Author: Sungguk Cha
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In 1950s, Frank Rosenblatt proposed PERCEPTRON which is the fundamental element of modern machine learning.
In 1980s, McClelland et. al. suggests multi-layer perceptron and backporpagation in .
Based on such background, our machine learning, especially deep learning, adopts the multi-layer perceptron model.
Jan 3, 2020, <Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons> says single human neuron can solve XOR problem.
In contrast to typical all-or-none action potentials, dCaAPs were graded; their amplitudes were maximal for threshold-level stimuli but dampened for stronger stimuli.
I designed very similar activation function which can solve XOR problem with SINGLE PERCEPTRON. Stepping further, I was curious if such single XOR solvable perceptron helps modern DNNs. I propose Rectified almost Linear Unit (ReaLU).
This repository contains single-neuron-XOR-solvable activation function experiment (see 'xor activation.ipynb'). In add to it, I implemented ReaLU + ResNet.
It is the original PERCEPTRON model, which uses any activation functions (ReLU in the figure).
Though Minsky said "single perceptron model cannot solve XOR problem" in 1950s, my experiment shows that even the single original PERCEPTRON model with ReaLU can solve XOR problem (see 'xor activation.ipynb').
My question arises here. If one neuron can solve XOR, while the others cannot, then can we say "the neuron that solves XOR is better?" Stepping further, I wonder "can XOR solvable neuron perform better than the conventional ones?" In that sense, I implemented ReaLU applied ResNet.
Lets ask, experiment and solve my question together!
Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons: