there are several services :
- auth service : to handle users and authentication
- book service : to manage books
- authors service : to manage authors
- category service : to manage book categories
this is the schema of database design systems
- book_db: database for
only have book table
book |
id |
title |
author_id |
description |
category_id |
stock |
created_at |
updated_at |
- author_db: database for
only have author table
author |
id |
name |
biography |
created_at |
updated_at |
- category_db: database for
only have category table
category |
id |
name |
description |
created_at |
updated_at |
- user_db: database for
have two tables (borrowing and user)
borrowing |
id |
user_id |
book_id |
borrow_date |
due_date |
return_date |
status |
- UserService
user |
id |
username |
password_hash |
created_at |
updated_at |