The R package bonn
provides functions to retrieve data from the INKAR
database maintained by the Federal Office for
Building and Regional Planning (BBSR) in Bonn. The package uses an
undocumented JSON API.
You can install the package from Github using:
remotes::install_github("sumtxt/bonn", force=TRUE)
The main data-retrieving function is get_data()
. It requires to
specify which variable to retrieve and for which geography. By default
this function retrieves the data for all available time points and for
all available units of a named geography.
For a list of available geographies (municipalities, disricts etc.),
call get_geographies()
. Then use get_themes()
with the appropriate
geography identifier to obtain a list of themes for which variables are
available. Then call get_variables()
for a list of available
variables. Not all variables are available for every geography. Use the
variable and geography identifier to call get_data()
. To obtain a
detailed description of a variable, call get_metadata
List available themes for districts (Kreise):
head( get_themes(geography="KRE") )
#> ID Bereich Unterbereich
#> 1 000 Absolutzahlen Absolutzahlen
#> 2 011 Arbeitslosigkeit Allgemein
#> 3 013 Arbeitslosigkeit Altersgruppen
#> 4 012 Arbeitslosigkeit Struktur
#> 5 021 Bauen und Wohnen Baulandmarkt und Bautätigkeit
#> 6 022 Bauen und Wohnen Gebäude- und Wohnungsbestand
Indicators for theme “unemployment”:
head( get_variables(theme="011", geography="KRE") )
#> KurznamePlus Bereich Gruppe BU EU Zeitreihe
#> 1 Arbeitslosenquote 011 12 KRE 23
#> 2 Arbeitslosenquote Frauen 011 13 KRE 13
#> 3 Arbeitslosenquote Männer 011 14 KRE 13
#> 4 Arbeitslose Frauen 011 15 KRE 26
#> 5 Arbeitslose Männer 011 16 KRE 26
Retrieve data and metadata on the unemployment variable:
head( get_data(variable='12', geography="KRE") )
#> Schlüssel Raumbezug Indikator Wert Zeit
#> 1 01001 KRE 12 14.60 1998
#> 2 06533 KRE 12 7.85 1998
#> 3 03404 KRE 12 11.66 1998
#> 4 09276 KRE 12 7.29 1998
#> 5 03101 KRE 12 13.36 1998
#> 6 08221 KRE 12 7.87 1998
- User reports suggest that some IDs of the database are not necessarily stable over time (see #1).
The R package
wiesbaden provides functions to directly retrieve data from databases maintained by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (DESTATIS) in Wiesbaden -
The R package AGS provides functions to work with the Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel (AGS), e.g. construct time series of statistics for Germany’s municipalities and districts.