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Generic Automated Test Framework For API/UI/RPA/Load Testing


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Generic Automated Test Framework (GATF)

GATF is an automated test generator and acceptance testing framework. It provides multiple components namely the Test Generator, the Test Executor , the Config Tool and the Robotic Process Automation Tool

GATF Acceptance Test executor is data-type agnostic, which means that your testcases can be in any formats like XML, JSON or plain old CSV. Whereas the Test generator generates only XML files (so that even complex data structures can be supported within your testcases)

The primary goal of GATF is Automation with Simplicity.

Important features

  1. Robotic Process Automation
  2. Comparative Env Testing
  3. Concurrent User Testing
  4. Performance Testing
  5. Load Testing (API and UI both) [wrk, wrk2, vegeta, autocannon, embedded]
  6. UI Testing with seleasy language + seleasy debugger
  7. Reporting Engine
  8. Remote Agent for Distributed Load Testing
  9. Workflow Testing
  10. Data Source Integrations
    • SQL
    • MongoDB

GATF Test Executor

The GATF Test Executor module provides a consolidated testing tool for,

  1. Single Session Test case execution
  2. Performance Test case execution
  3. Scenario/Workflow based Test case execution
  4. Concurrent User Simulation
  5. Comparative Test case study against multiple environments
  6. Load (Distributed) Testing

It also provides the following,

  1. Pie charts for overall test status (Success/Failure reports)
  2. Line/Bar charts for overall performance results
  3. Detailed test case reports with comprehensive information about a test execution request/response
  4. Maven/Executable-Jar test case execution options

It uses a highly performant asynchronous http client library - async-http-client and hence achieves very good execution times.

GATF Test Data Providers

The GATF framework provides the option to integrate to multiple data sources for fetching test case data, which include the following,

  • Any SQL compliant database
  • MongoDB
  • Files - CSV/JSON/XML
  • Inline/Value based
  • Custom Provider
  • Random Value Provider
  • The framework provides automatic built-in providers for easy integration to the above mentioned data sources. But we can also define custom providers if required.

    GATF Pre/Post Test Case Execution Hooks

    The framework also provides the facility to plug in pre/post test case execution logic in order to control the test case execution flow, it provides 2 simple annotations,

  • @PreTestCaseExecutionHook - Marks a method as a pre-test-case execution hook
  • @PostTestCaseExecutionHook - Marks a method as a post-test-case execution hook
  • The complete configuration for the GATF executor framework is listed below, We just need to define a file with the contents below and configure it in maven or provide the path to the file to the executor to execute your test cases.

