File name: cmudict-0.7b-ws.utf8
- Fetched from
- Converted from Latin-1 to utf-8
- Converted to Wikispeech-internal format, and transcriptions mapped to en-us WS-SAMPA
Reference: steps taken to convert to Wikispeech format
File name: sv-se/nst/swe030224NST.pron-ws.utf8.gz
- Fetched from
- Converted from Latin-1 to utf-8
- Converted to Wikispeech-internal format, and transcriptions mapped to sv-se WS-SAMPA
Reference: steps taken to convert to Wikispeech format
File name: nb-no/nst/nor030224NST.pron-ws.utf8.gz
- Fetched from
- Converted from Latin-1 to utf-8
- Converted to Wikispeech-internal format, and transcriptions mapped to nb-no WS-SAMPA
Reference: steps taken to convert to Wikispeech format
This work was supported by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) through the grant "Wikispeech – en användargenererad talsyntes på Wikipedia" (2016–2017).