- First off, look what UIElement actually is and what it gives to the inheritors. UIElement
- If you're going to implement element that contains other elements try implementing Wrapper
- If you're going to implement element that should handle pressed keys it should implement IFocusable
- You will get better understanding how to do it if you will watch simple implementations in the source code: for example, Rectangle or Canvas
- You can watch what role UIElement has in Core.
- I recommend you to look at UIElement.cs source code and its protected or public members that give you some opportunities.
- With T : UIElement implementation you should also implement IUIElementBuilder to use it.
I think if you understand everything above you will manage.
Here is my simple demo implemetation with some explanations (Actually, it does weird things but it's just an example):
using Sunnyyssh.ConsoleUI;
namespace Test;
// I recommend you to implement IFocusable's members implicitly to hide them.
// Otherwise, it may cause some safety problems.
public sealed class MyUIElement : UIElement, IFocusable
public Color Color { get; }
private ForceTakeFocusHandler? _forceTakeFocusHandler;
private ForceLoseFocusHandler? _forceLoseFocusHandler;
protected override DrawState CreateDrawState()
// DrawStateBuilder will help us to create DrawState.
var drawStateBuilder = new DrawStateBuilder(Width, Height); // UIElement's width and height gotten.
if (IsFocused)
drawStateBuilder.Place(0, 0, "it's focused", Color.DarkMagenta, Color.White);
// return created state.
return drawStateBuilder.ToDrawState();
public bool IsWaitingFocus { get; } = true; // It will always wait for focus.
public bool IsFocused { get; private set; }
void IFocusable.TakeFocus()
// IsFocused must be set to true.
IsFocused = true;
if (IsStateInitialized)
// If DrawState of this element is initialized it should renew it because focused state differs.
.ContinueWith(_ =>
if (IsFocused)
// If after 2 seconds it's still focused then it must lose it.
// It makes no sense but it's just for example.
void IFocusable.LoseFocus()
// IsFocused must be set to false.
IsFocused = false;
if (IsStateInitialized)
// If DrawState of this element is initialized it should renew it because focused state differs.
.ContinueWith(_ =>
if (IsFocused)
// If after 3 seconds it's still not focused then it must take it.
// It makes no sense but it's just for example.
bool IFocusable.HandlePressedKey(ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo)
// It will lose focus every time the key is pressed.
return false;
event ForceTakeFocusHandler? IFocusable.ForceTakeFocus
add => _forceTakeFocusHandler += value;
remove => _forceTakeFocusHandler -= value;
event ForceLoseFocusHandler? IFocusable.ForceLoseFocus
add => _forceLoseFocusHandler += value;
remove => _forceLoseFocusHandler -= value;
internal MyUIElement(int width, int height, OverlappingPriority priority, Color color) : base(width, height, priority)
Color = color;
// It will build element.
public sealed class MyUIElementBuilder : IUIElementBuilder<MyUIElement>
public Size Size { get; }
public OverlappingPriority OverlappingPriority { get; init; } = OverlappingPriority.Medium;
public Color Color { get; init; }
public MyUIElement Build(UIElementBuildArgs args)
// Here could be resolving some properties.
return new MyUIElement(args.Width, args.Height, OverlappingPriority, Color);
UIElement IUIElementBuilder.Build(UIElementBuildArgs args) => Build(args);
public MyUIElementBuilder(Size size)
Size = size;
It can be used in this way:
using Sunnyyssh.ConsoleUI;
using Test;
var appBuilder = new ApplicationBuilder(
new ApplicationSettings() { DefaultForeground = Color.Gray }); // app builder init.
var elementBuilder1 = new MyUIElementBuilder(new Size(0.5, 0.5))
Color = Color.DarkBlue,
OverlappingPriority = OverlappingPriority.Low
var elementBuilder2 = new MyUIElementBuilder(new Size(0.3, 0.3))
Color = Color.DarkRed,
OverlappingPriority = OverlappingPriority.High,
appBuilder.Add(elementBuilder1, 12, 3)
.Add(elementBuilder2, 20, 4);