    Sample executor config.xml
        <!-- Whether auto authentication support is enabled -->
        <!-- Authentication token parameters - name(token), where to find it(json),
            name(token) and usage of token in subsequent secure calls(query parameter) -->
        <!-- The authentication URL -->
        <!-- The username and password parameters and their point of presence in the request -->
        <!-- The environment base URL, all requests(authentication and other testcases)
            having relative URL's will be using this URL as their base -->
        <!-- Whether the plugin is enabled -->
        <!-- Where should the testcase execution reports be generated, default folder name is out -->
        <!-- Where to find all the testcases(xml,json,csv files), default folder name is data -->
        <!-- Whether HTTP compression is enabled, default true -->
        <!-- The HTTP connection timeout, default 10000 (10sec), time in ms -->
        <!-- The HTTP request timeout, default 10000 (10sec), time in ms -->
        <!-- The plugin enables the use of pre/post testcase execution hooks,
            with the help of the @PreTestCaseExecutionHook and @PostTestCaseExecutionHook annotations,
            Custom logic can be written using these annotations for pre/post testcase execution control,
            this parameter defines the pacakage to scan to find the custom defined java classes defining
            the hooks using the annotation -->
        <!-- The number of concurrent users to simulate, default 0 -->
        <!-- The number of concurrent connections to the Base environment HTTP Server, default 1 -->
        <!-- The provider name that will be used to fetch user/password details for user credentials -->
        <!-- Whether comparative analysis is enabled, if yes then the compareEnvBaseUrls property inside
              gatfTestDataConfig element needs to define the multiple environments where a comparison
              of test case executions is desired -->
        <!-- Whether load testing is enabled -->
        <!-- Load testing execution time, time in ms -->
        <!-- The concurrent user ramp up time during load testing, time in ms -->
        <!-- The number of report samples to be generated during the load testing window -->
        <!-- Whether debug logs are enabled or not -->
        <!-- The WSDL Location file with the wsdl endpoints -->
        <!-- The test data configuration parameters including the global parameters, compare
            environment URL's and the list of all the test data providers you may define-->
            <!-- The list of compare environment URL's -->
            <!-- The global parameter list -->
            <!-- The list of test data providers --> 
                <!-- The MongoDB test data provider -->
                    <!-- Provider name -->
                    <!-- Provider class -->
                        <!-- MongoDB Host -->
                        <!-- MongoDB Port -->
                        <!-- MongoDB Database name -->
                        <!-- MongoDB Collection -->
                        <!-- MongoDB Query -->
                        <arg>{"status": "ACTIVE"}</arg>
                        <!-- MongoDB Collection property names -->
                        <!-- Provider variable names -->
                <!-- The Database test data provider -->
                        <!-- Database JDBC Url -->
                        <!-- Database driver class name -->
                        <!-- Database username -->
                        <!-- Database Password -->
                        <!-- SQL Query -->
                        <arg>SELECT USER_NAME,PASSWORD FROM BASE_USER</arg>
                        <!-- Provider variable names -->
                <!-- The File test data provider -->
                        <!-- File path, relative to 'testCaseDir' folder -->
                        <!-- File Type, can be csv,json or xml -->
                        <!-- Provider variable names -->
                <!-- The inline test data provider -->
                        <!-- Provider variable names -->
                        <!-- Inline values follow -->
                <!-- The Random values test data provider -->
                        <!-- Provider variable names -->
                        <!-- Provider variable types, can be one of alpha, alphanum, number, boolean,
                             -number, +number and date(format) -->
                <!-- The Custom test data provider -->
                        <!-- Provider variable names -->
    Sample maven configuration
    <!-- Add jitpack artifact repositories for gatf dependencies -->
    <!-- Add the generator plugin which will be invoked during the test phase -->

    For direct execution, we just need to specify a simple config.xml(any name .xml) file with the contents as follows, on the command line,

    java -jar gatf-alldep-3.0.1.jar -executor /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml
    docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /local-folder:/workdir -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -it sumeetchhetri/gatf-bin:latest -executor /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml

    For direct execution for RPA (selenium), we just need to specify a simple config.xml(any name .xml) file with the contents as follows, on the command line,

    java -jar gatf-alldep-3.0.1.jar -selenium /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml
    docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /local-folder:/workdir -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -it sumeetchhetri/gatf-bin:latest -selenium /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml

    For validating test script for RPA (selenium), use the following command,

    java -jar gatf-alldep-3.0.1.jar -validate-sel test-script-name-relative-to-workdir.sel /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml
    docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /local-folder:/workdir -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -it sumeetchhetri/gatf-bin:latest -validate-sel test-script-name-relative-to-workdir.sel /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml

    For running gatf in distributed mode as a listener, use the following command,

    java -jar gatf-alldep-3.0.1.jar -listener
    docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /local-folder:/workdir -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -it sumeetchhetri/gatf-bin:latest -listener

    GATF Robotic Process Automation Tool

    The GATF RPA tool provides an easy to use language to write process automation tests called seleasy, using seleasy it becomes super easy to write any simple or complex test cases also utilizing the full capabilities of the workflow and provider logic described in the configuration above, moreover UI load and Distributed load testing can now be very easily performed with gatf.

    Moreover a javascript library is provided as an additional support system to automatically record and playback browser actions, this small script when injected into the (Inspect Element - Chrome), (Developer Tools - Firefox) etc, provides an initial bootstrap to generate most of the automation scripts.

    Just to give a glimpse of how easy it is to write process automation test cases with seleasy(gatf) assume we have a login page hosted at and after logging in we need to see the Name of the user in the Profile section under the xpath /html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/p[1], an example gatf script to execute the test in 4 different browsers would look like,

    open chrome
    open chrome-hdl
    open chrome-dkr
    open chrome-rec
    open firefox
    open ie
    open opera
    ??10 id@username type "user"
    ??10 id@password type "password"
    ??10 class@loginBtn click
    ??10 xpath@"/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/p[1]" click

    Simplicity lies at the core of the seleasy language which was invented just to ensure that we focus on the problem at hand instead of writing lengthy selenium scripts in java.

