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Swen E Gaudl edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 11 revisions

Running the Rover:

To run agentscape you need a file containing your information on the world, a second file containing your agents and preferably a logback configuration file. It is also beneficial to open two terminals, one for the agentscape server and one for your agents.

Required files (already provided with the Bath image):

Starting the world

  • open a Terminal
  • navigate into your agentscape directory, e.g. /home/[user]/Documents/projects/agentscape/2.0.0
  • copy the world configuration file, e.g. RoverWorld.xml, into your agentscape directory
  • if you do not need logging or have no logback configuration use following command to run agentscape java -jar lib/boot.jar ./RoverWorld.xml
  • if you want to enable logging download the logback configuration and copy into agentscape directory
  • if you have a logback file start your world java -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-stats.xml -jar lib/boot.jar ./RoverWorld.xml this way

Starting your agents

When you start your agents the Agentscape configuration tool will open up asking you if you have a configuration file. Simply click yes and point to your agents configuration file. Running the agents will open up the RoverMonitor offering you a view of the world and a status dialogue for your agents.

  • copy your agents configuration, e.g. RoverAgent.xml, into your agentscape folder to make it easier later on
  • open a second Terminal (presuming you have opened one for the server already)
  • navigate into your agentscape folder
  • start the agentscape configuration tool java -jar lib/config.jar
  • you are now asked if you have a configuration file:
    • if you have an agent configuration file say Yes and then select your agents configuration
    • if not, say No and have a look at the requirements
  • you should now see the "AgentScape Configuration Editor"
  • AgentScape editor window
  • on the left side a small tree containing your agents is given. If you click on one agent you can configure additional parameters or the amount of agents of this type you want to instantiate.
  • the current simulation should ONLY have one monitor, however you can add as many other agents as you want
  • Now Select Run -> Run
    • If the server is not running you will presented with a warning otherwise you get a lift of different locations on the server.
    • If you want to run agents your own agents select the "Individual World" if you want to run against another server select the appropriate other :)
  • Now two windows open
    • a status window containing the connection information
    • a RoverMonitor window
    • AgentScape editor window
  • If everything worked you can now you can run your simulations

Running a simulation

Assuming you started a server and started the agents, this should haven opened the Rovermonitor.

  • You are now set to run your agent simulation.
  • In the RoverMonitor you can set the simulation speed and pick a specific scenario.
    • the important part is that after you picked a scenario you need to click the "Select Scenario" button to confirm your choice if you press "Start" the scenario will not be changed
  • Start your simulation
  • Now the agents should start moving

Additional Information

  • when running the simulation logs files are created for the agents and for the system
    • the logs are saved in your agentscape folder
    • the stats subfolder contains statistical information about the performance of each team of rovers
    • the agent subfolder contains the agent logs plus their connection information and is useful when it comes to crashes
    • the service folder contains the server side information and the world logic part of your simulation
    • the middleware.log contains information about agentscape and its internal processes. Meaning everything which is higher up in the execution chain than your world and agent logs
  • if you want to modify the logback file have a look at the logback manual and at the RoverStats class within the rover.service module for an example