# Xignite - riotjs and Streamdata.io demo
An event-driven app based on Riot (a React-like user interface micro-library) and Streamdata.io to turn Xignite API into a streaming API (http://streamdata.io/). For further reading, you can read the blog entry explanation at streamdata blog.
1- Create an account on Xignite https://www.xignite.com/ to get your Xignite Developer token that will let you call Xignite's APIs. Our demo uses XigniteGlobalCurrencies API. If you are using a Xignite trial account, please make sure that you have set appropriate permission for this API and that maximum hits limit have not been reached. See https://www.xignite.com/MyAccount/#/api/trials for more details.
2- Create an free account on streamdata.io https://portal.streamdata.io/#/register to get an App token.
3- Edit index.html and replace [YOUR_XIGNITE_TOKEN] and [YOUR_STREAMDATAIO_APP_TOKEN] with the corresponding keys.
4- Launch the app with your favorite server
- the simplest way, if Python is installed on your machine, is to run the command
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
- if you are an npm afficionados, you can use http-server
npm install http-server
node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server .
5- Open your favorite browser (works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE 10+) at http://localhost:8080