    To start recording browser actions just type into the Inspect Element -> Console (Chrome)


    To stop recording


    Seleasy Syntax Reference

    Mobile shake
    Data Source Query definition
    	#dsq {dsn} {query}
    Examples :-
    	#dsq sqldb "update some_table set cola = 'value' where colb = 1"
    If block
    	? {find-expr} & {find-expr}?
    	? eval {template-expr} & {template-expr}?
    	? browser-scope {browser-name}?
    	? session-scope {browser-name}?
    Examples :-
    	? xpath@"ddd"
    		exec @print("if")
    	? eval "a"=="a" & eval ${bvar}!="b"
    		exec @print("if")
    	? browser-scope "chrome"
    		exec @print("if")
    	? s-scope "one"
    		exec @print("if")
    Send keys using Robot
    	robot keydown|keyup|keypress {key-code1} ... keydown|keyup|keypress|keyrelease|key {key-codeN}
    Examples :-
    	robot keydown 1
    	robot keyup 1
    	robot keypress 1
    	robot keypress 1 keydown 2 keyup 
    Open URL in window
    	goto {url}
    Examples :-
    Submit element
    	submit {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	submit id@'ele1'
    Define test mode
    	mode {normal|integration} {true|false}
    Examples :-
    	mode normal
    	mode integration
    Java control command, block statements
    	#j{if|try|catch|finally|else|else if|while|for|continue|break|\{|\}|synchronized} {java statement}
    Examples :-
    	#jif(1==1) {} else {}
    	#jfor(int i=0;i<10;i++){}
    Select value from dropdown element
    	select {text|index|value|first|last}@{value} {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	select text@'first' id@'abc'
    	select index@2 id@'abc'
    	select value@'second' id@'abc'
    	select first id@'abc'
    	select last id@'abc'
    Mobile Tap
    	tap ({find-expr}|{find-expr} {duration}|{x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}|{x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate} {duration}|{find-expr} {x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}|{find-expr} {x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate} {duration})
    Examples :-
    	tap id@'ele'
    	tap id@'ele' 2000
    	tap id@'ele' 123 234
    	tap id@'ele' 123 234 2000
    	tap 123 234
    	tap 123 234 2000
    Save URL passed to
    	netapix on {api-method} {api-url}
    	netapix off {status|header|json} {header-name|json-path}?
    Examples :-
    	netapix on GET
    	netapix off status --> creates context parameter by name ${apiStatus}=200
    	netapix off header token --> creates context parameter by name ${apiHeader}=some-token
    	netapix off json $[0].title --> creates context parameter by name ${apiJson}=some-value
    Loop block
    	## {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	## class@"ddd"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@"ddd-@index"
    File Variable definition
    	filevar {var1,var2,..} {regex} {var1-pattern,var2-pattern..}
    Examples :-
    	filevar v1,@v2,@v3 "(.*)|(.*),(.*)" "$1,ABC_$2,BCD$3EFG"
    	filevar v1 "([a-z]+)" "$1"
    Mobile hide keypad
    Maximize window
    Scroll [Javascript based]
    	scroll {up|down|pageup|pagedown|top|bottom|left|right|find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	scroll up
    	scroll id@dsdsd
    Check whether an http request was received from a given sender, for a given receiver and matching the given content with timeout period
    	http {name}  {from} {to} {content} {timeout}?
    Examples :-
    	http 'http request message for sms' 'from' 'to' 'How are you doing today'
    	http 'http request message for sms' 'from' 'to' 'How are you doing today (.*)'
    	http 'http request message for sms' 'from' 'to' 'How are you doing today (.*)' 50000
    Save element image to file
    	imgsave {element-selector} {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    Examples :-
    	imgsave id@'eleid'
    	imgsave id@'eleid' '/path/to/image/file/file.png'
    Print pdf of the page to file
    	printpdf {filepath} {text?} {col-separator}?
    Examples :-
    	printpdf '/path/to/file.txt'
    	printpdf '/path/to/file.txt' text
    	printpdf '/path/to/file.txt' text |
    Block level comment
    	 Some multi line comment
    	 Some multi line comment 2
    Double Click element
    	doubleclick {find-expr}
    	dblclick {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	doubleclick id@'ele1'
    Click element
