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CMake Guide


CMake is a language that generates a build pipeline. That's it. But why should we care?

Because, building large C++ projects is very difficult.

Problems with traditional C++ build systems:

  • Where are the dependency headers and their shared objects?
  • What about on a different OS?
  • Do those dependencies also require dependencies? How do we download them?
  • Which compilation flags do they require and what must the compiler know?
  • Can we integrate multiple programming languages?
  • Can we compile for a different architecture?
  • How do we export our project for use by other projects?

A makefile won't scale.

CMake solves all of these problems.


  1. generates build pipelines in a cross platform way
  2. is extensible (is scriptable)
  3. is the defacto C++ build tool

There are recent competitors in the realm of C++ package managers (Vcpkg and Conan) but CMake still dominates.

How do we build a CMake project?

Let's say we just downloaded a CMake project. Now what? How do turn our source into binaries?

Because CMake is not a build system, we must first generate our build pipeline. Then, we build.

But, let's clearly define what a CMake project is and what it expects.

What is a CMake project?

A CMake project is a directory with a CMake language file called CMakelists.txt. That's technically all a cmake project is. However, we strongly recommend a specific subdirectory organization described further along.

Let's explain the expectations of a CMake project further.


The CMakeLists.txt file, written in CMake, describes our project's binary targets (executables, libraries, etc) plus their dependencies. Much more will be said about it. Suffice it to say, we often edit this file.

The "source" and "binary" directories

To CMake:

  • a source directory is the location of a CMakeLists.txt file
  • a binary directory is the output location of our binary targets, invariably called build, and where the CMakeCache.txt file resides

Here, "source" refers to CMake source code (in other CMakeLists.txt files). Our C++ source code is located in other subdirectories, frequently with their own CMakeLists.txt as well. This implies that there are multiple source directories, although CMake distinguishes between the root source directory and the currently parsed source directory.

Our binary directory is separate from our project's source code. This is called an "out of source" build and allows us a simple way to clean up our project. We just delete the binary directory.


Crucially, the binary directory contains a file called CMakeCache.txt. This is generated only once when we call cmake.

Obviously, it caches build variables. They are plain text so we can directly read them with a editor. Generally we do not edit this file directly. We either generate a build pipeline or override existing cache variables as flags to our cmake command.

Storing them allows us to have multiple build configurations (multiple binary directories) which is very common. Maybe we want a debug build or a release build? Maybe a cross compilation?

Configure and generate steps

Creating a build pipeline occurs in 2 distinct steps:

  1. the configure step, then
  2. the generate step

During the configure step, CMake parses the CMakeLists.txt in the source directory given it. If all this succeeds, we move to the next step. Note, CMakeLists.txt often includes subdirectories with their own CMakeLists.txt

During the generate step, CMake chooses a build system then generates it into the binary directory. By default, CMake guesses which build system to employ based off the current platform. If we want, we may specify this. Here, CMake writes the CMakeCache.txt file.

The distinction between the configure and generate steps matters because certain build information is only available during the generate step. However, it's sometimes useful for the CMakeLists.txt file to access generate step information during the configure step. The CMake language allows this, in a very controlled fashion briefly touched below, with generator expressions.

Generate the build pipeline

Assuming we're in our project's top level source directory (it has a CMakeLists.txt), the usual procedure to create a build pipeline is:

mkdir build # create our binary directory, usually called "build"
cd build    # cd to it
cmake ..    # run cmake, passing our source directory

Alternatively, we may achieve the above in one command:

cmake -S <source-directory> -B <binary-directory>

And, to actually build the targets (assuming we're within the binary directory)

make # or whichever platform specific build tool was chosen

Or, if we prefer to remain in the source directory

cmake --build <binary-directory>

Suppose we modified some source C++ files, do we have to regenerate the build pipeline? No. CMake figures it out. We only run cmake if we wish to generate a differently configured binary directory or perhaps override existing cached variable configuration.

