Efficient HackerRank solutions in JavaScript, maintained by Gabriel Giordano
Problem | Solution | Difficulty | Points | Note | |
⭐ | Matrix Layer Rotation | JavaScript | Hard | 80 | Math solution to the problem, O(1) if the loop to print the result isn't considered, otherwise O(m*n) |
⭐ | ACM ICPC Team | JavaScript | Easy | 25 | Using bitwise operations, and a custom Hamming Weight implementation to count ones, because the HackerRank's v8 version hasn't yet a BigInt implementation. Best case O(n^2) where n is the topics length |
⭐ | Queen's Attack II | JavaScript | Medium | 30 | Math solution to the problem, O(k), where k is the number of obstacles |
⭐ | Modified Kaprekar Numbers | JavaScript | Easy | 30 | Math and very performatic solution, without using Strings nor brute force, O(n), where n = q - p |
Equalize the Array | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(n) | |
⭐ | Jumping on the Clouds | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(log n) |
⭐ | Repeated String | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | The algorithm doesn't count the string a second time, both best and worst case is O(n) where n is the length of the string |
Beautiful Triplets | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(n) | |
Minimum Distances | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(n) | |
Halloween Sale | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(1) | |
Non-Divisible Subset | JavaScript | Medium | 20 | ||
Cut the Sticks | JavaScript | Easy | 25 | ||
Library Fine | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(1) | |
Sherlock and Squares | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(1) | |
Append and Delete | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(min(s, t)) | |
Extra Long Factorials | JavaScript | Medium | 20 | ||
Service Lane | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | ||
Chocolate Feast | JavaScript | Easy | 25 | O(1) | |
Find Digits | JavaScript | Easy | 25 | O(n) | |
Jumping on the Clouds: Revisited | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(n / k) where k is the number of jumps | |
Sequence Equation | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | ||
Circular Array Rotation | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | ||
Save the Prisoner! | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(1) | |
⭐ | Viral Advertising | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | Alternative way to solve it using this integer sequence formula: https://oeis.org/A061418 |
Beautiful Days at the Movies | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(n) | |
Angry Professor | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(n) | |
Utopian Tree | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(1) | |
Designer PDF Viewer | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | ||
The Hurdle Race | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(1) | |
Climbing the Leaderboard | JavaScript | Medium | 20 | O(n + log(m)) | |
Picking Numbers | JavaScript | Easy | 20 | O(1) | |
⭐ | Forming a Magic Square | JavaScript | Medium | 20 | Using Édouard Lucas general formula to generate all possible magic squares of order 3 |
Cats and a Mouse | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(1) | |
Eletronics Shop | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | ||
Counting Valleys | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | O(n) | |
Drawing Book | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | O(1) | |
Sock Merchant | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | O(1) | |
Bon Appétit | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | O(n) | |
Day of the Programmer | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | O(1) | |
Migratory Birds | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Divisible Sum Pairs | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Birthday Chocolate | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Breaking the Records | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | O(n) | |
Between Two Sets | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | Using Euclid's division algorithm for greatest common divisor | |
Kangaroo | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Apple and Orange | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Grading Students | JavaScript | Easy | 10 |
Problem | Solution | Difficulty | Points | Note | |
New Year Chaos | JavaScript | Medium | 40 |
Problem | Solution | Difficulty | Points | Note | |
Time Conversion | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | ||
Birthday Cake Candles | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Mini-Max Sum | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Staircase | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Plus Minus | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Diagonal Difference | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
A Very Big Sum | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Compare the Triplets | JavaScript | Easy | 10 |
Problem | Solution | Difficulty | Points | Note | |
Army Game | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Minimum Height Triangle | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Handshake | JavaScript | Easy | 10 | ||
Maximum Draws | JavaScript | Easy | 5 | ||
Find the Point | JavaScript | Easy | 5 |
Problem | Solution | Difficulty | Points | Note | |
Minimun Swaps 2 | JavaScript | Medium | 40 | ||
Arrays: Left Rotation | JavaScript | Easy | 15 | ||
2D Array - DS | JavaScript | Easy | 15 |