    	click(fo|nf) {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	click id@'ele1'
    	clickfo id@'ele1'
    	clicknf id@'ele1'
    Define Screen No-activity layers
    	layer {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	layer id@"loader-icon"
    	layer id@"overlay-div"
    Fail test/sub-test and continue
    	warn {error string}
    Examples :-
    	warn "Test failed"
    	warn "Sub-Test failed"
    Take screenshot
    	screenshot {image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    Examples :-
    	screenshot "/path/to/image/file/file.png"
    Subtest definition
    	subtest "name" session-name|@session-id (args)
    	session-name - the browser session name for which to run this sub test
    	session-id - the browser session id prefixed with @ for which to run this sub test
    	args - the arguments passed to the subtest, space separated names for args
    Examples :-
    	subtest "sb1" "bs1"
    		select index@4 id@"Location"
    	subtest "sb1" @1 (arg1 arg2)
    		select index@$v{arg1} id@"$v{arg2}"
    Function definition
    	func "name" (args)
    	args - the arguments passed to the func
    Examples :-
    	func "cmd1"
    		select index@4 id@"Location"
    	func "cmd2" @1 (arg1 arg2)
    		select index@$v{arg1} id@"$v{arg2}"
    Mobile rotate
    Transient Variable definition
    	#transient-variable {variable-name} {find-expr} {sub-selector}
    Examples :-
    	#transient-variable var1 id@'abc' text
    	#transient-variable var1 id@'abc' html
    	#transient-variable var1 id@'abc' attr@data-prop
    	#tv var1 id@'abc' text
    	#tv var1 id@'abc' html
    	#tv var1 id@'abc' attr@data-prop
    Else block, needs to be superseded by an If or Else-If block
    Examples :-
    		exec @print("else")
    Mobile Zoom
    	zoom ({x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}|{find-expr})
    Examples :-
    	zoom 123 234
    	zoom id@'ele'
    Include other seleasy scripts inline
    	include {script-path}
    Examples :-
    	include a/b/c/t1.sel
    	include t2.sel
    Pass test/sub-test
    	pass {some string}?
    Examples :-
    	pass "Test passed"
    	pass "Sub-Test passed"
    Navigate Forward/Next
    Transient Provider definition
    	#transient-provider {provider-name} {variableName1,...,variableNameN} {find-expr} {sub-selector1,...,sub-selectorN} {lazy}?
    Examples :-
    	#transient-provider prov1 var1,var2 id@'abc' text,attr@abc
    	#tp prov1 var1,var2 id@'abc' text,attr@abc
    Mobile Touch
    	touch ({press|moveto|tap {find-expr}|{find-expr} {x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}|{x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}}|longpress|{longpress {find-expr} {x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate} {duration}|{find-expr} {x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}|{find-expr} {duration}|{x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate} {duration}|{x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}}|{wait {duration}}|release) ... ({press|moveto|tap {find-ex...
    Examples :-
    	touch moveto id@'ele' longpress moveto id@'ele2' wait 1000 release
    	touch moveto id@'ele' longpress id@'ele1' moveto id@'ele2' wait 1000 release
    Show alert with message
    	alert {value}
    Examples :-
    	alert 'Hello'
    Import dynamic (code vars) properties file, dynamic variables provide support for configurable code
    	dynprops {file-path}
    Examples :-
    	dynprops a/b/c/t1.props
    	dynprops t2.props
    Type Value in input/textarea elements
    	(type|sendkeys|chord|randomize)(bl|ch|bk|cl|fo) {text} {find-expr}
    		bl->Trigger Blur
    		ch->Trigger Change
    		bk->Trigger Backspace
    		cl->Trigger Click
    		fo->Trigger Focus
    Examples :-
    	type 'abc' id@'ele1'
    	sendkeys 'abc' id@'ele1'
    	typebl 'abc' id@'ele1'
    	sendkeyscl 'abc' id@'ele1'
    Handle Confirm Dialog
    	confirm ok|cancel|yes|no {optional button-text-to-check}
    Examples :-
    	confirm ok
    	confirm yes
    	confirm cancel
    	confirm no
    	confirm yes 'Confirm'
    Type UTF-8 or normal ASCII characters in input/textarea elements
    	chord(bl|ch|bk|cl|fo) {utf-8 character1}{utf-8 character2}...{utf-8 characterN} {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	chord \u0048\u0065\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0020\u0057\u006f\u0072\u006c\u0064 id@'abc'