CMake flags

We may pass many flags to the cmake command, hundreds. Plus, we may craft our own. CMake stores them as cache variables in the CMakeCache.txt. Defaults are provided unless we explicitly override. For introductory purposes, we'll constrain ourselves to just a few useful developer variables. However, all of them follow similar syntax

cmake -S . -B build/<someBuildConfiguration> -D <someVariable>=<someValue>

Build type

Sometimes we prefer to compile our targets with debug information included. Sometimes we prefer to optimize for speed or binary size instead. We may direct CMake to alter our build type with the aptly named, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable.

By default, CMake ships with the following available build type configurations:

  • Debug  - include debug information
  • Release  - optimize for speed
  • RelWithDebInfo  - optimize for speed with debug information
  • MinSizeRel  - optimize for size and speed

Other build types are possible with more configuration.

Here's an example usage

cmake -S . -B build/release -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  

Compilation database

We may skip thisi unless our IDE lacks C++ semantic understanding (auto-completion or linting).

Compilation databases are meta data about our project's source code. They're not necessary for building the project however they are often useful for development.

IDEs communicate to a language server to glean information for auto-completion and linting purposes. The industry standard C++ language server is clangd. It consumes a specific format of compilation database called compile_commands.json. Fortunately, CMake easily generates them.

Here's an example usage


The above will flood json and CMake files around our project so it's worth investigating how .gitignore files work. Moreover, we may have to alert our IDE to the location of the generated compilation database.

Install a CMake project

Assuming CMake created a build pipeline and we built, we should have binary artefacts scattered about our binary directory. Installing them into our system is simple enough.

From the binary directory, run

make install 

Or, if we have CMake > version 3.15, from the source directory

cmake --install . 

CMake offers us a shortcut flag for configuring the build type

cmake --install . --config Release 

The CMake Language

Before we begin editing CMakeLists.txt files, we'll have to understand some basics of the CMake language.

The CMake language has a number of included commands, variables, functions, and macros. These are roughly equivalent to any modern programing language's repertoire.

General CMake syntax

Most CMake language constructs resembles the following:

command(args) where:

    command is:
            a CMake command
            a function
            a macro
            control flow

  args is:
            anything (but really a string)

To see all commands:
    cmake --help-command-list 

Commands, Functions, and Macros

Some example commands:

add_library(myLib src/mylib.cpp)
target_include_directories(myLib PUBLIC include/myLib.h)
add_executable(myApp src/main.cpp)
target_link_libaries(myApp myLib)

We can define our own commands. User defined commands are called functions or macros. The only difference between functions and macros is scope. Macros have no variable scope thus are to be cautiously employed.

An example function definition:

# create a function "print_list" which (obviously) prints a list
function(print_list my_list)
    foreach(var IN LISTS my_list)

CMake offers us a few variables to access arguments to our function:

ARGC is the count of arguments
ARGV is the list of arguments
ARGN  is the list of arguments (we haven't assigned names to)
ARG0 , ARG1 , ARG2 , etc are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc arguments


Setting variables

Variables come in 3 types: booleans, strings, and lists. However, they're really all strings. Their scope is for the duration of the file or function they're defined within.

# these are strings
set(my_string hello)
set(also_my_string "hello world")

# these are lists (of strings)
set(my_list 0 1 2 3)

# a string delimited by semicolons is a "list"
set(also_my_list "0; 1; 2; 3; 4")

# these are bools (again really just strings)

# evaluates to true:
# 1, on, yes, true, y

# evaluates to false:
# 0, off, no, false, n, NOTFOUND, -NOTFOUND

set(my_true_bool true)
set(also_my_true_bool yes)

set(my_false_bool false)
set(also_my_false_bool no)

# because bools are common there is a shortcut

# if this is evaluated in CMake project mode (not script mode)
# it sets a cache variable
option(SOME_FLAG "information about this flag" OFF)

There are 2 more types of variable scope: cache, and environmental.

Cache variables write to the CMakeCache.txt contained in the binary directory. Note, a cache variable is set only when its name is not already present in the CMakeCache.txt file. To force it to set, we have to pass the FORCE argument.

