Snake game, but a lot of them because multitasking is hard. Featuring some home-made nom nom nom sounds. This needs more work / clean up.
- Version: food with number to forward by
- Version: last one standing: snakes can die, till there is no snake left
- Version: Reproducing snakes: once reaches 12 segments, it splits into two
- Add acceleration
- Themed grid / background
- Add score/screenshot dashboard -> small image with pillow
- Growing when direction is changed just before food
- BFS movement for enemy agent (Make enemy agent do u-turn)
- Add play instruction
- Make patterns more granular per snake
- Improve debug mode
- Retain type/count with sessionStorage
- Enemy agent: Add a dying motion / reappearing functionality with shorter body
- Make it responsive
- Add a spinner
- Add sound effect for drawing
- Add sound effect for starting game