBAC