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Storyblok + Astro


Astro integration for the Storyblok Headless CMS.

Storyblok Astro npm

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Kickstart a new project

Are you eager to dive into coding? Follow these steps to kickstart a new project with Storyblok and Astro, and get started in just a few minutes!

Ultimate Tutorial

Are you looking for a hands-on, step-by-step tutorial? The Astro Ultimate Tutorial has you covered! It provides comprehensive instructions on building a complete, multilingual website using Storyblok and Astro from start to finish.


Install @storyblok/astro:

npm install @storyblok/astro
# yarn add @storyblok/astro
# See below for pnpm


With pnpm, hoist Storyblok dependencies publicly with .npmrc. For more information, check pnpm documentation on here.

Add the following code to astro.config.mjs and replace the accessToken with the preview API token of your Storyblok space.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import storyblok from "@storyblok/astro";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      accessToken: "<your-access-token>",


This SDK uses the Fetch API under the hood. If your environment doesn't support it, you need to install a polyfill like isomorphic-fetch. More info on storyblok-js-client docs.


When you initialize the integration, you can pass all @storyblok/js options.

// Defaults
  accessToken: "<your-access-token>",
  bridge: true,
  apiOptions: {}, // storyblok-js-client options
  components: {},
  componentsDir: "src",
  enableFallbackComponent: false,
  customFallbackComponent: "",
  useCustomApi: false,


By default, the apiPlugin from @storyblok/js is loaded. If you want to use your own method to fetch data from Storyblok, you can disable this behavior by setting useCustomApi to true, resulting in an optimized final bundle.

Region parameter

Possible values:

  • eu (default): For spaces created in the EU
  • us: For spaces created in the US
  • ca: For spaces created in Canada
  • ap: For spaces created in Australia
  • cn: For spaces created in China

Full example for a space created in the US:

  accessToken: "<your-access-token>",
  apiOptions: {
    region: "us",


For spaces created in the United States or China, the region parameter must be specified.

Getting started

1. Creating and linking your components to the Storyblok Visual Editor

In order to link your Astro components to their equivalents you created in Storyblok:

First, you need to load them globally by specifying their name and their path in astro.config.mjs:

components: {
  page: "storyblok/Page",
  feature: "storyblok/Feature",
  grid: "storyblok/Grid",
  teaser: "storyblok/Teaser",


The src folder is automatically added to the beginning of the path, so in this example your Astro components should be located here:

  • src/storyblok/Page.astro
  • src/storyblok/Feature.astro
  • src/storyblok/Grid.astro
  • src/storyblok/Teaser.astro

You can choose any other folder in the src directory for your Astro components.


If you prefer to use a different folder than src, you can specify one using the componentsDir option:

  componentsDir: "app",

Now, your Storyblok components can be located anywhere in the app folder, e.g. page: "storyblok/Page" for app/storyblok/Page.astro or page: "Page" for app/Page.astro.

For each component, use the storyblokEditable() function on its root element, passing the blok property that they receive:

import { storyblokEditable } from "@storyblok/astro";

const { blok } = Astro.props

<div {...storyblokEditable(blok)}>

Finally, you can use the provided <StoryblokComponent> for nested components; it will automatically render them (if they have been registered globally beforehand):

import { storyblokEditable } from "@storyblok/astro";
import StoryblokComponent from "@storyblok/astro/StoryblokComponent.astro";

const { blok } = Astro.props

<main {...storyblokEditable(blok)}>
  {blok.body?.map(blok => {return <StoryblokComponent blok="{blok}" />})}


The blok is the actual blok data coming from Storblok's Content Delivery API.

Using fallback components

By default, @storyblok/astro throws an error if a component is not implemented. Setting enableFallbackComponent to true bypasses that behavior, rendering a fallback component in the frontend instead. You can also use a custom fallback component by (for example) setting customFallbackComponent: "storyblok/MyCustomFallback".

Using partial hydration

If you want to use partial hydration with any of the frameworks supported by Astro, follow these steps:

  1. Install the official Astro integration for your desired framework
  2. Create an Astro component that serves as a wrapper and utilizes the most suitable client directive
  3. Create the actual component in Vue, Svelte, React or any other supported framework

For working examples, please refer to the Live Demo on Stackblitz.

2. Getting Storyblok Stories and using the Storyblok Bridge

Fetching one Story

Use the useStoryblokApi function to have access to an instance of storyblok-js-client:

import { useStoryblokApi } from "@storyblok/astro";
import StoryblokComponent from "@storyblok/astro/StoryblokComponent.astro";

const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi();
const { data } = await storyblokApi.get("cdn/stories/home", {
  version: "draft",

const story = data.story;

<StoryblokComponent blok="{story.content}" />


The available methods are described in the [storyblok-js-client] repository(

Dynamic Routing

In order to dynamically generate Astro pages based on the Stories in your Storyblok Space, you can use the Storyblok Links API and the Astro getStaticPaths() function similar to this example:

import { useStoryblokApi } from "@storyblok/astro";
import StoryblokComponent from "@storyblok/astro/StoryblokComponent.astro";

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi();

  const { data } = await storyblokApi.getAll("cdn/links", {
    version: "draft",
  let links = data.links;
  links = Object.values(links);

  return => {
    return {
      params: { slug: link.slug },

const { slug } = Astro.params;

const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi();

const { data } = await storyblokApi.get(`cdn/stories/${slug}`, {
  version: "draft",

const story = data.story;

<StoryblokComponent blok="{story.content}" />

Using the Storyblok Bridge

The Storyblok Bridge is enabled by default. If you would like to disable it or enable it conditionally (e.g. depending on the environment) you can set the bridge parameter to true or false in astro.config.mjs:


Since Astro is not a reactive JavaScript framework and renders everything as HTML, the Storyblok Bridge will not provide real-time editing as you may know it from other frameworks. However, it automatically refreshes the site for you whenever you save or publish a story.

You can also provide a StoryblokBridgeConfigV2 configuration object to the bridge parameter.

bridge: {
  customParent?: string,
  preventClicks?: boolean, // Defaults to false.
  resolveRelations?: strings[],
  resolveLinks?: string
  • customParent is used to provide a custom URL for the Storyblok editor iframe.
  • preventClicks prevents the default behaviour of clicks when inside the Storyblok editor.
  • resolveRelations may be needed to resolve the same relations that are already resolved in the API requests via the resolve_relations parameter.
  • resolveLinks may be needed to resolve link fields.


resolveRelations and resolveLinks will not have any effect in Astro, since the Storyblok Bridge is configured to reload the page. Thus, all the requests needed will be performed after the reload.

The provided options will be used when initializing the Storyblok Bridge. You can find more information about the Storyblok Bridge and its configuration options on the In Depth Storyblok Bridge guide.

If you want to deploy a dedicated preview environment with the Bridge enabled, allowing users of the Storyblok CMS to see their changes being reflected on the frontend directly without having to rebuild the static site, you can enable Server Side Rendering for that particular use case. More information can be found in the Astro Docs.

Rendering Rich Text


While @storyblok/astro provides basic richtext rendering capabilities, for advanced use cases, it is highly recommended to use storyblok-rich-text-astro-renderer.

You can easily render rich text by using either the renderRichText function included in @storyblok/astro. Use renderRichText, which only supports parsing and returning native HTML tags, if you are not embedding bloks in your rich text. Then you can use the set:html directive:

import { renderRichText } from "@storyblok/astro";

const { blok } = Astro.props

const renderedRichText = renderRichText(blok.text)

<div set:html="{renderedRichText}"></div>

You can also set a custom Schema and component resolver by passing the options as the second parameter of the renderRichText function:

import { RichTextSchema, renderRichText } from "@storyblok/astro";
import cloneDeep from "clone-deep";

const mySchema = cloneDeep(RichTextSchema); // you can make a copy of the default RichTextSchema
// ... and edit the nodes and marks, or add your own.
// Check the base RichTextSchema source here

const { blok } = Astro.props;

const renderedRichText = renderRichText(blok.text, {
  schema: mySchema,
  resolver: (component, blok) => {
    switch (component) {
      case "my-custom-component":
        return `<div class="my-component-class">${blok.text}</div>`;
        return `Component ${component} not found`;

RichTextRenderer deprecated

Use the <RichTextRenderer /> component if you are embedding bloks in your rich text:


As of @storyblok/astro v5, the <RichTextRenderer /> component has been removed. Use the renderRichText function instead.



Returns the instance of the storyblok-js-client.

Enabling Live Preview for Storyblok's Visual Editor


This feature is currently experimental and optional. You may encounters bugs or performance issues.

The Astro SDK now provides a live preview feature, designed to offer real-time editing capabilities for an enhanced user experience in Storyblok's Visual Editor.


To utilize the Astro Storyblok Live feature, Astro must be configured to run in SSR mode.

To activate the experimental live preview feature, follow these steps:

  1. Set livePreview to true within your astro.config.mjs file.
export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      accessToken: "OsvN..",
      livePreview: true,
  output: "server", // Astro must be configured to run in SSR mode
  1. Additionally, please use useStoryblok on your Astro pages for story fetching. This replaces the previously used useStoryblokApi method.
import { useStoryblok } from "@storyblok/astro";
import StoryblokComponent from "@storyblok/astro/StoryblokComponent.astro";

const { slug } = Astro.params;

const story = await useStoryblok(
  // The slug to fetch
  `cdn/stories/${slug === undefined ? "home" : slug}`,
  // The API options
    version: "draft",
  // The Bridge options (optional, if an empty object, null, or false are set, the API options will be considered automatically as far as applicable)
  // The Astro object (essential for the live preview functionality)

<StoryblokComponent blok={story.content} />

The Storyblok JavaScript SDK Ecosystem

A visual representation of the Storyblok JavaScript SDK Ecosystem



We extend our deepest gratitude to the Astro team, especially Tony Sullivan, Matthew Philips, and Nate Moore, for their unwavering support in enhancing this integration. Your partnership is immensely valued.

Virtual Identity

Our heartfelt thanks go to Virtual Identity, one of our closest agency partners. The live preview feature owes its existence to the ingenuity and innovation of their team. Special recognition goes to their developer Mario Hamann for his pivotal live preview POC and continuous support.

Further Resources



Please see our contributing guidelines and our code of conduct. This project uses semantic-release for generating new versions by using commit messages. We use the Angular Convention to name the commits.