A quick hack to reduce swapping by temporarily stopping processes belonging to specific session.
You have a machine with lots of cores but limited memory. You want to compile with all cores, but occasionally you'll run our of memory and swapping grinds the build to halt. You could.
Buy more memory.
Too obvious solution.
Reduce parallellism to limit concurrent memory consumption
For example if at peak compilers take 1GB, you have 4GB, build with -j5. Not a good solution if you have 24 cores and most of the time you run 24 compiles the same time.
Use trafficlight to stop too many processess trying to page at the same time
Trafficlight detects when system starts swapping, and will SIGSTOP a process every 5 sec until paging stops. Once paging stops, it will send SIGCONT stopped processes, letting the compile back to speed again.
Trafficlight can been seen as a gentler version of OOM. killing processes, we just stop the process for a while.
Use ps to find the SID, the session ID covering your compilers, and run trafficlight on it Set --min to the minumum amount of compiles to run at the same time (default 1)
ps xhao pid,ppid,pgid,sid,stat,comm|grep ninja
26484 26344 26104 25930 S+ ninja
sudo ./trafficlight --min 4 --sid 25930
(C) Riku Voipio 2018