(CSCI571-Web Technologies final project)
Implemented an iOS mobile news app that demonstrated news of different categories and created a personalized bookmark for users to save articles and to share on their own social media
Skills: Node.js, Swift, Google Cloud App Engine, Xcode,JSON, CocoaPods, Model-View-Controller (MVC) design, OpenWeather API, Guardian API, Bing Autosuggest, Google Trends API
- Home Tab includes a search bar, a subview to show weather, and a table of top news cells sorted from most recent published date
- Weather subview shows weather information based on user location
- Search bar shows some autosuggestions after user enter some words and the result page shows related news articles according to the keyword
- Users can click on any news cell to read the detail article
- Displaying a spinner when loading different scenes
- Clicking on the Twitter icon on top-right to share news on users' own social medias
- Clicking the bookmark icon on top-right to add/remove articles to/from users' Bookmark Tabs
- Users can also long press a cell in Home Tab to add/remove articles to/from Bookmark Tabs and share on Twitter
- Adding articles to Bookmark Tab allows users to read articles more conveniently
- Headlines Tab shows top news of different categories including world, business, politics, sports, technology and science
- Trending Tab shows the search frequency of a particular term over time. Users can enter keywords to search trending of different terms