This is an output implementation of elastic beats for support Filebeat, Metricbeat, Functionbeat, Winlogbeat, Auditbeat to Apache Pulsar
This output is developed and tested using Apache Pulsar Client 2.4.0 and Beats 7.3.1
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd pulsar-beat-output
go build -o filebeat filebeat/filebeat.go
go build -o functionbeat functionbeat/functionbeat.go
go build -o winlogbeat winlogbeat/winlogbeat.go
go build -o packetbeat packetbeat/packetbeat.go
In this section, you can use the sample config file in the directory [./sample/config/], or you can create it as follow steps.
url: "pulsar://localhost:6650"
topic: my_topic
name: test123
./filebeat modules enable system
./filebeat modules list
./filebeat -c filebeat.yml -e
docker build -t pulsar-beat .
docker network create pulsar-beat
docker run -d -it --network pulsar-beat -p 6650:6650 -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/data:/pulsar/data --name pulsar-beat-standalone apachepulsar/pulsar:2.7.0 bin/pulsar standalone
url: "pulsar://pulsar-beat-standalone:6650"
topic: my_topic
name: test123
docker pull golang:1.17
docker run -it --network pulsar-beat --name filebeat golang:1.17 /bin/bash
git clone
cd pulsar-beat-output
go build -o filebeat filebeat/filebeat.go
chown -R root:root filebeat.yml test_module/modules.d/system.yml test_module/module/system
cp test_module/module/system/auth/test/test.log /var/log/messages.log
cp filebeat/filebeat filebeat.yml test_module
cd test_module
./filebeat modules enable system
./filebeat -c filebeat.yml -e
docker cp pulsar-beat-standalone:/pulsar
docker exec -it pulsar-beat-standalone /bin/bash
Now you can see the information collected from filebeat.
Name | Description | Default |
url | Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service | pulsar://localhost:6650 |
certificate_path | path of tls cert file | "" |
private_key_path | path of tls key file | "" |
use_tls | Whether to turn on TLS, if to start, use protocol pulsar+ssl | false |
token | Access token information of cluster | "" |
token_file_path | The file path where token is saved | "" |
log_level | Setting the log level, available options(panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace) | info |
oauth2.enabled | Enabled or disabled oauth2 authentication | false |
oauth2.clientId | client ID | "" |
oauth2.issuerUrl | URL of the authentication provider which allows the Pulsar client to obtain an access token | "" |
oauth2.privateKey | URL of a JSON credentials file | "" |
oauth2.audience | The audience value is either the application (Client ID ) for an ID Token or the API that is being called (API Identifier ) for an Access Token |
"" |
oauth2.scope | Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account | "" |
Name | Description | Default |
topic | Specify the topic this producer will be publishing on. You can set the topic dynamically by using a format string to access any event field. For example %{[fields.log_topic]} . |
"" |
partition_key | Specify the message key. You can set the message key dynamically by using a format string to access any event field. For example %{[fields.partition_key]} |
"" |
name | Specify a name for the producer | "" |
send_timeout | Set the send timeout | 30s |
block_if_queue_full | Set whether the send and sendAsync operations should block when the outgoing message queue is full. | false |
batching_max_messages | maximum number of messages in a batch | 1000 |
batching_max_publish_delay | the batch delay | 1ms |
message_routing_mode | the message routing mode, SinglePartition,RoundRobinPartition, CustomPartition(0,1,2) | 1 |
hashing_schema | JavaStringHash,Murmur3_32Hash(0,1) | 0 |
compression_type | NONE,LZ4,ZLIB,ZSTD(0,1,2,3) | 0 |
max_cache_producers | Specify the maximun cache(lru) producers of dynamic topic. | 8 |
/root/go/pkg/mod/ case-insensitive import collision: "" and ""
Replace zstd_cgo.go file
cp zstd_cgo.go /root/go/pkg/mod/
Reference .
If you encounter problems with dynamic libraries,please reference:
Reference elastic/beats#11054.
vendor/ fatal error: rpm/rpmlib.h: No such file or directory
aapt-get install librpm-dev
Exiting: error loading config file: config file ("filebeat.yml") must be owned by the user identifier (uid=0) or root
chown -R root:root filebeat.yml