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indexing MARC, MODS, and more for SearchWorks. solr index fields displayed overlaid on SearchWorks catalog preview for a book

local development

searchworks_traject_indexer is built on the traject transformation library, which requires ruby. we test the application using ruby 3.2; support for other versions is not guaranteed.

after cloning the repository, install dependencies:

bundle install

then, you can test out indexing against a local solr index:

SOLR_URL=http://localhost:8983/solr/core-name bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/folio_config.rb my_marc_file.marc

the above command will index the file my_marc_file.marc into the solr core core-name using the configuration for FOLIO (folio_config.rb). after the command completes, you can check the solr web interface to see what was indexed.

for assistance creating and managing a local solr instance for development, see solr_wrapper. for more on indexing, see "indexing data" below.


you can run the full test suite with:

bundle exec rake

note that some integration tests may hit a live server, for which you may need to be on the Stanford VPN.

Monitor logs

journalctl -u traject-marc_bodoni_dev_indexer.1.service -e

indexing data

indexing is a multi-step process:

  1. an extractor process publishes data to be indexed to a kafka topic
  2. Systemd runs the various traject services
  3. traject uses a given configuration to index the data into a solr collection

publishing data to kafka

extractor processes are written as ruby scripts in script/ and usually invoked by shell scripts located in the same directory. they make use of traject extractor classes stored in lib/traject/extractors/, which use the ruby kafka client to publish data to a kafka topic using the pattern:

producer.produce(record, key: id, topic: topic)

the key is usually a unique identifier like a catkey or DRUID, and the topic groups all data that should be consumed by a single traject indexer.

the shell scripts that invoke extractors are run on a schedule as cron jobs, defined by config/schedule.rb. you can override this schedule if necessary when debugging by using the crontab utility in an ssh session.

when debugging extractor processes, it can be helpful to manage the messages in kafka queues directly. in an ssh session on the kafka machine, you can find utilities for managing kafka queues in /opt/kafka/bin/.

you can, for example, list all configured consumer groups and topics:

/opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --all-groups --all-topics

another useful operation is resetting the messages published in a particular topic:

/opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group traject_folio_dev --topic marc_folio_test --reset-offsets --to-earliest

some tools offer the option to "plan" execution by default, and actually execute using the --execute flag. for more, try passing --help.

consuming data from kafka

the daemon processes are managed by systemd.

the config/settings.yml file is configured as a capistrano shared file, allowing each deployment environment to have separate configuration. note that most settings are not checked into GitHub and are not available in shared_configs.

you can override settings in local development by creating your own config/settings.local.yml. on production servers, the configuration for a specific indexing daemon looks something like:

  - name: marc_bodoni_prod_indexer
      NUM_THREADS: 24
      JRUBY_OPTS: "-J-Xmx8192m"
      KAFKA_TOPIC: marc_bodoni
      KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: traject_marc_bodoni_prod
      start_command: '/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm jruby- do bundle exec honeybadger exec traject -c ./lib/traject/config/marc_config.rb -s solr_writer.max_skipped=-1 -s log.level=debug -s log.file=log/traject_marc_bodoni_prod_indexer.log'

You can use sudo systemctl list-dependencies to view status information:

● ├─traject-earthworks_stage_indexer.1.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.1.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.2.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.3.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.4.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.5.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.6.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.7.service
● ├─traject-folio_dev_indexer.8.service
● ├─traject-marc_bodoni_dev_indexer.1.service
● ├─traject-marc_morison_dev_indexer.1.service
● ├─traject-sw_dev_indexer.1.service
● ├─traject-sw_dev_indexer.2.service
● ├─traject-sw_preview_stage_indexer.1.service
● └─traject-sw_preview_stage_indexer.2.service

Then look at the logs of any service by doing:

journalctl -u traject-marc_bodoni_dev_indexer.1.service -e

indexing the data into solr

traject configurations specific to each target environment are responsible for transforming the data into a format that can be indexed into solr. you can view the configuration files in lib/traject/config/, which often include traject commands like:

to_field 'pub_country', extract_marc('008')

which extracts information from the 008 field of a MARC record and puts it into the pub_country field of the solr document.

each traject configuration specifies a reader class located in lib/traject/readers/ that can read the data from the kafka topic and hand it off to be transformed into solr JSON.

other configuration values, like the URL of the solr instance, are usually set at the top of the configuration file using traject's provide. many can be set by environment variables

  - name: my_indexer
      SOLR_URL: # controls where traject indexes to

in local development, you can invoke traject on the command line and override these settings by passing environment variables:

bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/config_name.rb --debug-mode input_file

the --debug-mode flag will print out the solr document that traject generates, along with extra debugging information. You can read more about the traject command line in the traject documentation.