Environmental variables exist briefly while the CMake process runs during the configuration and generation phases of our project. Contrary to regular shell environment variables, they do not persist after these phases. Use with caution.

# normal
set(the_answer 42)

# cache (does not overwrite existing value **if** present)
set(my_cache_var "VALUE" CACHE STRING "Description")

# cache (overwrites existing value always)
set(my_cache_var "VALUE" CACHE STRING "Updated Description" FORCE)

# environmental
set(ENV{some_env_var} "whatever")

There is another type of variable called a property whose scope is attached to a target. We will discuss them later in the modern CMake section.

Getting variables

Variables are evaluated with a variable expansion syntax:


We may surround variable evaluation in double quotes to avoid misinterpreting its "type":


Environmental variables are evaluated with a slightly different syntax:


To see all variables:
    cmake --help-variable-list

Generator Expressions

As already stated, CMake runs in 2 major phases: configuration and generation. Sometimes we desire information that is only available during CMake's generation phase. We acquire this information via generator expressions. These possess a strange syntax and many evaluation forms but resemble the following


where ... is something that evaluates with configuration information.

A more concrete example


This has multiple (and nested) generator expressions.

If Debug exists, return 1. Otherwise, return 0.


If Debug is defined (returned 1), return the string DEBUG_LEVEL=2. Otherwise, return ""


If Release exists, return 1. Otherwise, return 0.


If Release is defined (returned 1), return the string DEBUG_LEVEL=0. Otherwise, return "".


We know, it's a bizarre inconsistent syntax, however unavoidably useful. As is observed above, they often function similar to ternary expressions from the C languages.

To finish our swift tour of the CMake language, this example demonstrates functions and variables.

# create a function to print element in a list if they evaluate to true
function(print_list my_list)
    foreach(var IN LISTS my_list)

# create a "list" variable that can be interpreted as bools
set(list_of_bools 0 1 2 3 on off yes no true false y n NOTFOUND Library-NOTFOUND)

# 0123onoffyesnotruefalseynNOTFOUNDLibrary-NOTFOUND

# 0;1;2;3;on;off;yes;no;true;false;y;n;NOTFOUND;Library-NOTFOUND

# 1
# 2
# 3
# on
# yes
# true
# y

Modern CMake

In prior CMake, versions less than around version 3.0, developers often specified dependencies via global variables. Naturally, this threatened extensibility as project scope swelled. Library X requires these build flags and library Y requires something else. Brittle interfaces quickly spread. Can we do better?


Targets and Properties

"Modern CMake" as it is called, versions greater than around 3.0, encapsulates dependencies with targets and properties.

A target is a product of our CMake build: an executable, a library, a test. It's what we want our generated build to build. How do we specify what it requires to build? Properties.

A property is information scoped to a target. CMake predefines many properties which we attach to targets via commands. Properties represent target information such as: compilation flags, linking flags, preprocessor flags, C++ standard, include directories, etc.

Targets are (usually) created by the following commands:


Properties are (usually) attached to a target with the following commands:


We may get/set any property for a target directly with the following commands (but higher level commands are preferred such as the above):


To see all properties:
    cmake --help-property-list

To exploit a metaphor from Object Oriented Programming, one can think of targets as objects and properties as member variables. And, just like member variables, inheritance is possible.

Property Inheritance

When targets link to other targets, properties may be inherited. CMake specifies this through keywords arguments: PRIVATE, INTERFACE, or PUBLIC.

As an example, suppose we have a library target, myLib, that requires 3 other library targets: fmt, json, and network. Those who link to our library, myLib, should not inherit access to fmt or json but should inherit access to network.


Now, we link someOtherLib to myLib. Note, someOtherLib  inherits access to network (because it was specified PUBLIC) but neither fmt nor json (because they were specified PRIVATE)

target_link_libraries(someOtherLib myLib)

So what's this INTERFACE keyword argument? Outside of exporting header only library targets, it's rarely used.

