Releases: sung2063/AndroidSliderViewsLibrary
Android Slider Views Library v1.8
Android Slider Views Library v1.7
Android Slider Views Library v1.6.2
Android Slider Views Library v1.6
From v1.6, you are now able to add sub-title/ caption into AndroidSliderViews. 😃
Please read v1.6 for more details.
Sponsor me if you like this library at
Your valuable sponsorship helps me to contribute more features on this library. 🌟
Custom Indicator Icon Feature
In this version, there is a new feature of user can modify indicator icon for AndroidSlidersView.
You can simply approach it:
If you have any questions, feel free to message me! :)
Please sponsor me if you like this library at Your valuable sponsorship helps me to contribute more and more features on this library. 🌟
Changing Slide Number Text Size and Indicator Scale Feature
From this version, AndroidSliderViewsLibrary is compatible with Java version 8.
Therefore, your project must include following code snippet in the build.gradle:
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
There are new features implemented for this version, which are changing slide number text size and indicator scale.
- Set in the XML file: Simply add attribute app:slideNumberTextSize="(your text size in px)" and app:indicatorScale="(your scale 0 - 1.5)"
- Set programmatically: Simply call setSlideNumberTextSize(your text size in px) and setIndicatorScale(your scale 0 - 1.5) to your CarouselView and SlideShowView object.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me! :)
Please sponsor me if you like this library at
Your valuable sponsorship helps me to contribute more and more features on this library. 🌟
Show & hide tab indicator feature in Carousel View
In this version, there is a new feature of showing & hiding tab indicator in Carousel View.
There are two ways you can approach it:
- Set in the XML file: Simply add attribute custom:showIndicator="true/false"
- Set programmatically: Simply call showIndicator(true/ false) to your CarouselView object
If you want more features or have new ideas, feel free to message me! :)
Your star and sponsorship are very valuable to me!
First Release
This is the first release of an Android SliderView library programmed in Java.
The library has features of horizontal carousel, vertical carousel, and slideshow.
I will continue developing additional useful features and improving bugs for users, so please check my GitHub often. :)