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Scale and performance metrics Crunchy

Sherin Varughese edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 4 revisions

Data obtained running Locust jobs on cluster. All response times are in milliseconds.

July 7

User queries (search-api)

  • 5 users (1 new per second)
  • LIMIT of 1000 resources

With 20 small managed clusters on Crunchy DB (July 7)

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 109 0(0.00%) 139 79 523 120 0.22 0.00
searchByFilter 99 0(0.00%) 181 135 338 160 0.20 0.00
searchByKeyword 119 0(0.00%) 171 119 570 150 0.24 0.00
searchComplete 128 0(0.00%) 102 66 760 77 0.26 0.00
searchRelatedCount 115 0(0.00%) 2120 1829 3253 2100 0.23 0.00
searchRelatedItems 102 0(0.00%) 2132 1790 3392 2100 0.20 0.00
Aggregated 672 0(0.00%) 785 66 3392 160 1.35 0.00

With 100 small managed clusters on Crunchy DB

max connections set to 100 (July 7)

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 67 0(0.00%) 820 227 2851 640 0.13 0.00
searchByFilter 68 0(0.00%) 200 77 636 180 0.14 0.00
searchByKeyword 75 0(0.00%) 300 118 831 260 0.15 0.00
searchComplete 64 0(0.00%) 564 274 1558 500 0.13 0.00
searchRelatedCount 71 0(0.00%) 7603 3997 19633 7600 0.14 0.00
searchRelatedItems 71 0(0.00%) 8192 3743 16931 8000 0.14 0.00
Aggregated 416 0(0.00%) 3001 77 19633 580 0.83 0.00

without max connections set to 100 (July 8)

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 76 0(0.00%) 649 247 2327 480 0.15 0.00
searchByFilter 68 0(0.00%) 171 77 627 140 0.14 0.00
searchByKeyword 92 0(0.00%) 298 126 769 240 0.18 0.00
searchComplete 82 0(0.00%) 553 288 1526 480 0.16 0.00
searchRelatedCount 62 0(0.00%) 7592 3581 19691 6900 0.12 0.00
searchRelatedItems 71 0(0.00%) 7055 3572 17998 6600 0.14 0.00
Aggregated 451 0(0.00%) 2451 77 19691 490 0.91 0.00

With indexes on edges table for sourceid and destid

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 150 0(0.00%) 344 218 1289 290 0.30 0.00
searchByFilter 114 0(0.00%) 104 63 517 85 0.23 0.00
searchByKeyword 108 0(0.00%) 179 113 497 160 0.22 0.00
searchComplete 130 0(0.00%) 366 291 841 330 0.26 0.00
searchRelatedCount 116 0(0.00%) 569 199 1184 600 0.23 0.00
searchRelatedItems 122 0(0.00%) 600 202 1446 590 0.24 0.00
Aggregated 740 0(0.00%) 364 63 1446 320 1.48 0.00

Replace all_edges view with Union between edges table and materialized view (MV) to store intercluster edges (with all 3 indexes)

composite unique index(on sourceid, destid, edgetype) and index on sourceid and destid

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 123 0(0.00%) 327 213 1054 290 0.25 0.00
searchByFilter 122 0(0.00%) 102 59 677 82 0.24 0.00
searchByKeyword 119 0(0.00%) 169 117 434 150 0.24 0.00
searchComplete 135 0(0.00%) 377 293 806 330 0.27 0.00
searchRelatedCount 123 0(0.00%) 571 225 1255 600 0.25 0.00
searchRelatedItems 114 0(0.00%) 610 223 1329 620 0.23 0.00
Aggregated 736 0(0.00%) 358 59 1329 310 1.47 0.00

with MV to replace all_edges view and composite unique index(on sourceid, destid, edgetype)

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 83 0(0.00%) 743 220 2854 580 0.17 0.00
searchByFilter 88 0(0.00%) 168 69 535 150 0.18 0.00
searchByKeyword 75 0(0.00%) 313 125 1375 280 0.15 0.00
searchComplete 59 0(0.00%) 662 295 2266 570 0.12 0.00
searchRelatedCount 74 0(0.00%) 7011 3028 22454 6100 0.15 0.00
searchRelatedItems 70 0(0.00%) 7729 3316 18058 6900 0.14 0.00
Aggregated 449 0(0.00%) 2670 69 22454 560 0.90 0.00

With MV and composite unique index(on sourceid, destid, edgetype) and index on sourceid and destid

Environment - operation # reqs # fails Avg Min Max Median req/s failures/s
GP2 storage
searchByCount 123 0(0.00%) 341 214 1036 300 0.25 0.00
searchByFilter 140 0(0.00%) 89 63 238 81 0.28 0.00
searchByKeyword 121 0(0.00%) 167 110 551 150 0.24 0.00
searchComplete 138 0(0.00%) 369 297 775 330 0.28 0.00
searchRelatedCount 120 0(0.00%) 234 66 898 240 0.24 0.00
searchRelatedItems 128 0(0.00%) 223 66 766 240 0.26 0.00
Aggregated 770 0(0.00%) 237 63 1036 240 1.54 0.00

Best times seems to be with materialized view (MV) and 3 indexes - composite unique index(on sourceid, destid, edgetype) and index on sourceid and destid