Internally, CMake properties come in pairs which represent their inheritance scopes. CMake calls them interface or private. Interface properties are inherited and their names prefixed with INTERFACE_. Private properties are not inherited nor is their name prefixed with anything.

Thus, there are 3 possible cases of property inheritance. To determine which to use, we ask ourselves the following:

  • Is this dependency needed by me but not needed by dependents? Use PRIVATE (only define private property)
  • Is this dependency not needed by me but needed by dependents? Use INTERFACE (only define interface property)
  • Is this dependency needed by me and needed by dependents? Use PUBLIC (define both private and interface properties)

target_link_libraries (the most important command)

We want to emphasize how important this command is.

First, consider the non-modern way dependencies were managed (do not do this):

  • target A depends on variable B's headers
  • target A depends on variable B's libraries
  • target A depends on variable B's compile flags
  • target A depends on variable B's whatever

This scatters B's dependencies in variables that A must now know about. Who else knows about them? Who knows? It increases the surface area of dependencies and thus coupling bandwidth.

Instead, we only want to say:

  • target A depends on target B

Because of property inheritance, we may say this. There is a single CMake command which says this. We saw it above.

target_link_libraries(A B)

When creating a library target, we set its properties with controlled access. Then, its dependents automatically inherit them. Simple. Modular. Do this.

For historical reasons, this command accepts many types of non-target arguments: raw build flags, shared objects, static libraries, etc. Do not use non-target arguments. Prefer target arguments lest we break encapsulation.

Project Structure

If Modern CMake encourages modularity, it's further emphasized by how we organize our project directory structure. A modern CMake project should resemble the following (names vary):

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── apps
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── app.cpp
├── build
├── cmake
│   └── FindSomeLib.cmake
├── extern
├── include
│   └── modern
│   └── lib.hpp
├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── lib.cpp
└── tests
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── testlib.cpp

project directory

Our root project directory contains a CMakeLists.txt which orchestrates the directories beneath it.

build directory

The build directory contains the project output ie. binary artifacts, what CMake calls targets. These targets are: executables, libraries, tests (the stuff we actually build). Note, this directory is intentionally separate from any source code which allows us to trivially remove it.

include and src directories

If our project creates libraries, meaning it has library targets (shared/static library binary artifacts), we have the include and src directories. The include directory only contains public headers, what we'd like our library to export for others. The src directory contains private headers and private source. We distinguish these directories to ease installation as include may be trivially copied.

apps directory

If our project creates executables, meaning it has executable targets (executable binary artifacts), we have the apps directory. The apps directory contains both headers and source for our executable targets.

tests directory

If our project creates tests, meaning it has test targets (which are really executable targets as well but hooked into CMake's testing system entitled ctest), we have the tests directory.

extern directory

Our project very likely depends on 3rd party libraries. There are a variety of ways to link to these which greatly depends on their location (on or off system) and whether or not they're a properly configured CMake project (dubious). Assuming our 3rd party libraries are git based CMake projects, we place their git submodules in the extern directory.

cmake directory

Alas, it's very likely we will depend on 3rd party libraries that are not CMake projects (raw headers and static/shared objects on our system). How do we import these? Answer: CMake modules. A CMake script within the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is called a CMake module. CMake ships with many modules which find libraries and create imported target libraries. But, it's likely that we'll have to write our own. We'll put these, and other related modules, in the cmake directory.

To see all included modules:
    cmake --help-module-list 

What's in the CMakeLists.txt file?

A CMakeLists.txt file describes what to build (the targets) and how (the dependencies via properties). Therefore, its contents varies. However, utilizing the recommended project structure (prior described), we will tour the usual contents of a CMakeLists.txt file per directory.

The project CMakeLists.txt


  • minimum CMake version
  • project name
  • 3rd party dependencies (how this is accomplished varies, see section regarding how we import dependencies)
  • target subdirectories


# Minimum CMake Version
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)

# Project Name (bonus: version, description, languages)
    VERSION 0.1
    DESCRIPTION "An example project with CMake"
# 3rd Party Dependencies
# add FetchContent CMake module (this downloads non-local CMake projects)

    GIT_TAG 5.3.0)

find_package(Boost REQUIRED)

# Target Subdirectories
# our library targets

# our executable targets

# our test targets

The src CMakeLists.txt 


  • library targets (name and source)
  • library properties (include directory and libraries, optionally other properties)


# Library Targets
    # name
    # source

# Library Properties
# our includes, PUBLIC allows dependents access
target_include_directories(modern_library PUBLIC ../include)

# 3rd party library
target_link_libraries(modern_library PRIVATE Boost::boost)

# other properties
target_compile_features(modern_library PUBLIC cxx_std_11)

The apps CMakeLists.txt 


  • executable targets (name and source)
  • executable properties (libraries or other properties)


# Executable Targets
add_executable(app app.cpp)

# Executable Properties
target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE modern_library fmt::fmt)
target_compile_features(app PRIVATE cxx_std_17)

The tests CMakeLists.txt 


  • optional: 3rd party dependencies (ie. the testing framework) which may be defined at the project scope or locally here
  • executable targets (name and source)
  • executable properties (our library, testing framework)
  • test targets (register executable with ctest)


# optional: 3rd party library
    GIT_TAG v2.13.6
# Adds library target: Catch2::Catch2

# Executable Targets
add_executable(testlib testlib.cpp)

# Executable Properties
# in this case, we're linking to Catch2, which we included above
target_link_libraries(testlib PRIVATE modern_library Catch2::Catch2)
target_compile_features(testlib PRIVATE cxx_std_17)

# Test Targets
# register test with ctest to run it
add_test(NAME testlibtest COMMAND testlib)

How does CMake import dependencies?

We have the following choices:

  • git submodules
  • the FetchContent module
  • the ExternalProject module
  • the find_package() command

Each has caveats, but generally git submodules or the FetchContent module are the easiest (least surprising) choices.

The following examples assume the recommend directory structure.

Git submodules

Perhaps the easiest method, simply put git submodules in our project and build them from source.

We prefer the dependencies to be CMake projects though it's possible (with hassle) they aren't. Of course, git must be locally available. When cloning our project we must now also recursively update submodules but this may be scripted away.

Add a git submodule

From within our project directory, for each dependency, run the following

git submodule add extern/someLibrary 

Recursively update our project's submodules

From within our project directory, run the following

git submodule update --init --recursive  

However, the above must be called before building which is a lot to expect of our users. Instead, we inform CMake to automatically update git submodules for us.

    # Update submodules as needed
    option(GIT_SUBMODULE "Check submodules during build" ON)
        message(STATUS "Submodule update")
            COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update --init --recursive
                "git submodule update --init --recursive failed with ${GIT_SUBMOD_RESULT}, please checkout submodules"

if(NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/extern/repo/CMakeLists.txt")
        "The submodules were not downloaded! GIT_SUBMODULE was turned off or failed. Please update submodules and try again."

Alert our project where the git submodule dependency is

In our top level project CMakeLists.txt file, we write:


FetchContent module

Perhaps the easiest method that modern CMake supports out of the box since version 3.14. 

The FetchContent module downloads dependencies at configure time. Thus, our project may use this information for commands like add_subdirectory(), include(), or file(). We prefer that the dependencies are CMake projects but this not strictly required (though will again incur hassle). Since CMake 3.24, FetchContent may employ find_package() with the FIND_PACKAGE_ARGS parameter.

Call the FetchContent module

We include the FetchContent module, declare dependencies, make them available, then use them as imported targets.

The following example fetches Catch2 and GoogleTest.

# include the FetchContent module

# declare dependencies
    GIT_TAG 703bd9caab50b139428cea1aaff9974ebee5742e #release-1.10.0

    GIT_TAG de6fe184a9ac1a06895cdd1c9b437f0a0bdf14ad # v2.13.4

FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest Catch2)

# use the imported target that GoogleTest created, check the project to determine its target
add_executable(ThingUnitTest thing_ut.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ThingUnitTest GTest::gtest_main)

ExternalProject module

The ExternalProject module is similar to the FetchContent module but older, more complex, and crucially downloads libraries only when we build (run make or whichever our platform demands). Thus, configuration step information is unavailable. It's usually employed by what the CMake community knows as "super builds" or builds that chain on each other. Generally, git submodules or the FetchContent module are easier to use however they expect CMake dependencies which ExternalProject does not.

Call the ExternalProject module

Our example pulls a zipped CMake project. This is only rudimentary, consult the documentation for the myriad of potential uses.


find_package() command

The find_package() command differs from the prior choices insofar as it does not download anything. Rather, find_package() searches our local system. Internally, it calls a CMake module to acquire the dependency and (hopefully) assemble it into imported targets. The arguments to find_package() determine the search mode it will employ, namely module vs config mode.

Module mode is generally for non-CMake project dependencies that require CMake modules to find them, known as find modules.

Config mode is for CMake project dependencies that are configured with CMake package config files. These files export their targets names, version information, and dependencies.

Optimally, our call to find_package() should just work, preferably using config mode which grants us more information. But, sometimes the dependency didn't export a config (which should be considered a bug) or CMake didn't already possess a find module for it. Writing config modules is the purview of the dependency owners. However, albeit less than preferred, we may write a find module.

Call find_package() 

In any search mode the call to find_package() looks identical.

find_package(GTest REQUIRED) 

Write find modules

Assuming our desired dependency did not ship with package config files nor CMake shipped with a find module, we must write the find module ourselves.

Our find module is a CMake module (script) which will set up an imported library target from local 3rd party headers and libraries. It must be named Find<PackageName>.cmake 

So, if our dependency is called SomeLib our find module will be called FindSomeLib.cmake and we will call it like so


We'll place our find module in the cmake directory and inform CMake of its location by updating the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable


Now we may write it.

Our find module will

  • add search locations
  • set header location in a cache variable
  • set library location in a cache variable
  • force our find module to behave in a standard way
  • hide cache variables from displaying in the GUI
  • add imported library target

As an example, let's write a find module for LibImagePipeline, put it into the cmake directory, and call it FindLibImagePipeline.cmake 

# Add search locations
# Because the find_path() command does not have default search locations
# we must feed it some.

# Append the GNU install directories to CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR

# Set the header location in a cache variable

# On success, set location in LIBIMAGEPIPELINE_INCLUDE_DIR

    NAMES Pipeline.hpp
# Set the library location in a cache variable

# On success, set location in LIBIMAGEPIPELINE_LIBRARY
# Note, we omit the library extensions .so .dll .a
# Also, we do not need to provide HINTS (though we may)
    NAMES LibImagePipeline

# Force our find module to behave in a standard way

# By "standard way", we mean our find module should:
# set <PackageName>-FOUND (on success)
# handle the REQUIRED, QUIET, and version related arguments to the find_package() command
# This is a command which does this for us

# Hide cache variables from displaying in the GUI                 |

# In a CMake GUI, variables marked as "advanced" do not show up  unless explicitly requested
# This step is not strictly necessary but nice


# Add imported library target

if(LIBIMAGEPIPELINE_FOUND AND NOT TARGET libImagePipeline::libImagePipeline)
    add_library(libImagePipeline::libImagePipeline SHARED IMPORTED)



How does CMake run tests?

CMake's provided test runner is called ctest.

A test runner (obviously) executes the project's unit tests. The advantage isn't obvious until a project grows significantly large. We may script test runners or ask them to run only tests matching a certain regex.


To use ctest we must:

  1. write unit tests (varies by framework)
  2. add these as executable targets
  3. register these executable targets as tests

The add_executable() command will create targets for us. We feed these targets to add_test() so ctest knows where and how to run them.

To run ctest we simply call it from the binary directory (presumably build). By default, it will run everything registered as a test. Flags narrow this down.