FOLIO data

when working with non-MARC data held locally (e.g. JSON exports from FOLIO), you can use the FolioJsonReader to pipe output into traject from stdin. Note that FolioJsonReader must handle newline-delimited JSON (not prettified).

cat record.json | bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/folio_config.rb -s reader_class_name=Traject::FolioJsonReader --stdin --debug-mode

note that this approach doesn't use the FolioClient to make API calls, so the burden is on the user to create a fully-formed FolioRecord prior to indexing.

another option is to use the JsonWriter, so you can see exactly what traject is indexing. an example that strips honeybadger output and uses the jq utility to inspect a particular field in the json:

cat record.json | bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/folio_config.rb -s reader_class_name=Traject::FolioJsonReader -w Traject::JsonWriter --stdin | tail -n +2 | jq '.pub_country'

SDR data

To test indexing a single SDR object at a time, you can echo its druid and use the --stdin flag:

echo 'abc123def4567' | bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/sdr_config.rb --stdin --debug-mode

For SDR object released to Earthworks, you can pass the appropriate configuration file:

echo 'druid' | bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/geo_aardvark_config.rb --stdin --debug-mode

It's also possible to index a group of druids, mimicking the process from SDR.

bundle exec traject -c lib/traject/config/sdr_config.rb --debug-mode druidslist.txt

You can create a druidslist.txt file containing a list of newline delimited druids.

Data sources

The indexing machines have scheduled cron tasks (see ./config/schedule.rb) that retrieve this data from the FOLIO servers and process the data into a kafka topic. Messages in the topic are key-value pairs; the key is the catkey of the record, and the value is either blank (representing a delete) or containing one or more records for the catkey. The topics are regularly compacted by Kafka to remove duplicate data.

This traject config uses the special setting SKIP_EMPTY_ITEM_DISPLAY, which tells the indexer to skip or not skip empty item_display fields. anything greater than -1 will skip. tests are set to use -1 unless otherwise configured.



The indexing machines also have processes for loading data from the purl_fetcher_(stage/prod) kafka topic.

Reporting events

Indexers for SDR content can report the status of indexing events to dor-services-app using the dor-event-client gem. When the feature is enabled and configured in settings.yml or via environment variables, the indexer will create events for each record that is indexed, skipped, deleted, etc. These events are visible in the Argo UI and can be used to troubleshoot items released from SDR that are not appearing in search indices.


Our catalog data comes from queries to the FOLIO postgres database. Course reserve information is retrieved from FOLIO and associated with items and holdings for retrieval in the indexing process.

Data is read directly from the postgres database underlying FOLIO using a custom SQL query stored in the FolioPostgresReader. To mimic this activity in local development, one can SSH tunnel to the FOLIO database and use the #find_by_catkey helper method:

# after SSH tunneling to the FOLIO database
Traject::FolioPostgresReader.find_by_catkey('a123456, 'postgres.url' => 'postgres://[user]:[password]@localhost/okapi')

There is also a helper script for fetching single records at a time. You need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable:

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://[user]:[password]@localhost/okapi

...and then run the script with a catkey as an argument, optionally redirecting the output to a file:

./script/download_folio_record.rb a123456 > record.json

Synching data


If the name of a library in Folio has changed, you'll want to export the list of libraries with their labels and check it in here. You can do this with the Rake command

OKAPI_URL="URL_HERE" bin/rake folio:update_types_cache

Then you'll want to reindex everything so as to avoid libaries who's labels have changed from showing both versions of the label in the building_facet in Searchworks.