5.5.0 (2023-11-20)
- ๐ธ add more animation-* atoms (90a4405)
- ๐ธ add more atoms (fb0a3c8)
- ๐ธ add TypeScript atom types (8debe40)
- ๐ธ finalize atom TypeScript types (4b37ed5)
- ๐ธ finalize new atom list (248e68e)
5.4.0 (2023-11-20)
- update sourcemap library (86aa0eb)
5.3.5 (2022-05-20)
- remove non-existing file reference (7cd4806)
5.3.4 (2021-07-28)
- ๐ remove trailing commas (103c3e7)
5.3.3 (2021-07-28)
- remove trailing comma (985a66c)
5.3.2 (2021-07-28)
- remove hydration logging in development (1bf7053)
5.3.1 (2021-01-13)
- make every export to be listed manually since TSC 4 (78e50fa)
5.3.0 (2020-02-17)
- ๐ธ export all types (23a1ade)
5.2.0 (2019-06-03)
- add "::placeholder" support to prefixer (caf78d8)
5.1.0 (2019-03-26)
- ๐ don't crash CSSOM and VCSSOM addons on server side (123f76c)
- ๐ธ add .del() to VRule, removeRule() now acc only 1 arg (6d25e55)
- ๐ธ change VRule interface, add vcssom docs (18cea49)
5.0.0 (2019-03-22)
- ๐ don't load VCSSOM in non-browser environments (857b2d2)
- ๐ search for rule index before removing it (27b48ca)
- ๐ธ add CSSOM and VCSSOM TypeScript typings (607253a)
- ๐ธ add TypeScript definitiosn for some missing addons (6611aac)
- ๐ธ allow JS-style snake-case declaration properties (9b8197a)
- ๐ธ move TypeScript typings inline next to implementations (224ee56)
- ๐งจ refactoring TypeScript types might break some TypeScript builds
4.0.0 (2019-03-21)
- ๐
should beNODE_ENV
(8feead7) - upgrade react-dom due to vulnerability (8bdeeba)
- upgrade webpack-dev-server due to vulnerability (602d9c3)
- ๐ธ add vcssom addon (63e27f2)
- ๐ธ create unified CSSOM createRule() for all use cases (6976707)
- ๐ธ improve cssom addon (6f1ead5)
- ๐ธsupport
(a905b54), closes #220
- cssom addon API changed, pipe addon as a consequence now behaves differently, too
- old putRule() CSSOM function is now removed, use createRule() instead
3.5.0 (2018-12-26)
3.4.0 (2018-09-18)
3.3.0 (2018-09-18)
- improve kebab case conversion (1819a14)
- better kebab case conversion (380f65f)
3.2.1 (2018-08-06)
- ๐ don't insert empty !important declarations (197430d)
3.2.0 (2018-08-05)
- ๐ add !important only if it is not already there (8f0bc4c)
- ๐ replace all & operators in nesting addon (0e1eca8)
- ๐ธ add placeholders for decorator and comp addons types (2c897e0)
3.1.0 (2018-07-21)
- ๐ธ add atoms addon typings (472415c)
- ๐ธ add drule addon typings (fe0345c)
- ๐ธ add keyframes() addon typings (4615452)
- ๐ธ add sheet addon typings (2b86cc2)
- add sheet preset typings (94c11ac)
3.0.1 (2018-07-16)
3.0.0 (2018-07-15)
- ๐ธ add TypeScript type definitions (696dd4d)
- ๐ธ improve TypeScript definitions (21a3a49)
- ๐ธ pretty-print CSS in DEV mode (446e9c1)
- ๐ธ protect .putRaw from unknown pseudo-selectors (d122cf5)
- ๐ธ remove
addon in favor of new changes (9f0c2fc)
- safe addon is now removed and .putRaw will not throw
2.2.0 (2018-07-14)
- ๐ธ make
addom less chatty (c449a13)
- โก๏ธ store all units in a string (7142d86)
2.1.0 (2018-07-11)
- ๐ธ add "tr" atom for "transform" property (e4d59e5)
- ๐ธ add sourcemaps addon to presets (8fb46c0)
- ๐ธ create "safe" addon (d6f0ad5)
- ๐ธ create "units" addon (0e1e25c)
- ๐ธ improve hydrate addon (511b293)
- ๐ธ improve source maps, make work with jsx and sheet (8b24e44)
- ๐ธ make first version of sourcemap addon work (038b2c1)
- ๐ธ warn user on clashing block names (79a0a36)
- โก๏ธ create units object only once (4c39f31)
2.0.2 (2018-06-15)
- release hydrate bug fix (88b5a2c)
2.0.1 (2018-06-15)
- remove complicated selectors in Normalize.css reset (4f13854)
2.0.0 (2018-06-13)
- semantic-releaes v2 (ccb5d6d)
- v2
- add back Yahoo reset test (45ff58f)
- always render style() comps on extract addon (2657001)
