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foobacca edited this page Feb 16, 2013 · 1 revision

At any point you can press ? to see a full list of keyboard bindings.

Here are some from different modes:

Keybindings from thread-view-mode

      h : Toggle detailed header
      H : Show full message header
      V : Show full message (raw form)
<enter> : Expand/collapse or activate item
      E : Expand/collapse all messages
      e : Edit draft
      y : Send draft
      l : Edit or add labels for a thread
      o : Expand/collapse all quotes in a message
      n : Jump to next open message
     ^N : Jump to next message and open
      p : Jump to previous open message
     ^P : Jump to previous message and open
      z : Align current message in buffer
      * : Star or unstar message
      N : Toggle unread/read status of message
      r : Reply to a message
      G : Reply to all participants of this message
      f : Forward a message or attachment
      ! : Bounce message to other recipient(s)
      i : Edit alias/nickname for a person
      D : Edit message as new
      s : Save message/attachment to disk
      A : Save all attachments to disk
      P : Publish message/attachment using publish-hook
      S : Search for messages from particular people
      m : Compose message to person
      ( : Subscribe to/unsubscribe from mailing list
      ) : Subscribe to/unsubscribe from mailing list
      | : Pipe message or attachment to a shell command
      a : Archive this thread, kill buffer, and view next
      d : Delete this thread, kill buffer, and view next
      w : Toggle wrapping of text
     .a : Archive this thread and kill buffer
     .d : Delete this thread and kill buffer
     .s : Mark this thread as spam and kill buffer
     .N : Mark this thread as unread and kill buffer
     .. : Just kill this buffer
     ,a : Archive this thread, kill buffer, and view next
     ,d : Delete this thread, kill buffer, and view next
    .s : Mark this thread as spam and kill buffer
    .N : Mark this thread as unread and kill buffer
    .. : Just kill this buffer
    ,a : Archive this thread, kill buffer, and view next
    ,d : Delete this thread, kill buffer, and view next
    ,s : Mark this thread as spam, kill buffer, and view next
    ,N : Mark this thread as unread, kill buffer, and view next
,n, ,, : Kill buffer, and view next
    ]a : Archive this thread, kill buffer, and view previous
    ]d : Delete this thread, kill buffer, and view previous
    ]s : Mark this thread as spam, kill buffer, and view previous
    ]N : Mark this thread as unread, kill buffer, and view previous
]n, ]] : Kill buffer, and view previous

Keybindings from inbox-mode

 a : Archive thread (remove from inbox)
 A : Archive thread (remove from inbox) and mark read
 | : Refine search

Keybindings from thread-index-mode

    M : Load 20 more threads
   !! : Load all threads (may list a _lot_ of threads)
   ^G : Cancel current search
    @ : Refresh view
    * : Star or unstar all messages in thread
    N : Toggle new/read status of all messages in thread
    l : Edit or add labels for a thread
    e : Edit message (drafts only)
    S : Mark/unmark thread as spam
    d : Delete/undelete thread
    & : Kill thread (never to be seen in inbox again)
    $ : Flush all changes now
  tab : Jump to next new thread
    r : Reply to latest message in a thread
    G : Reply to all participants of the latest message in a thread
    f : Forward latest message in a thread
    t : Tag/untag selected thread
    T : Tag/untag all threads
    g : Tag matching threads
 +, = : Apply next command to all tagged threads
    # : Force tagged threads to be joined into the same thread
    u : Undo the previous action

Keybindings from line-cursor-mode

 <down arrow>, j : Move cursor down one line
   <up arrow>, k : Move cursor up one line
         <enter> : Select this item

Keybindings from scroll-mode

                         J, ^E : Down one line
                         K, ^Y : Up one line
               <left arrow>, h : Left one column
                 <right arrow> : Right one column
      <page down>, <space>, ^F : Down one page
 <page up>, p, <backspace>, ^B : Up one page
                            ^D : Down one half page
                            ^U : Up one half page
                  <home>, ^, 1 : Jump to top
                      <end>, 0 : Jump to bottom
                             [ : Jump to the left
                             / : Search in current buffer
                             n : Jump to next search occurrence in buffer

Global keybindings

    q : Quit Sup, but ask first
    Q : Quit Sup immediately
    ? : Show help
    b : Switch to next buffer
    B : Switch to previous buffer
    x : Kill the current buffer
    ; : List all buffers
    C : List contacts
   ^L : Redraw screen
 \, F : Search all messages
    U : Show all unread messages
    L : List labels
    P : Poll for new messages
    { : Poll for new messages from unusual sources
 m, c : Compose new message
   ^G : Do nothing
    R : Edit most recent draft message
    I : Show the Inbox buffer
    H : Clear all hooks
    ~ : Show the Console buffer
   Oc : Reload colors
   Ok : Rerun keybindings hook
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