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gtypes is a prototype implementation of a probabilistic programming language that (i) features a coroutine-based paradigm for implementing generative models and custom inference guides (e.g., proposals for importance sampling), and (ii) uses a novel guide-type system to ensure that the distributions specified by a model and its guide have the same support; as a consequence, the model-guide pair is provably sound for probabilistic inference. Currently, our implementation compiles models and guides to Pyro programs, for either importance sampling or variational inference.


  1. Installing opam:
$ sh <(curl -sL
$ opam init -c 4.10.0
$ eval $(opam env)
  1. Installing the required packages:
$ opam install dune dune-build-info core menhir
  1. Installing pyro and greenlet:
$ pip3 install pyro-ppl greenlet
  1. Compiling gtypes:

Run make to compile the main binary. You may then also run make install to install gtypes as an opam package.


gtypes inputs are monadic typed functional programs. Primitive types include unit, bool, nat[n] for natural numbers smaller than n, nat for natural numbers, ureal for real numbers on the unit interval, preal for positive real numbers, and real for real numbers. Basic types are primitive types, arrows (for functions), products (for pairs), Tb dist for distributions on inhabitants of basic type Tb, and (Tp, [m1; m2; ...]) tensor for tensors of primitive type Tp and shape [m1; m2; ...]. For interaction with external code, gtypes also allows external types, which are arbitrary identifiers.

gtypes programs separate expressions and commands. Expressions describe pure, effect-less computations, i.e., deterministic computations without any randomness. The expression language is essentially a simply-typed lambda calculus with constructors for primitive types. Commands deal with randomness, introduced by sampling commands, as well as communication among coroutines. gtypes adapts a message-passing mechanism; in a system, there are some named channels, each of which connects two processes, and processes can send/receive a value on channels.

Below is a list of probability distributions supported by gtypes:

  • BER(prob): Bernoulli distributions

  • UNIF: The uniform distribution on the unit interval

  • BETA(concentration1; concentration0): Beta distributions

  • GAMMA(concentration; rate): Gamma distributions

  • Normal(loc; scale): Normal distributions

  • CAT(prob1; prob2; ...; probn): Categorical distributions

  • BIN(total_count; prob): Binomial distributions

  • GEO(prob): Geometric distributions

  • POIS(rate): Poisson distributions

Commands are organized in a monadic syntax:

  • return E: Evaluate the expression E and return its value.

  • x <- C1; C2: Execute the command C1, bind the value to x, and continue to the command C2.

  • Pname(E1; E2; ...): Call the procedure Pname with arguments E1, E2, ...

  • sample{ch}(E): Evaluate the expression E to get a distribution d, draw a random sample v from d, and send v to the channel named ch.

  • observe{ch}(E): Evaluate the expression E to get a distribution d, receive a value v from the channel named ch, and proceed as if v is sampled from d.

  • if{ch} E then C1 else C2: Evaluate the expression E to get a Boolean b, pick C1 or C2 based on b, and send b to the channel named ch.

  • if{ch} . then C1 else C2: Receive a Boolean b from the channel ch, and proceed to C1 or C2 based on the value of b.

  • if E then C1 else C2: A standard conditional command.

  • loop[n; Einit]( fn (x : Tb) -> C ): Loop for n iterations with an accumulator of basic type Tb and initial value Einit; in each iteration, bind the accumulator from last iteration to x and execute the command C, whose return value is the next accumulator.

  • iter[E; Einit]( fn t (x : Tb) -> C ): Evaluate E to get a tensor, and then loop through the tensor along its first dimension with an accumulator of basic type Tb and initial value Einit; in each iteration, bind the sub-tensor to t and the accumulator from last iteration to x, then execute the command C.

A program consists of a sequence of top-level bindings, each of which takes one of the forms below:

  • external ename : Tb

    Declare an external binding of type Tb. This is usually used to allow operations on values of external types.

  • type Gname

    Declare a guide-type identifer Gname. gtypes requires each channel in the system to be associate with such an identifier; when type-checking, gtypes infers a communication protocol for each channel and ensures that different parties that operates on the same channel have followed the same communication protocol.

  • proc Pname(x1 : Tb1; x2 : Tb2; ...) -> Tbr | ch1 : Gname1 | ch2 : Gname2 = C

    Define a procedure Pname. Its formal parameters are x1, x2, ... with basic types Tb1, Tb2, ..., respectively. Its return type is Tbr. gtypes assumes each process is an invocation of a procedure, and the process can access at most two channels: it consumes ch1 of guide-type identifier Gname1, and provides ch2 of guide-type identifer Gname2. In case a procedure does not consume or provide a channel, you can write . for the ch : Gname part.

    PS: in some inference algorithms, it is useful to have a notion for global variables, which are not possible in gtypes. For example, variational inference defines guides as parameterized distributions and then optimizes the parameters. To aid the inference, gtypes allows proc Pname[y1 : Tb1; y2 : Tb2; ...](...) ... to specify those global parameters y1, y2, ...

Examples can be found in the folder bench.


For a description of the command-line usage options, run gtypes help.

gtypes has several modes that specify different stages of compilation to Pyro:

  • only-parse FILE: Only parse the input program and check lexing/parsing errors

  • type-check FILE: Type-check the input program, infer and check all the communication protocols

  • normalize FILE: Translate the input program to a-normal-form (this mode currently does not have any output, so it is mainly used to test normalization)

  • compile-m FILE -o Compile a model program to a Pyro program and write it to

  • compile-g -o -m FILE1 -g FILE2: Compile a guide program (for a specific model program) to a Pyro program and write it to

Example usage:

$ gtypes compile-g -m bench/anglican/branching -g bench/anglican/branching-proposal -o


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