    Hover over an element
    	hover {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	hover id@'abc'
    Find Expression
    	{eval|browser-scope|session-scope|relative}? {id|name|class|xpath|tag|cssselector|css|text|partialLinkText|linkText|jq|$|jquery|active|this|current}(@selector) (title|currentUrl|pageSource|width|height|xpos|ypos|alerttext) {matching-value|matching-value-in-list}
    Execute java code
    	exec {java statement}
    Available variables in context -
    	1. @driver - WebDriver instance
    	2. @window - WebDriver instance
    	3. @element - Currently selected WebElement instance
    	4. @sc - Currently selected SearchContext instance
    	5. @printProvJson - Print Provider data as json
    	6. @printProv - Print Provider data
    	7. @print - System.out.println
    	8. @index - Current provider index under iteration
    Examples :-
    	exec @driver.refresh()
    	exec @window.back()
    	exec @sc.findElement("id")
    	exec @printProvJson("provider-name")
    	exec @printProv("provider-name")
    	exec @print("something-to-console")
    	exec @print(@index)
    	exec System.out.println("Hello World!")
    Refresh window
    Specify Java Imports
    	require fqcn|[{fqcn1},..{fqcnN}]
    Examples :-
    	require java.util.Date
    	require [java.util.List, java.math.BigDecimal]
    Type random values in input/textarea elements
    	randomize(bl|ch|bk|cl|fo) {find-expr} alphanumeric|alpha|alphanumericlc|alphalc|alphanumericuc|alphauc|numeric|value|range|prefixed|prefixed_|fuzzyn|fuzzya|fuzzyauc|fuzzyalc|fuzzyan|fuzzyanuc|fuzzyanlc {optional character count|range start} {count of space separated random words(for eg, name of person)|range end}
    Examples :-
    	randomize id@'ele1' alphanumeric 12
    	randomize id@'ele1' alpha 8 3 (first-name middle-name last-name)
    	randomize id@'ele1' numeric 5
    	randomize id@'ele1' range 9999 99999
    	randomize id@'ele1' value 'abcd'
    	randomize id@'ele1' fuzzyn _@3:4:5:6
    	randomize id@'ele1' fuzzya _@3:4:5:6
    	randomize id@'ele1' fuzzyan _@3:4:5:6
    Examples :-
    Provider Loop block
    	#provider {find-expr}
    	#p {find-expr}
    	#counter {start-index} {end-index}
    	#counter {end-index}
    	#c {start-index} {end-index}
    	#c {end-index}
    	#sql {dsn} {query} {var1,var2,..}
    	#mongo {dsn} {collection-name} {query} {col1,col2,..} {var1,var2,..}
    	#file {filepath} {var1,var2,..}
    Examples :-
    	#provider "provider-name"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#provider "provider-name" 0 3
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#provider "provider-name" 2
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#p "provider-name"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#p "provider-name" 0 3
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#p "provider-name" 2
    		exec @print(@index)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#counter 0 5
    		exec @print(@index)
    	#counter 5
    		exec @print(@index)
    	#c 0 5
    		exec @print(@index)
    	#c 5
    		exec @print(@index)
    	#sql sqldsn "select col1,col2 from some_table" "var1,var2"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		exec @print(@var1)
    		click xpath@'$var2'
    	#file "/tmp/path/file.txt" "var1,var2"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		exec @print(@var1)
    		click xpath@'$var2'
    Check whether email was received from a given sender, for a given receiver, with a given subject and matching the given content with timeout period
    	mail {name}  {from} {to} {subject} {content}? {timeout}?
    Examples :-
    	mail 'mail for appointment' '' '' 'Hello There'
    	mail 'mail for appointment' '' '' 'Hello There' 'How are you doing today'
    	mail 'mail for appointment' '' '' 'Hello There' 'How are you doing today (.*)'
    	mail 'mail for appointment' '' '' 'Hello There' 'How are you doing today (.*)' 50000
    Else-If block, needs to be superseded by an If block
    	:? {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	:? xpath@"ddd"
    		exec @print("else-if")
    Continue in loop
    Select frame or use a scoped frame block
    	frame main|parent|1..N|{some-name}
    Examples :-
    	frame main
    	frame parent
    	frame 2
    	frame "my-frame"
    Open Browser
