- Considering you have proper installations for minikube and kubernetes!, No? -> refer this minikube and kubernetes
- Dont know what are these?, go on read my blog -> https://sumododda.medium.com/what-and-why-is-kubernetes-bb50d1a532be
- You know, fibonacci number?, we will be calucating the fibonnaci number on the index given
- We will be using an ingress image to capture input from the end user and later on, will serve them to our express server and react clients
- So the postgres will store all the indexes the user or server has seen before
- The redis will take the index and stores it in her database
- The worker node will contact redis and calcuates the value for the index stored in redis and updates the value in redis db
- The calcualated and the seen indexes are shown in our frontend
- The PVC [persistent volume claim] is something that provides persistant data to the postgres deployments (one word: disaster recovery)
- git clone https://github.com/sumo2001/fibonacci-kubernetes.git
- cd fibonacci-kubernetes/
- minikube start
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl create secret generic pgpassword --from-literal PGPASSWORD=12345asdf
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube ip
- open your browser and type in your minikube displayed ip
- There are chances that one of our deployments may break or throw an error