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A repo that is not high-level, really f:mag_right:r away from high-level

C :octocat:

  • swap ---- A swap program for two-digit numbers
  • circle ---- Finding the area and perimeter of the circle based on the selection
  • Find moooreee. 🐾

Java :octocat:

  • scanner_class ---- A program that takes your name, age and gender as char (F or M) and then prints on screen
  • triangle_type ---- A program that takes 3 sides of triangle and decides the type of triangle
  • recursive_factorial ---- A program that calculates factorial of number that is taken from the user
  • fibonacci ---- A program that calculates fibonacci series of number is taken from the user
  • sum_of_the_number ---- A program that calculates sum of the numbers up to the given number

Python :octocat:

  • calculater ---- Make it a scientific calculator for added complexity with math module
  • change ---- Change Return Program - The user enters a cost and then the amount of money given. The program will figure out the change and the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies needed for the change

Algorithms :octocat:

  • Sorting Algorithms

    • Insertion Sort Algorithm (C#, Java, Python)
    • Selection Sort Algorithm (Java)
    • Bubble Sort Algorithm (Java)
  • Searching Algortihms

    • Binary Search (C#)
    • Linear Search (Java)

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