With flag -R we select specific tests by a regex match. With flag -VV we ask for verbose output.

ctest -VV -R SomeTestSuite

Copy test data

Often, unit tests read test data. Our test data may be near the source code location but CMake will not automatically copy it to the runtime location (somewhere in the binary directory).

With the file() command, we may copy files from the CMake source directory to the CMake binary directory.


How do we export a CMake project?

Exporting a CMake project means future consumers have access to the following:

  • the binary artefacts (shared and static objects)
  • the public headers
  • the target names
  • the version
  • the dependencies

The binary artefacts and headers are simple to copy. The rest are not.

Through the creation of CMake modules, known as config modules, we export the above project information. This process is somewhat clunky, fortunately we may direct CMake to generate most of this for us.

Specifically, we want 3 modules:

  • a config target module (contains the project's target name information)
  • a config version module (contains the project's version information)
  • a config module (consumes the above information and specifies which dependencies our project requires)

These modules are then copied into the system library path.

When a future consumer of our project calls find_package(), in config mode, it will directly call our config module. Then, our config module calls the target and version modules.

Write config modules

We have an aptly named command for copying everything into system locations; the install() command. We feed it a destination path and it copies. But, instead of hardcoding absolute paths we will exploit variables. This asks CMake to figure out the best system paths as well as allows niche overrides (a package maintainer might want an unusual install location instead).

We want our config modules to accomplish the following:

  • copy the binary artefacts
  • save the target export set
  • copy the config target module (generated for us)
  • copy the headers
  • write the config module (not generated for us)
  • copy the config version module (generated for us)
  • copy the config module

We add the following to our project's CMakeLists.txt and then manually write our config module to import what's generated.

# import default path prefixes for systems, works even on windows despite the "Gnu" in the module name

# copy the target artefacts
    # which targets we want to install
    TARGETS myLibraryTarget1 myLibraryTarget2
    # save their target export set (for use below)
    EXPORTS MyLibraryTargets

    # windows shared libraries (.dll)
    # non-windows shared libraries (.so)
    # all platforms static libraries

    # set the targets include destination to"include"
    # note, this *does not* install the include directory (handled below)

# copy the config target module
    # consume target export set
    EXPORT MyLibraryTargets

    # write it into a file usually named <Library>Targets.cmake
    File MyLibraryTargets.cmake

    # use namespace (best practice)
    NAMESPACE MyLibrary::

    # store this file, usually in cmake directory of system lib

# copy the target headers
    DIRECTORY include/MyLibrary
    DESTINATION include

# ask CMake to generate the config version module for us
    # write it into a file usually named <Library>ConfigVersion.cmake
    # with this version
    VERSION ${MyLibrary_VERSION}
    # and this backwards compatibility
    COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion

# write config module (shown after this example)

# copy config version module
# copy config module
    # the config version module we generated earlier
    # the config module which we wrote ourselves
    FILES MyLibraryConfigVersion.cmake MyLibraryConfig.cmake
    # store it, usually in cmake directory of system lib

Now, we write our config module file, usually known as <Library>Config.cmake, which finds our project dependencies and rebuilds it into imported targets

# find project dependencies
find_dependency(SomeDependency 1.0)

# rebuild targets


An Introduction to Modern CMake

An Introduction to modern CMake for beginners

CppCon 2017: Mathieu Ropert "Using Modern CMake Patterns to Enforce a Good Modular Design"

C++Now 2017: Daniel Pfeifer "Effective CMake"

CppCon 2018: Mateusz Pusz "Git, CMake, Conan - How to ship and reuse our C++ projects"

Effective Modern CMake

CMake part 1: It is a programming language!

CMake part 3: create a config file to be found by find_package()

CMake Primer

It's Time To Do CMake Right

Modern CMake Is Like Inheritance

CMake line by line - using a non-CMake library

Tutorial: Easy dependency management for C++ with CMake and Git

Tutorial: Preparing libraries for CMake FetchContent

How to Build a CMake-Based Project

Deep CMake for Library Authors


A Gentle Introduction to CMake






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