This “package” is the development package. Do not attempt to load it as you would a typical package. It contains a loose testing ground of functionality that, if deemed sufficiently useful, will eventually be migrated into an appropriate package.
You cannot currently install the devel
library from the command line,
as it is not a package per se. The simplest way to obtain the
functionality it contains is to load it using the RStudio
options(width = 110L)
devtools::load_all() # all objects, even non-exported, are accessible
#> ℹ Loading devel
#> Loading required package: helpr
#> [1] "%!=%" "%!set%"
#> [3] "%[[%" "%@@%"
#> [5] "%@@%<-" "%==%"
#> [7] "%===%" "%set%"
#> [9] "abline" "add_class"
#> [11] "add_color" "add_rowid"
#> [13] "add_style" "addAssayVariance"
#> [15] "aes" "aov"
#> [17] "as_helpr_bytes" "as_helpr_path"
#> [19] "as_tibble" "axis"
#> [21] "be_hard" "be_quiet"
#> [23] "be_safe" "bind_rows"
#> [25] "binom.test" "blue"
#> [27] "bootstrap" "boxplot"
#> [29] "calc_ccc" "calc_model_metrics"
#> [31] "calc_predictions" "calc_qvalue"
#> [33] "calc_ss" "calc.aic"
#> [35] "calc.dil.scale.factors" "calc.limits"
#> [37] "calc.mapped.scale.factors" ""
#> [39] "calcConnectedComponents" "calcCVbands"
#> [41] "calcCVbyGroup" "calcICC"
#> [43] "calcPairwiseTables" "calcPercentileTable"
#> [45] "calcRsquared" "calcSS2L"
#> [47] "capture" "choose_pivot"
#> [49] "CI95se" "coefRi"
#> [51] "col2rn" "combn"
#> [53] "compact_it" "computeCVBands"
#> [55] "computeRefParams" "computeRefParams_kCentral"
#> [57] "convert2df" "create_form"
#> [59] "createConcordTable" "createNormalizationSummaryTable"
#> [61] "createTestsList" "createUrineNormalizationSummaryTable"
#> [63] "cross_tab" "cross_validate"
#> [65] "cumsumWindow" "cumulative"
#> [67] "curve" "data_dims"
#> [69] "dater" "denormalizationWrapper"
#> [71] "diff_vecs" "dilutionNormalize"
#> [73] "dir_ls" "discard_it"
#> [75] "dots_list2" "duplicatedIndex"
#> [77] "enrich_test" "erf"
#> [79] "erf.inv" "erfc"
#> [81] "evaluateCalibrationQC" "expect_error_free"
#> [83] "expect_snapshot_plot" "expit"
#> [85] "file_ext" "file_ext<-"
#> [87] "file_find" "fisher.test"
#> [89] "fit" "fit_gauss"
#> [91] "fit.npl" "generateSingleSampleReference"
#> [93] "geom_function" "geom_hline"
#> [95] "geom_line" "geom_point"
#> [97] "geom_vline" "get_compression"
#> [99] "get_model_classes" "get_model_coef"
#> [101] "get_model_features" "get_model_params"
#> [103] "get_model_type" "get_outliers"
#> [105] "get_pars" "get_pos_class"
#> [107] "get_tom_data" "get.4PLtheta.file"
#> [109] "get.npl.stats" "getDupIdxList"
#> [111] "getInflectionPt" "getInit"
#> [113] "getRFUdata" "getSSmenu"
#> [115] "gg_color_hue" "ggplot"
#> [117] "ggtitle" "give_praise"
#> [119] "gof" "grid"
#> [121] "has_length" "has_rn"
#> [123] "has_style" "helpr_path"
#> [125] "InfectionByCounty" "info_dir"
#> [127] "is_chr" "is_dbl"
#> [129] "is_int" "is_int_vec"
#> [131] "is_lgl" "is_lib_mode"
#> [133] "is_logspace" "is_monotonic"
#> [135] "is.dir" "jagged_tbl"
#> [137] "kCentralMAD" "kCentralSD"
#> [139] "keep_it" "labs"
#> [141] "legend" "len_one"
#> [143] "lib_mode" "lib_tree"
#> [145] "library.dynam" "library.dynam.unload"
#> [147] "lines" "list_modify"
#> [149] "liter" "lm"
#> [151] "logit" "ls_dir"
#> [153] "lsObjects" "lss"
#> [155] "map" "map_df"
#> [157] "map2" "mclapply"
#> [159] "mergeMetaData" "modifyAptContent"
#> [161] "my_x_log10" "my_y_log10"
#> [163] "my.qq" "newton_raphson"
#> [165] "normal_k2_mixture" "obj_size"
#> [167] "openR" "optim"
#> [169] "p_value_FDR" "pad"
#> [171] "partition" "path_real"
#> [173] "pf" "plot.npl"
#> [175] "plot.scramble.ks" "plotHemo"
#> [177] "plotTwoWayInteraction" "points"
#> [179] "print_sink" "print.npl"
#> [181] "pvalueFDR" "qt"
#> [183] "quantile" "quantileNormalize"
#> [185] "quicksort" "read_text"
#> [187] "read.csv" "remove_columns"
#> [189] "rep_lgl" "Ri_data"
#> [191] "rm_file_ext" "rm_rn"
#> [193] "rm_style" "rn2col"
#> [195] "rnorm" "robustPCA"
#> [197] "robustPCAshrinkage" "robustPCAsvdThresh"
#> [199] "safely" "save_rda"
#> [201] "save_rds" "scrambleKS"
#> [203] "sd" "search_replace"
#> [205] "search_replace.character" ""
#> [207] "search_replace.default" "search_replace.matrix"
#> [209] "search_replace.numeric" "searchBreadthFirst"
#> [211] "seconds2time" "select"
#> [213] "seriate" "seriateHeatmap"
#> [215] "set_file_ext" "set_names"
#> [217] "set_Names" "set_rn"
#> [219] "set_rownames" "show_symbols"
#> [221] "sign_test" "signal_done"
#> [223] "signal_info" "signal_oops"
#> [225] "signal_rule" "signal_todo"
#> [227] "skip_on_check" "skip_on_test"
#> [229] "sl" "squish"
#> [231] "str_glue" "str_squish"
#> [233] "symbl" "Sys.sourceDir"
#> [235] "system.file" "test_data"
#> [237] "test_triples_x" "time2seconds"
#> [239] "title_case" "tree_data"
#> [241] "trim" "triples_test"
#> [243] "tune" "UnormCompSubset"
#> [245] "UnormInGroups" "UnormOneGroup"
#> [247] "value" "var"
#> [249] "wilcox.sign.rank" "write_list"
#> [251] "write_text"