The goal of roper is to accurately detect differentially expressed genes in the presence of unknown forms of additional variation that remains in the RNA-Seq read count.
You can install the development version of roper from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
count <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 5e4, mu = 100, size = 1 / 0.5), ncol = 50)
mod <- model.matrix(~ gl(n = 2, k = 25))
res <- rope(datmat = count, X_model = mod, x_PI_idx = dim(mod)[2])
#> logFC logLR adj adj_logLR pvals padj
#> V1 -0.05653202 1.9503623 0.03048107 0.05944913 0.73023249 0.9540478
#> V2 0.03416481 0.6633128 0.01677048 0.01112408 0.88142885 0.9729925
#> V3 0.33041054 70.6842968 0.01985048 1.40311725 0.09389854 0.8661218
#> V4 0.07950771 3.4408076 0.01995857 0.06867361 0.71093261 0.9540478
#> V5 0.06109979 2.4692544 0.01694686 0.04184610 0.77235484 0.9602489
#> V6 -0.06933239 3.6486216 0.01624925 0.05928738 0.73058545 0.9540478