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Postifx, Dovecot, SPAMAssassin, and Horde on RPM-based distros, secured by AIDE and WireGuard


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Mailserver suite on RPM-based distros

Role Variables

mailserver_hostname # hostname for the mail server
mailserver_domain # primary domain name
mailserver_admin_user # user to administer the mail server
  - name
    old_imap_mail: # connection info to the old IMAP address to sync
      host # hostname or IP address of the remote mail server
      user # login user to the remote mail server
      password # password to log in to the remote mail server
      sync: yes # indicates if mailbox should be daily synced after the initial copy
    imap_dedup # boolean if e-mails should be deduplicated daily
    vpn: # WireGuard setup - if a user doesn't have VPN info defined, a client with their name will be generated by default
      - name: client1 # name metadata to identify the VPN client - this should be unique among all users
        privatekey: # WireGuard private key for the client
        publickey: # WireGuard public key for the client
        psk: # WireGuard pre-shared key for the client
      - name: client2 # WireGuard clients with only `name` values will have their keys generated at install time
custom_domains: # list of domains to also configure the mailserver for
undeliverable_exceptions: # list of domains from where mail always should be delivered
production: yes # boolean if we use production Let's Encrypt certificates
public_dns: yes # boolean if the server also should act as a public DNS serving all the relevant records
reset: no # boolean if mail data found on the server should be overwritten
forgotten_mariadb_root_password: yes # boolean if MariaDB root password should be reset
mariadb_backup_path # path to the MariaDB backups
ldap_backup_path # path to the tarball containing LDAP backups
opendkim_backup_path # path to the tarball containing OpenDKIM backups
opendmarc_backup_path # path to the tarball containing OpenDMARC backups
vsftpd_backup_path # path to the tarball containing backups of user home FTP directory contents
ssl_backup_path # path to the tarball containing SSL-related backups
horde_backup_path # path to the tarball containing Horde backups
dovecot_backup_path # path to the tarball containing Dovecot backups
postfix_backup_path # path to the tarball containing Postfix backups
pdns_backup_path # path to the tarball containing PowerDNS backups
wg_vpn_backup_path # path to the tarball containing WireGuard backups
wireguard: # wireguard configuration for admin access
  config_dir: # directory on the server to deploy WireGuard configuration to
  ipv4_pool: # CIDR of the IPv4 pool of the clients
  ipv6_pool: # CIDR of the IPv6 pool of the clients
  nameservers: # list of DNS servers to use for the VPN
  listen_port: # Wireguard server listen address
  allowed_ips: # list of IP addresses to reach via VPN
  keepalive: # VPN keepalive in seconds
httpd_pam_deny_users: # list of users who shouldn't authenticate against HTTPD using PAM

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
    - ansible-mailserver



Author Information

Akos Balla

External sources

Inspiration for the AIDE steps taken from Andrew J. Huffman's Ansible role