Author: Sumeet Singh
Dated: 26/06/2024
Website for learning project to construct a website for self authored game developer named AgniSamooh to host video games from author Sumeet Singh and the community as open source. Will include multiplayer backend services for related games such as BubbleUp.
- Frontend - React
- Backend - AWS Lambda + AWS API Gateway
- Database - AWS RDS
- Hosting - AWS Route 53 + AWS Certificate Manager + AWS Cloudfront + AWS S3 (region: us-east-1)
- APIs;
DELETE /delete-account // Listens for DeleteAccountButton.js
DELETE /logout // Listens for LogoutButton.js
GET /get-account-details // Listens for AccountForm.js
POST /https://formspree.io // Listens for ContactUsForm.js
POST /login // Listens for LoginForm.js
POST /signup // Listens for SignUpForm.js
POST /update-account // Listens for AccountForm.js
PUT /join-mailing-list // Listens for JoinMailingList.js
- Locally (Dev) - Build a backend SQL server and use node.js to run backend Server.js
- Online (Prod) - Push this repo to Github and Github Actions CI/CD will build/test/publish to S3 bucket