To run the server:
$rails server
$rails s
To start a console for the database:
$rails dbconsole
To see all the possible calls for the RESTful API:
$rails routes
Requires PostgreSQL and ruby
To install bundler
$gem install bundler
To install ruby on rails:
$gem install rails
Run the setup file for the project
$ruby /bin/setup
This will install all dependencies from the gemfile and setup database.
(can also be done with $bundle install
to install dependencies and ruby bin/rails db:setup
to setup database)
After this you might have to update which versions you're using in the gemfile.
Then you should be good to go, enjoy!
For authentification (login, registration, etc.):
To get local smtp server up and running for local development use mailcatcher.
$gem install mailcatcher
and then $mailcatcher
will start the smtp server at http://localhost:1025. You can see all e-mails sent at http://localhost:1080.
Do not include mailcatcher in your gemfile
If you're looking at a ruby on rails project for the first time this might be a little confusing. Here's a short intro. For more extensive info; Google is your friend.