    	open {chrome|chrome-dkr|chrome-rec|chrome-hdl|firefox|firefox-dkr|firefox-rec|firefox-hdl|opera|opera-dkr|opera-rec|opera-hdl|ie|edge|safari|appium-android|appium-ios..} {optional session-name}
    		*-hdl -- Headless Docker based WebDriver
    		*-dkr -- VNC Docker based WebDriver
    		*-rec -- VNC Docker based WebDriver With Recording
    Examples :-
    	open chrome
    	open firefox "my-ff-sess"
    Save URL passed to
    	wopensave {on|off} {num-window-opens|filepath}? {text}? {openPos}?
    Examples :-
    	wopensave on
    	wopensave on 2
    	wopensave off '/path/to/file.txt' text
    	wopensave off '/path/to/file.txt' text 2
    	wopensave off '/path/to/file.txt' text 2 |
    Fail test/sub-test
    	fail {error string}
    Examples :-
    	fail "Test failed"
    	fail "Sub-Test failed"
    Import only subtests/functions from other seleasy scripts
    	import {script-path}
    Examples :-
    	import a/b/c/t1.sel
    	import t2.sel
    Navigate Back/Previous
    Import config properties file
    	config {file-path}
    Examples :-
    	config a/b/c/t1.props
    	config t2.props
    Add Settings
    	setting {width|height|posx|posy|clk_focus} {value} {value}?
    Examples :-
    	setting width 100
    	setting height 100
    	setting posx 100
    	setting posy 100
    	setting clk_focus true
    Execute embedded code in java/js/ruby/groovy/python
    	<<<(java|js|ruby|groovy|python) a,b,c
    Available variables in context -
    	1. @driver - WebDriver instance (Java only)
    	2. @window - WebDriver instance (Java only)
    	3. @element - Currently selected WebElement instance (Java only)
    	4. @sc - Currently selected SearchContext instance (Java only)
    	5. @printProvJson - Print Provider data as json (Java only)
    	6. @printProv - Print Provider data (Java only)
    	7. @print - System.out.println (Java only)
    	8. @index - Current provider index under iteration (Java only)
    	9. @cntxtParam - Add string variable to current context
    	9. @cntxtVar - Add variable to current context
    Examples :-
    	<<<(java) a,b,c
    	<<<(js) a,b,c
    	<<<(groovy) a,b,c
    	println a
    	<<<(ruby) a,b,c
    	puts a
    	<<<(python) a,b,c
    Value List
    Examples :-
    	['abc', 'sss']
    	[123, 234]
    	[true, false]
    Subtest/Function execution
    	@call "name" session-name|@session-id (args)
    	session-name - the browser session name for which to run this sub test
    	session-id - the browser session id prefixed with @ for which to run this sub test
    	args - the arguments passed to the subtest, space separated pairs of colon separated name/value
    Examples :-
    	@call "func1" @1 (arg1:1 arg2:abc)
    		select index@$v{arg1} id@"$v{arg2}"
    Close window
    	close {tab-index|others}?
    Examples :-
    	close 1
    	close others
    Select a tab or use a scoped tab block
    	tab main|0..N|{some-name}
    Examples :-
    	tab main
    	tab 0
    	tab 2
    	tab "my-frame"
    Break from loop
    Read text from an element image using OCR (Captcha)
    	readimgtext {element-selector} {varname} {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    	ocr {element-selector} {varname} {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    Examples :-
    	readimgtext id@'eleid' somevar
    	ocr id@'eleid' somevar
    	readimgtext id@'eleid' captchatext '/path/to/image/file/file.png'
    Js Variable definition
    	jsvar {javascript statement returning value}
    Examples :-
    	jsvar var1 'return "123"'
    	jsvar var1 'return $("#elid").val()'
    Subtest/Function execution
    	@call "name" session-name|@session-id (args)
    	session-name - the browser session name for which to run this sub test
    	session-id - the browser session id prefixed with @ for which to run this sub test
    	args - the arguments passed to the subtest, space separated pairs of colon separated name/value
    Examples :-
    	@call "func1" @1 (arg1:1 arg2:abc)
    		select index@$v{arg1} id@"$v{arg2}"
    Read text from a QR code or a Bar code
    	readqrbar {element-selector} {varname} {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    	qrcode {element-selector} {varname}  {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    	barcode {element-selector} {varname} {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    Examples :-
    	readqrbar id@'eleid' somevar
    	qrcode id@'eleid' somevar
    	barcode id@'eleid' somevar
