Inspired by: FairyFloss Sublime Text theme
Distribution: Arch Linux
Window Manager: AwesomeWM 4.3 with Lain
Compositor: ibhagwan's fork of picom
Terminal: Alacritty with theme by @mxjessie
Cursors: macOSBigSur
Wallpaper: bo0xvn
Firefox Theme: Using Firefox Color extension with the following settings:
"colors": {
"toolbar": "rgb(90, 84, 117)",
"toolbar_text": "rgb(255, 252, 255)",
"frame": "rgb(61, 63, 82)",
"tab_background_text": "rgb(223, 225, 255)",
"toolbar_field": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"toolbar_field_text": "rgb(61, 63, 82)",
"tab_line": "rgb(255, 184, 209)",
"popup": "rgb(61, 63, 82)",
"popup_text": "rgb(223, 225, 255)",
"tab_loading": "rgb(255, 184, 209)"