- dont require json loader for webpack (91d1874)
- fix atoms addon (7bac059)
- improve fonts reset (daab84b)
- insert rules at the end of stylesheet (752de24)
- make precedence of top level rules higher (3ae7050)
- support array-as-value after prefixing (5197e66)
- typos (33186cd)
- ๐ธ add Normalize.css reest (fe8fee1), closes #132
- add $ref and $as support for jsx() (1207854)
- add atom addon (edc5d59)
- add Atrule support (20882c4)
- add basic amp addon (5e5b633)
- add basic cssom addon (a08dbc9)
- add basic keyframes() implementation (cd3dcc7)
- add basic pipe addon (034ab59)
- add basic rtl addon implementation (c7b901d)
- add basic spread implementation (fa376da)
- add basic static class decorator (51b09b3)
- add CSS resets (26f86b4)
- add decorator addon (381d4fd)
- add dsheet() (744149c)
- add dsheet() interface (1d509ed)
- add extract addon (8f9fed0)
- add fadeIn animation (9de1af8)
- add fadeIn animation story (b17051d)
- add fadeInDown animation (074b954)
- add fadeInExpand animation (cc3e75e)
- add garbage collection to pipe() (f2a9087)
- add hoistGlobalsAndWrapContext() (364ba2b)
- add hydration addon (0a8feb4)
- add initial implementation (32a7caf)
- add inline-style-prefixer addon (005dd68)
- add keyframes() (77578ba)
- add limit addon (4b2ab42)
- add minH and maxH atoms (5772142)
- add nesting addon (ce8b5dc)
- add prefixes to keyframes (6e98435)
- add pseudo selectors :hover :focus (4bacb7e)
- add react preset (ae542c0)
- add reset-font addon (913320d)
- add sheet preset (1d67594)
- add sheet() addon (f2d4bd2)
- add snake any value .s and semantic accents (ee296ed)
- add spread addon (388b391)
- add stable hash story (c0367ee)
- add stable stringify plugin (be13c1b)
- add static decorator dynamic CSS (5ef8a08)
- add stylis (37f714c)
- add tachyons definitions (bd1bfa7)
- add tachyons hover rules (0aabd1c)
- add toCss() (b8a4958)
- add unitless addon that add 'px' automatical (ca0f9b0)
- add useStyles interface (2e78159)
- add vendor prefixes to keyframes addon (5ddd5bb)
- add virtual CSS addon (3220b02)
- add warning generator for missing deps (f81481d)
- add withStyles() interface (4d04280)
- allow .s to accept an object (aedbc41)
- allow composition (d47d212)
- basic snake addon implementation (04965d2)
- change how hydration sheet is located (73259ef)
- creat tachyons snake rules (2829c33)
- create Component interface (2de1804)
- create new snake instance dynamically (d8c0951)
- create react preset (69b0c4e)
- create separate stylesheet for keyframes (90a75a1)
- create styled() addon (a68d1d7)
- display inserted styles in devtools in DEV (f047821)
- expose .sheet property (4b4a32d)
- expose selector for addons (ad64849)
- expose stringify() function (d4756d8)
- first implementation of array addon (77f0ad9)
- fix sheet() and add storeis (923cced)
- fix sheet() and add stories (f135cc2)
- implement basic ref() interface (46de4fd)
- implement drule() (31ee8a2)
- implement first version of virtual addon (d3225e2)
- implement googleFont addon (9083919)
- implement hyperstyle() interface (7fe96eb)
- implement jsx() (7721f0b)
- implement put() function (07ab8e6)
- implement ref addon (d8b6a1e)
- implement styled() (33d31b4)
- implement validate addon (03d039f)
- improve amp addon (7314eae)
- improve atoms and snake addons (8eff686)
- improve fade out animations (564ac3a)
- improve snake addon (9ec9de6)
- improve snake nesting .s (1e2409e)
- improvements (31d23ee)
- initial commit (422f05b)
- make rule() work (3816612)
- make validate addon compile (a9f1adc)
- release v2 (ed24a90)
- remove pipe rules when node is unmounted (d278cec)
- setup project files (c9580d5)
- various (40039b7)
- work on hydration (5f4dc5c)
- improve styled() addon (859a01f)
- release v2