    	readqrbar id@'eleid' captchatext '/path/to/image/file/file.png'
    Clear element value
    	clear {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	clear id@'ele1'
    Wait Till Browser/Dowument is ready, called after application level logouts or reloads
    Single line comment
    Select/Open Window
    	window {optional main|0}
    Examples :-
    	window 0
    	window main
    Variable definition
    	var name @{another-variable-name}|plugin ...|{primitive-value}
    Examples :-
    	var var0 "Some text"
    	var var1 @var0
    	var var1 plugin jsonpath $v{myvar} out.x.y.z
    	var var1 123455
    	var var1 123.455
    	var var1 true
    	var var1 new java.util.Date()
    Wait for element to be visible/invisible
    	??(+|-) {find-expr}
    	'+' - wait till element is visible
    	'-' - wait till element is not visible
    Examples :-
    	??+ id@'eleid'
    	??- id@'eleid'
    Mobile Swipe
    	swipe {start-x-co-ordinate} {start-y-co-ordinate} {end-x-co-ordinate} {end-y-co-ordinate}
    Examples :-
    	swipe 123 234 200 300
    Upload file
    	upload {filepath} {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	upload '/path/to/file.txt' id@'ele1'
    Hover over an element and click some other element
    	hoverclick {find-expr} {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	hoverclick id@'hoverele' id@'clickele'
    Execute javascript code from file in the browser
    	execjsfile {javascript file path}
    Examples :-
    	execjsfile 'file.js'
    Define Global timeout
    	timeout {timeout-secs} {if-timeout-secs}} {sleep-granularity-millis}
    Examples :-
    	timeout 60 1 1000
    Multiple Chained Actions
    	actions movetoelement|moveto {find-expr} ({click|clickandhold|release|dblclick|doubleclick|contextclick|clickhold|rightclick} {find-expr}?|{keydown|keyup|sendkeys|type {value}}|{movetoelement|moveto {find-expr}}|{draganddrop|dragdrop|draganddrop1|dragdrop1 {find-expr} {find-expr}}|randomize {alphanumeric|alpha|alphanumericlc|alphalc|alphanumericuc|alphauc|numeric|value|range|prefixed|prefixed_|fuzzyn|fuzzya|fuzzyauc|fuzzyalc|fuzzyan|fuzzyanuc|fuzzyanlc} {arg1} {arg2} {arg3}?}|{movebyoffset|moveby {x-offset} {y-offset}}) ... movetoelement|moveto {find-expr} ... ({click|clickan...
    Examples :-
    	actions movetoelement id@'ele' click moveto id@'ele2' clickandhold moveto id@'ele3' release type '123'
    	actions movetoelement id@'ele' sendkeys 'abc'
    Draw a circle on a canvas element
    	canvas {find-expr}
    Examples :-
    	canvas xpath@"asds"
    Read File line by line
    	#readfile {file-path} {binary}?
    Examples :-
    	#readfile "/path/to/file.txt"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		exec @print(@line)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    	#readfile "/path/to/file.bin" "binary"
    		exec @print(@index)
    		exec @print(@line)
    		click xpath@'$provider-variable-1'
    Sleep for milliseconds
    	sleep {time-in-ms}
    Examples :-
    	sleep 10000
    Mobile Pinch
    	pinch ({x-co-ordinate} {y-co-ordinate}|{find-expr})
    Examples :-
    	pinch 123 234
    	pinch id@'ele'
    Execute javascript code in the browser
    	execjs {javascript statement}
    Examples :-
    	execjs 'console.log("Hello");'
    	execjs '$("#elid").click();'
    Take element screenshot
    	ele-screenshot {element-selector} {optional image-file-path-to-save-screenshot-to}
    Examples :-
    	ele-screenshot id@'eleid'
    	ele-screenshot id@'eleid' '/path/to/image/file/file.png'
    XML Plugin
    	xmlread {xml-text}
    	xmlwrite {optional-path-to-file} {xml-object-or-map-list-set}
    	xmlpath {xml-text} {xpath-string}
    Examples :-
    	xmlread '<o><a>abc</a><b>1</b></o>'
    	xmlwrite '/path/to/file.xml' $xmlObjectVar
    	xmlpath '<o><a>abc</a><b>1</b></o>' '/o/a'
    Curl Plugin
    	curl get|put|post|delete {url}
    Examples :-
    	curl get
    	curl post
    JSON Plugin
    	jsonread {json-text}
    	jsonwrite {optional-path-to-file} {jackson-annotated-json-object-or-map-list-set}
    	jsonpath {json-text} {json-path-string}
    Examples :-
    	jsonread '{"a": "abc", "b": 1}'
    	jsonwrite '/path/to/file.json' $jsonObjectVar
    	jsonpath '{"a": "abc", "b": 1}' '$.a'
    API Plugin
    	api {test-name}@{optional test-case-file-name}
    Examples :-
    	api api-name
    	api api-name@test-case-file-path

