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Installation for macOS

Raul B. Netto edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

Install Requirements

  • Open the terminal. (shift+space Terminal 😊)

  • Install homebrew with the console ( is necessary to have xcode installed. xcode-select --install).

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  • Install GIT.

brew install git

  • Install postgres database engine

brew install postgresql

brew services start postgresql (start service)

  • Install python 2.6 (if you already have it, skip this line)
  • Install Virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

  • Clone ManaTI repository

git clone

cd Manati

  • Create python virtual environment

virtualenv vmanati (create environment)

source vmanati/bin/activate (activate the environment)

  • Install python libraries necessaries for ManaTI

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting Postgres

  • Create postgres user and database

psql -U postgres -W -h localhost

(insert password for user postgres, usually the default password is also postgres)

create user manati_db_user with password 'password';

create database manati_db;

grant all privileges on database manati_db to manati_db_user;

alter role manati_db_user createrole createdb;

CTRL-D (to output the postgres db shell)

  • Test if everything is ok

psql -h localhost -d manati_db -U manati_db_user (and put the manati_db_user password)

  • Install redis-server

brew install redis


In the file .env, are the variables of the systems. Configure if you want.

SECRET_KEY, is used by django for making hashes

DEBUG, by default is true

DB_NAME=manati_db, the name of the database for manati

DB_USER=manati_db_user, the exclusive user created for manati

DB_PASSWORD=password, password of the manati_db_user


DATABASE_URL=postgres://manati_db_user:password@localhost:5432/manati_db, is the link to the database, copy the data defined before if you want to use the database in the same server, otherwise put the url of the postgres db.

REDISTOGO_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0, host name and port used by redis

REDIS_PASSWORD=, redis can be configured to use password. read the for more information

  • Execute migrations files.

python ./ makemigrations guardian (used for authorization)

python ./ migrate

python ./ check_external_modules

  • Execute file (in the background or another console).


  • Create super user for login in the web system,

python createsuperuser (remover the user name and the password)

  • We will execute the django application using the server by default, it is ok for development. In the you can find more information of how to use the web application using a server for production.

python ./ runserver

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