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FOSSEE_LPMS (FOSSEE Linux Package Management System)

This project has been made as per the specificatinos provided by FOSSEE for the 3rd Task: Linux Package Management System

FOSSEE_LPMS is a packaged executable installer/Front-end for Verilator, a free and open-source software tool which converts Verilog (a hardware description language) to a cycle-accurate behavioral model in C++ or SystemC

it can be freely distributed for any Linux-based platform (OS), it is written in Python using the PyQT5 library and packaged as an Appimage.

Detailed explaination has been priveded in pdf format


2023-01-26-184214_563x458_scrot 2023-01-26-184221_563x458_scrot


  • Accepts Verilog & C++ Files to create executable object
  • Checks if Verilator is installed on the system
  • Checks for supported versions of Verilator
  • Provides automated installation of latest Stable Release of Verilator

Build from Source

IMPORTANT: Do this only if you wish to build from Source

Cloning Repo

git clone

Resolving Dependencis on Ubuntu

Downlad equilant packages on other Linux Distributions Resolves dependencies for Verilator as well but dosen't insall it by default (Refer to Verilator install instruction for latest version)


bash ./

Make Appimage (FOSSEE_GUI-x86_64.AppImage)

bash ./

Download Appimage

To use the platform independent Appimage package Download the latest release from github

  • To run from terminal run

    cd /Path/To/Downloaded/Appimage/
    chmod +x ./FOSSEE_GUI-x86_64.AppImage
  • To run from file manager

    • Open prefferd file manager
    • Navigate to file (FOSSEE_GUI-x86_64.AppImage)
    • Right click -> Select Properties -> Make Executable
    • Double Click to Launch
  • To Add to Application Launcher (Optional)


FOSSEE_GUI has zero dependencies after compilation. Thanks to the following projects/tools for making this possible: