Store Info for Xamarin Forms has a mechanism to extract the current information of your app in store (playstore/appstore) using the package name/bundle id. Install this in your PCL and platform specific projects.
You have the option to use your DI/IOC container
Gets the version number of the current app's installed version.
string versionNumber = await CrossStoreInfo.Current.InstalledVersionNumber;
Gets the information of the current app's latest version available in the public store.
var appStoreInfo = await CrossStoreInfo.Current.GetAppInfo();
Gets the information of an app's latest version available in the public store.
var appStoreInfo = await CrossStoreInfo.Current.GetAppInfo(appName);
should be the app's bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier
) on iOS and the app's package name on Android.
Get the version number of the current running app's latest version available in the public store:
string latestVersionNumber = await CrossStoreInfo.Current.GetLatestVersionNumber();
Get the version number of any app's latest version available in the public store:
string latestVersionNumber = await CrossStoreInfo.Current.GetLatestVersionNumber("appName");
should be the app's bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier
) on iOS and the app's package name on Android.
Open the current running app in the public store:
await CrossStoreInfo.Current.OpenAppInStore();
Open any app in the public store:
await CrossStoreInfo.Current.OpenAppInStore("appName");
should be the app's bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier
) on iOS and the app's package name on Android.
The Apache License 2.0 see License file