    GATF Config Tool

    Gatf also provides with a User Interface for managing and executing test cases online with the help of an embedded Http server which provides for an easy to to use configuration tool to control gatf, It provides real time statistics on test runs in a single or multi node load scenario.

    java -jar gatf-alldep-3.0.1.jar -configtool 9080 .
    docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /local-folder:/workdir -p 9080:9080 -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -it sumeetchhetri/gatf-bin:latest - ip address for embedded http server
    9080 - port for embedded http server
    . - the current directory where the config file gatf-config.xml and other resource directories and files can be found

    Test HTML Generator Plugin

    You can also refer the test-html-generator-plugin home page if you want to generate HTML pages for all you REST endpoints automatically.

    GATF Test Generator

    The Test Generator plugin is responsible for generating test cases automatically by just looking at either,

    1. All your REST-full service classes annotated with JAX RS annotations (@Path...) or spring based Controller annotations (@RequestMapping..)
    2. All your soap based WSDL locations

    The default format of the testcases is XML, but this can be overridden in the plugin configuration to either JSON or CSV. Moreover the generator is also able to generate POSTMAN collections while generating test cases with the help of a simple plugin configuration parameter. It also generates input request objects based on the API request parameters and also provides default object sets with random values.

    Sample generator config.xml
        <!--The package(s)/classes(s) to be scanned for JAX-RS annotations for generating testcases-->
        <!-- Whether a soap client/http client is used to execute SOAP tests
         the useSoapClient, soapWsdlKeyPairs properties in the configuration are only
         required if we want to generate testcases for SOAP endpoints as well -->
        <!--The WSDL Key/Location pair, the WSDL location will be looked up to generate the possible soap testcases-->
        <!--The REST API service URL suffix-->   
        <!--The REST API service URL prefix-->
        <!--The request data type, when generating request entities-->
        <!--The expected response data type-->
        <!--The resource path where the testcases and wsdl-locations.csv will be generated-->
        <!-- Generate postman collections for a given Postman Testcase version-->
        <!-- The generated testcase format, can be either xml,json or csv -->
        <!--Whether this plugin is enabled-->
    Sample maven configuration
    <!-- Add jitpack artifact repositories for gatf dependencies -->
    <!-- Add the generator plugin which will be invoked during the test phase -->
    							<!-- The package name where all API's will be found -->
    						<!-- If there is a URL prefix that gatf should know -->
    						<!-- The type of input request formats (json/xml) -->
    						<!-- The type of ouput request formats (json/xml) -->
    						<!-- Are all API endpoints proected -->
    						<!-- Where do we generate the test cases -->
    						<!-- Do we also generate postman collections for the endpoints -->

    The generated test cases are outlined below assuming an imaginary Get user API, every API endpoint class will have a corresponding test case file (either json, xml or csv)

    Testcase (XML) - Best format for specifying all types of test cases
    <TestCase url="jsonapi/users/1" name="GetUser" method="GET" expectedResCode="200" expectedResContentType="application/json" skipTest="false" detailedLog="false" secure="false" soapBase="false">
        <description>Get a user with id = 1</description>
    Testcase (JSON) - Better than CSV at representing data but difficult to represent complex request/response content
        "url": "\/jsonapi\/users/1",
        "name": "GetUser",
        "method": "GET",
        "description": "Get a user with id = 1",
        "headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application\/json"
        "expectedResCode": 200,
        "expectedResContentType": "application\/json",
        "skipTest": false,
        "expectedNodes": [
    Testcase (CSV) - Simplest data format but cannot be used or complex request/response content
    jsonapi/users/1,GetUser,GET,Get a user with id = 1,,someheader:val|anotherheader:val,,200,application/json,,id,false,false,true
    java -jar gatf-alldep-3.0.1.jar -generator /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml
    docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /local-folder:/workdir -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata -it sumeetchhetri/gatf-bin:latest -generator /workdir/path/to/gatf/config.xml


    • The generator assumes that the entities in the application are JACKSON/JAXB compliant (having proper jackson/jaxb annotations), hence it is tightly coupled with these libraries for generating request content


    Apache License Version 2.0